Sasha Popova: how to quickly get together and being irresistible


Early in the morning I always wash off cool or cold water. It helps to quickly wake up, moreover, it tones the skin, so that all subsequent leaving agents and makeup are much easier and held longer. Once every three months I make professional twisting and writing eyelashes, thanks to which I can not use ink so often, I use it only on sites when working. Eyelashes look very natural and natural, and I am not a big fan of extensive or overhead eyelashes. All this becomes possible due to the procedure for lining the eyelashes, and within two or three months I can at all forget about problems with ink. Eyelashes after this procedure, of course, do not fall out. On the contrary, they become more dense, strong. In addition, I try to care for my skin. Therefore, I'm not so difficult to look good, even being unwrapped: I believe that it all depends on how well you care for your skin.

I also wanted to separately tell about how to choose a tone cream. After all, even if you have a nude makeup, the skin should be perfect. Many girls do not think about finding absolutely perfect tone cream. Perhaps because it is quite difficult to notice from the side whether there is a border between your natural leather tint and cosmetics. When shooting video clips and photo shoot started, I saw that the skin under professional lighting looks just awful. She was either too gray, either too yellow or even pink.

For a long time I was very difficult to choose a suitable tonal agent. It took me about three years. I tried about forty different brands - from luxury, to eco-friendly and budget. I managed to find a brand that suits me perfectly and in a shade, and by how it rests on the skin. This is the tonal basis that American TV presenter created. She was also not satisfied with the cosmetics, which enjoyed make-up artists on the site. This is a professional, it is very persistent, dense, and even if the face is a little back, you can not worry about the fact that the means will flow or smell. In order to find it, I turned to specialists. I explained that I need, what kind of skin type I have, and our journey began. Together with the professionals, we applied about five to six different products on my face, on the neck, in the hands, watched shades - live and on the camera's camera, until, finally, did not find the very perfect shade.

Unfortunately, more recently, this brand has ceased to be taken to Russia, and I had the need to find something similar and tone, and on functions. I again turned for help from specialists, showed them the previous tone, and we managed to find the right one in another brand. A new tool fits me perfectly, it also keeps well and is not lubricated during the day. In ordinary life, however, I do not wear dense tonal creams, I use mainly CC or BB-creams.

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