Work without interruptions: how to become more productive and good


In the days of only 24 hours, which are catastrophically lacking a resident of the big city. According to sociologists, during the day we are constantly distracted by foreign cases that do not allow all planned work, which, naturally, is reflected on our mood and causes a sense of dissatisfaction. We decided to figure out how to adjust your attitude to work to manage everything and even more.

Calm - the key to success

From how you begin the day, your productivity depends during the day. Put the alarm clock for half an hour before, so as not to run in a panic around the apartment, collecting things and late to work. Dedote these half an hour only: make charging, do yoga, listen to music or read the book. The main thing is to avoid stress in the morning.

Do not immerse work right in bed: all working tasks start deciding directly upon arrival at the workplace, otherwise alarms due to dissatisfied customers who begin to throw you with letters from the morning, will not let you focus on the whole working day.

Postpone check mail and social network tape

It would seem that in the morning I want to know what happened during the time until you slept, why not "save the news tape? As psychologists approve, delight in the details of the incidents that you learned from the network, and these news are not always positive, you give the brain unnecessary discomfort. Again, spend free half an hour in the morning only on yourself, you will still have time to check and discuss all the news with colleagues at lunch.

Do not hurry

One of the main problems of modern specialists is a permanent work in multitasking mode, but not everyone can perform large volumes at the same time. A man begins to worry that he does not have time to do everything that needs, it starts to rush, in the end it cannot do anything. Psychologists advise to distribute all things to the extent of their importance, after which they are taken for their implementation, but not at the last moment.

Exclude distracting factors

Admit one third of the day you spend on social networks. There is nothing surprising in this, because the online life has become a full part of real life: we communicate with friends, we know the news, someone works in social networks, acquire goods and we are looking for ways of self-realization. The only problem is that for some people social networks are much more important than real life with its important affairs. Such employees are difficult to focus on everyday work, because just the notice of the new post of favorite blogger! What to do? If you notice that the phone has contaminated with your hand, first of all, disconnect the notifications from social networks. The second step should be "offline diet": you try to go to the network a limited number of times, and that, only after doing an important thing. Try, you will notice how things have not had enough time, they became surprisingly carried out in a time.

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