How to deal with gray: star experience


The first gray hair is perceived by many as a tragedy. Especially when silver begins to shine in the head in a very young age. The other day, Eva Longoria admitted that he began to be seen in 18 years. Womanhit found out how the actress struggles with white in the chapelur, and found out when gray hair appeared from other famous beauties.

Eva Longoria

"For the first time gray hair I discovered in 18 years. And already a year later, almost all my head was covered with silver hairs, - Eva Longoria is frankly. - Therefore, since then I attend the salon every two weeks. If I travel and I can not go to my hairdresser, then forced to resort to equipment for emergency care. For example, the roots I miss the hair on your hair. And sometimes I nano on the hair on the hair dark shadows: they, of course, will not enough for a long time, but they can hold out a couple of hours. "

"For all these years I tried many different colors: it was red, and a blonde, and brunette. However, most of all I like the way I look now - brown with bright ends, "says Eve. However, whether the actress will decide to ever show its true hair color with the selection, Longoria is not recognized.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez does not see gray hair at all

Jennifer Lopez does not see gray hair at all


Jennifer Lopez began to be seen in 23 years. According to the artist, it is hereditary: Mom and Pope Pop Stars also noticed silver in the head for the first time in 23 years. However, the 47-year-old Jay Lo is not in a hurry and staining the curls every two weeks.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston got an unpleasant surprise in the form of a gray hair accure to its 40th anniversary. "He was, of course, far from first. Gray hair began to appear much earlier. But this was very long! Incredibly long! And I broke up, "the actress told.

Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum showed subscribers their first gray hair

Heidi Klum showed subscribers their first gray hair


"What a nightmare! My first gray hair, "said Heidi Klum in the social network last fall. However, the words of consolations supermodel did not hear: the fans were envied and admitted that Heidi was very lucky with genetics, because she began to sit at the age of 43.

By the way ...

33 years - average age when a woman appears first gray hair.

What to do with them? Hairdressers and trichologists advise not to pull out, even if the hairs are only one, because when pulling it out, it is possible to damage the hair follicle. If it is already completely inadvertent - it is better to neatly cut with a hairs with scissors. When gray hair becomes more, you can mask them with hair mascara, mineral powder for instant color change, consilers, waterproof sprays for staining, paint, in the end. It is also worth remembering that, gray, hair becomes more dry and brittle, so you should choose a moisturizing shampoo and not forget to use balms and softening air conditioners.

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