Detox diet for rapid recovery after holidays


Preparation. Before starting a detox diet, you need to implement some of the principles of nutrition in your life, which will easily remove the "garbage" from the body. Refuse alcohol, coffee, juices and soda. Drink clean water and herbal teas. The daily dose of water needs to be calculated by the formula of thirty milliliters per kilogram of weight. The resulting volume of fluid is distributed for the whole day, and in the first half of the day drinking water more than in the evening. Also abandon salt and sugar and introduce fractional food. There are often, in small portions, making breaks between food at three to four hours.

Raw foods. Such unloading is suitable for those who have decided to completely revise and change the entire diet. The diet includes vegetables and fruits, greens that are not subject to heat treatment. Such a system must adhere to at least two weeks. But raw foods are recommended only to people who have no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Vegan food. Experts believe that for a limited term, such a diet is suitable for all people. It implies a refusal of animal products, dairy products, eggs, sugar, alcohol, coffee and sweets of factory cooking. Vegetables, fruits, greens, legumes and grains will quickly help restore the body and clean it.

Replace breakfast and dinner with fresh juice

Replace breakfast and dinner with fresh juice


Interval starvation. After the New Year holidays, you can use the lightweight and safe formula of the interval starvation. Its essence is that every day you need to arrange a twelve-hour break between meals. Most often it is between dinner and breakfast. Once a week, this interval can be increased to sixteen hours. In the intervals without food you can drink water and herbal teas.

Juices. It is about replacing breakfast and dinner with juice. At lunch is allowed a full-fledged dish with vegetables, fish or chicken. There is also a snack in the form of an apple. Juices should not be shopped from the package, but made at home. There are several options for such drinks. For the first option you need: 2 cucumber, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, chinful of cedar nuts, 1 tbsp. l. Olive oil, a glass of water. Because of the blender. You can add any greens to taste. Another juice can be made of apples: 1-2 apples without skin, 1 cabbage sheet, chinful cedar nuts, chinful walnuts, 400 ml of water. Be a blender.

Minimum detox course Designed for three days. Maximum - three weeks. With a cleansing diet of food from three to five days, the body will be able to get rid of toxins and "garbage", which in it got during the holidays. The seven-day course will improve the work of the body and launch regenerative processes. The course from ten days to three weeks normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

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