Jan Tsaznik: "My mother-in-law - a holy woman"


Jan Tsaznik is now glutton. He himself admitted that he enters the Lono of the family at best twenty days for the entire acting season. But despite this, man is very homely. He loves to sit on the kitchen sofa and watch old movies, loves to walk with his wife and daughter, talking to a cup of tea with a mother-in-law that lives with them. He has a strong family, and the wife is one, the only thing that rarely happens to the actors. Yes, Yang himself is a great exception among representatives of their profession. He relates to his person with great humor, and to the world as a whole.

- You are from theatrical family. So became an actor?

- Let's just say: from the half-paste. My mother Valentina Nikolaevna - an athlete, ran "one and a half" and eight hundred meters. Dad, Yuri Viktorovich, disappeared in the theater. I do not know who of them influenced me more, but I learned in the sports class, and grew behind the scene. The child went on tour and even played performances. Of course, this infection has sunk in the soul. But, despite this, I was at first I was a confectioner with a cook, and then I decided to enter the theater Institute.

- And how did you get in the chef?

- From the eighth grade, I started a training and production plant (Code of Criminal Procedure), where schoolchildren gave the basics of any profession. I went there, where more girls, - on the chef! I gotta and even showed good results: I won the championship of the Cabbage Tanks. I and practice passed: all summer worked in the canteen in the factory for deaf-and-dumb. And it was, as they say now, cool. Well, the stories are ridiculous. Somehow we started talking with a friend, Slims a wooden pestle in a huge meat grinder, then they cleared it for a long time, but the meat still turned out from the "Dog together with the Booth" series: they came across chips. In general, by graduation, I became a third-caterseas cook-confectioner and thought to come, - in the Sverd-Tsevyatrical Institute or to the Logftta Physical Institute in Leningrad. But fate decided everything for me. In 1985, I received a sunbread in training, the half-seater was launched at home. As a result, professional sports had to tie.

Childhood of our hero passed in Chelyabinsk

Childhood of our hero passed in Chelyabinsk

Photo: Personal archive Yana Herbal

"Your dad is the same Yuri Tsaznik, who in the famous" cracker "starred with Konsen-Tinchev?

- Yes, Alkash Father played there. I met him then in the buffet on Lenfilm, I arrived at Peter on Tours at the Tours with the theater. Pope first saw me with a cigarette. Drank champagne. He laughed: "Well, I look, you have already learned to be an artist ..." And in 1989, when I was in the city on the Neve passage from the army, quarreled on a Mars-based field with patrol. He escaped from them and accidentally hit the moss street, where he saw the theater institute. And did not go to Sverdlovsk to retire. Translated. He studied with Dima Nagiyev, Igor Lifanov, Tolik Zhuravlev, Leshe Klimushkin, Dima Galonko. There were many interesting guys. Familiar immediately dragged me on Rubinstein in the rock club. I was shocked. I went to the army from the USSR. And here - some rockers, punks ...

- Remember, how did Kinchev work on the "cracker"? Walked to the Father on the shooting?

- Went. Even in the "cracker" lit up, his back flashed in front of the camera. I remember how Kinchev was upset when the leather flight jacket broke. His girls from the costume workshop immediately presented each other.

- You called you directly from the army to the samples in the film "Afghan Broyon". Why didn't you get out in it?

- I served in the landing troops. Just went to Demob and got big money - then paid for parachute jumps. They were already enough for cognac, and a ticket to Peter. But I did not hit any samples. I could not accept that the Soviet major would play Michele Plachly: What, our artists who served?! It was at the studio directly in the arrangement, as the citizen was not yet. He said that I think about this picture, turned around, and at the exit. Well, the fool was, nothing can be done here ...

- It was a chance, because at that time the cinema was practically not removed. Did not disappointed in the acting profession, did not want to leave?

"And I didn't devote me to the actors, despite the fact that after the institute I got into the BDT and had five roles. When the works were little, we sat on the voice acting. I wrote everything - ranging from "Ninja Turtles" to "Strawberry". That we just didn't get out at night! Day Czech cartoons, and in the evening he is heard: "Two porn movies came!" They wrote easily, from the first time to leave faster! Because at 11.30 there was already a rehearsal in the theater. The last cartoon, which I recorded, "In Search of Nemo".

Yang with parents. Mom, Valentina Nikolaevna, - Athlete, and Father, Yuri Viktorinovich, - actor

Yang with parents. Mom, Valentina Nikolaevna, - Athlete, and Father, Yuri Viktorinovich, - actor

Photo: Personal archive Yana Herbal

- And "Ninja Turtles" did you all voiced?

- Not. Donatello, Rafael and this one ... there was still super supervision. Two guys and girl voiced the turtles. Accordingly, all the "girls" took my colleague. And the "boys" we are with a friend, for two. Sinking me at all pleased. We were, as they say, on the tip of the knife. They knew all the novelties of animation. And they were also aware of programs on the channels "National Geographic" and "Air Force", because documentaries we also wrote. By the way, in the cycle "Great Tricks of Hollywood" there is both my voice. We often managed to "digest" the plot while worked in the studio. Why say - voice acting helped! And even lucky: I got into the program "Tale for a fairy tale" on Leningrad TV. There was a wonderful child's editorial office, and the artists participated in fairy tales the most famous. I worked for a "storyteller" on TV thirteen years. And he received bags of letters from fans.

- Schoolchildren, probably?

- oddly enough - not only. "Tales" watched adults. But children's letters remembered more. Once I played four twins, one of which was the best and good. After this fairy tale came a letter from a little girl. She dreamed when he grows up, marry a good twin brother. It was very touching.

- What was the most difficult in adult films? Moan for the scenes?

- The most difficult was not freezing. Studio, where we moaned, in the winter did not hear. I had to portray a hot passion in the hats and jackets. But it did not stop - the fee was about-go! Then I saw my "masterpieces" on the screen. And not only me. Familiar laughed: "Turn on the Vidic, and there is your voice!" Then the erotic was watched by everything.

- How did the wife of Galya belonged to your earnings?

- She is a modern man, with humor.

Jan Tsaznik:

In the painting "Christmas Trees 1914", the heroes fall into the past. In the making landowner Yang looked very colorful

- Where did you meet?

- In 1998, Lifanov played "Sunny night" in BDT. It was a target performance - for doctors from the International Congress of Gynecologists. Then we were invited to the banquet. And there were such charming Japanese, our imagination was woken! Later we went to the "Mani Hani" club. And there I met my future wife: I was sitting at the table an eastern girl, very beautiful. For some reason I thought that she was also a Japanese, addressed her on broken English. And she has a pure foreign language - imagine! Well, after some time it turned out that my charming companion also had a very rare Japanese name - Galya. Tick ​​is actually a Kalmychka. But with the East, it was still connected, that winter she returned from Beijing, where there was a long time in tongue practice. I do not know how much he drank it, but immediately suggested to go to the official relationship - marry me to go out. It was in January, and in October we got married. I walked beautifully: Daril flowers, Mandelstam read! Native checkboxes accepted me well. She has a very intelligent family, the grandmother graduated from the MCAT Studio School, the staged faculty. My favorite mother-in-law is a candidate of historical sciences, a university teacher, now retired. Tick ​​candidate of science, china philologist. Health - Uncle Zhenya, Evgeny Jalaev, taught physical culture in the Kalmyk State University. He was a former basketball player, graduated from the Lesgafe Institute, now trains young, his teams occupy prizes.

- Now you have a big cozy apartment, and where did you live the first years of family life?

- We met when the tick shot housing on Vasilyevsky island together with a girlfriend. Then the girlfriend left, we got married and for some time they lived there together. This tiny apartment in the mixture seemed to us by paradise, although the bathroom was in the kitchen. And we dreamed that someday we will have exactly the same - but their own. Then we moved to the hostel BDT, there just ended the repair. By the way, before the acquaintance with his wife, when the hostel was still closed, I "bomitized" half a year in a friend in the city center. Therefore, now, in finally a decent apartment near the Square, we do not fully believe that it is ours. Like all normal people, they took a mortgage to buy it. Now everyone has its own room, but we are going on in the kitchen. For some reason it pulls exactly there.

- Do you often approach the stove? Still there is a diploma of the chef!

- Seldom. Most often prepares, of course, mother-in-law. But recently, my daughter got dinner for me - it was nice. In his youth, when I lived alone, he fed in Army - stew. Sometimes wrapped in our theater buffet: prices there were kept. Ate potato boiler, somehow treated buffets, and went to the hostel well.

- But now you are clearly not starving. Lightly scored weight. There is no gym on the plans?

"When you come to a hotel from filming, shells only enough to lean glue from the hair (complicated frozen), wash the smelters-socks and fall into sleep. The gym in this situation is extra.

- many creative people for life change in three or four wives. And you are many years with Galya. What is the secret of a strong family?

- Honestly I do not know. Probably, we are both monomers. Although sometimes I'm not sugar, but I never give reasons for jealousy. And I do not have time to cool. I rarely see Galya. That year I was at home twenty for the season. And so - Moscow, Efremovsk, Pavlovsky Posad, Vladivostok, wound there and here.

Jan Tsaznik:

In the comedy TV series "Pushkin" Yang played a harsh police officer

- Charter on set, where do you get home?

- Everything is there in the same place in the kitchen. Like balls, there is sweetering air. True, it's not entirely privacy. You are lying on the couch, you sleep, and around you life - someone TV switches, someone rolls the plate ... it is very cozy.

- How does it succeed with such a mad schedule to engage in the daughter of Liza?

- alas, the control has long been weakening. At some point I found that Lisa became an adult, and her own life. She is already fifteen, new friends, theater studio, guitar. I have a little sad. I want it to always be a little girl and all the secrets trusted me. No, we are now friends, but your daughter have already appeared their secrets.

- And you have another kid with Galya, plan!

- Alas, tomorrow I'm leaving again. Shoot the series "Gogol". Well, do not have time! (Laughs.) And if seriously, this project is an event for me. I once again work in such a wonderful team. There are only difficulties with weather and nature. And what artists are: Eugene Stychkin, Alexander Petrov, Oleg Menshikov! And many other other talented colleagues - not all. Director Egor Barana is very close to me in the worldview. The scenario is involved in phobias and mystics Gogol, it is based on several of his works at once. For this film rebuilt the whole village. And the tricks there are incredible, and computer graphics. Gogol is going to show one of the central channels.

- In this film you moved away from your comedy role?

- Not. There are also very funny scenes, and sadness-longing than and valuable script. And by and large it does not matter to me that playing: I want and cry, and laugh in the frame. Of course, the scoundrels, fascists, maniacs to play much more interesting. And the lyrics is harder. As we joked at the institute: "Hamlet of any fool can play, but a cheerful tubercle on the sunshine is portrayed - here the talent is needed."

Jan Tsaznik:

For the role in the film "Ghost" the tannik was nominated for the Golden Eagle Prize

- But the appearance is not allowed anywhere. And the type you are clearly characteristic. And rabid popularity came after the film "Gorky!".

- Is not a fact. For me, after the "Brigade", people began to approach the street. For autographs, even "brothers" came. And if we talk about "bitter!" - Both films I love, work with Jorus Gojberry was one pleasure. The student Mark Zakharova is talking about many things. Unfortunately, in our time such directors are rare. So the diverse I am an actor. Once even a maniac playing ...

- In the role of the immersion method?

- Well, if the immersion method - now we would be recorded this interview in prison. We just need to look at the "library" in my head. What have you seen in life, what situations hit.

- Do not afraid after such observations a daughter in the evenings to let go from home?

- Not. And the daughter is not afraid of anyone, but now it walks not alone. But August we have a prudent lady. Lizonko handed a testimony that she was Petersburg, in the house of Baby. The ceremony took a photographer. And since there were no mobile phones then, he took and brought the next day the printed pictures to us home. Rings on the door. The mother-in-law asks: "Who is there?" - "Photographer". Pause came, the door of August did not open. Say he "Gorgaz" or "HEK" may have rolled. But the "photographer" seemed suspicious to our mother.

- You call mother-in-law mom. Usually in life as in jokes - mother-in-law and son-in-law are fighting ...

- It does not apply to us. Augusta Holy woman. Here is Mother Teresa, and we have a mother of August. She is patient, wise, her clean look at life. One day she almost received in the face, trying to help the drug acquaintance boy, who fell into the dirt and could not rise. And so - in everything. She lives according to the laws, which in our time have already become forgotten. I think, and tick, and Lisa took a lot of good.

- Is Lisa easily live in the modern world, having such principles like mom and grandmother?

- My daughter does not live in a crystal ball. She dismantled in humans. Moreover, she had wonderful teachers. Such as Sergey Byzgu, her mentor in the theater studio. And she is pretty persistent: I can snatch, shout, and Lisa is holding back emotions, well done.

- She makes the first steps on stage. Give advice?

- It's impossible. The daughter is very shy, prohibits me to go to shows. She and in school did not say that we are relatives. I generally look at her mature. I want it to be small and flooded with my chest.

- Are you going on holidays, with all numerous relatives?

- Calmyt countrymen and relatives do not often visit us. But they all the time are calling out with August and tick, sometimes send us parcels with the famous Kalmyk lamb or marble meat. I love to stay with my family, but sometimes you get tired that you go with them in the movies, theater or to visit the sense of duty. And I want to lie on the sofa, watch old movies or book to read. All together, we fly to China once a year - this is a family tradition. Here are all our friends and countrymen. They fly from different points of the world, we are cheerful and communicate with a large company. Moreover, the checkmark knows Chinese, with her journey comfortably. And I only adopted and learned to swear.

Jan Tsaznik:

With Julia Sonlas in the TV series "Break". Before that, they already worked together in the painting "Gorky!"

- You had a rather stormy youth. How did you manage to overcome the "Green Zmia"?

- I practically do not drink. Is that once a year some company will gather, the soul will unfold, I can go through. And I wake up in the morning, and terribly ashamed. Apparently, it is from drunkenness and saves me. Conscience is the best medicine.

- Well, and the hobby is for the soul?

- I love cold weapons. I love shoot, fly. The army past affects.

- Can be able to manage the plane?

- Small easily. At least to takelete. Another point will be able to plant it. (Laughs.) This was not so well trained. Well, two years ago flying back on the set, driven over cows, over the tourists a couple of times passed. It was fun.

- Do you walk around the city on foot?

- And in the subway I also go. I love to walk along the Embankment of the Canal Griboyedov. I live in the beautiful city of the world. Sometimes the eye is closed, you do not notice this magnificence. And you will come with filming, you look around - the mother is honest, what a luxury!

- Nationally glory does not get?

- Well, in the sexshop or restaurant is not once again to go. And on the street I do not refuse to anyone, I take pictures with everyone. Yesterday the girl approached and says: "That's you! That's lovely. Give autograph. Now I am happier than dad. " - "And why?" "He recently with some artist drinks drinks." Or a man recently asks: "Are you Marat Basharov?" - "Not". - "How is it a pity that you are not an artist." But still decided to take a picture just in case.

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