How to turn the secular lioness into the islander. "And we will not have children ..."


Returning from Egypt to Moscow, I, honestly, did not know what to do. On the one hand, the swirl twisted my usual rhythm of life, on the other - Yani, who called several times a day and threatened to come. I did not very much imagined his arrival, and he was driving, he said, for a long time, did not imagine a joint life with him at all, after all, 10 days dating is not just no time, it is on the verge of decency and recklessness. There was another nuance - my son, whom Yani bribed a sincere attitude, well, and gifts too. Moreover, since we were there with my girlfriend Lena and her son Ilya, as soon as Oleg received a gift, he immediately demanded the same for a friend. That is, by one fear of Yani pulled on his side at once two boys.

And yet Yani flew. I will omit the first months of his stay, insane bills for his hotel, I could not allow him to allow my dwelling, not being confident in what I am doing, the Award Fashion People Awards-2007, the invasion of my former boyfriend in our relationship and so on It seems to me uninteresting. But the life of Yani in Moscow is, of course, the scenario for the Hollywood comedy. I have never thought about how difficult to a foreigner in Moscow. Already when we began to live together (it's good that very quickly we began to live together, what to hide, Yani married me, so as not to throw the shadow on my reputation), then every day we came across very funny situations.

We went to the supermarket. Lena, Yani and me. While we looked at the aquarium with a stallow with cakes, Yani retired to meat department. At some point, I realized that Lena did not look at the cakes, but looks somewhere in the distance and thoughtfully so says:

- Kat, and Yani loves to dance?

I was surprised, but before I managed to answer, Lena continued:

- He's there in the meat department, some dance depicts that if. Somehow crepts his hands on her neck and waves his hands.

Going closer, found that Yani didn't just clapped her neck, but also grune. The saleswoman looked at him with a delusted indifference and slapped densely painted eyelashes. Seeing us, she revived:

- Your foreigner? Wonderful some, bursting, I won't understand what he wants.

I turned to Yani, who continued to clap my neck and grunt, the grunt took some desperate tonality.

- Cute, - I started carefully, - What's wrong with you?

- She does not understand English! - Yani exclaimed, saving sweat from his forehead.

- So what? Are you for it threatened to cut her neck like a pig? - I was surprised. - Well, does not say a person in English, too, I have a reason for murder.

"No," Yani sighed hardly. - I asked 2 kg of pork cervix.

Such situations arose with us literally at every step. In April, successfully speaking Fashion People Awards, we went to Athens. I always relate to Athens with a big trepidation, with my × 17 years old gently love this city, I always have a wonderful mood, and Athens - absolutely "my" city in sensations. Let's go to Athens and Rhodes, choose the wedding place. I, honestly, skipping my future husband through 7 circles of hell, realized that as he loved me, he hardly had ever loved me and would hardly love me. And my heart fluttered and melted straight, so we went to choose a place for our celebration. After spending a few days in Athens, we moved to Rhodes, where they found the place where they gathered to get married in July. Absolutely stunning hotel in the ancient city of Lindos conquered me with his sophistication and simplicity at the same time. In this hotel and we had a very difficult conversation. After the birth of the eldest son, the doctors said that I could hardly have more children, which I didn't have anyone for forty and my children did not have. Yani shrugged and said that it means we would only have Oleg, he does not give to miss and worth ten. On that and shaped.

We returned to Moscow, I informed all friends, and we began to prepare for the wedding. On May holidays, my other friend Tanya called me in Karlovy Vary. With Tanya and then, and now I am ready at least on the edge of the world, but on the edge of the world she did not call, so they went to Karlovy Vary drinking a driver. There were a lot of oddities there. I had a dream all the time, and for breakfast, lunch and dinner I ate her herring. Since the whole life is salty I prefer sweet, it did not surprise me. To the horror Tanya, I was taught to eat the herring and her daughter Masha, gently at that time I loved me, called me with my "cross facing fruit", so that once the female ate the herring, so to be, Masha also eats only. Well, and here, and from the winter I had some kind of cough, so I was sent to X-ray in Karlovy Vary. At 8 am. I stated that one would not go and obliged Tanya with Masha to go with me. And when everyone was assembled, I suddenly realized that I would not go to x-ray. I could not explain why, but I will not go and all. And I did not go, listened to the grumbling of the girlfriend and the surgeon of Masha, who was glad, unlike mom, early lifting, but I stayed inexarkual. Did not go and all. From the discharge inexplicable.

Immediately after the May, the time of Eurovision in Athens was approached, where Dima Bilan was reached to represent Russia. Dima is mine from those times when Yuri Schmilievich Aizenshpis was alive, and he was given "in the load" to other artists. Of course, we went to support Dima, whom I thought and consider a very talented artist. "NEVER NEVER LET YOU GO", - Tried, walking on the seaside in Athens, so, singing, went to the store. They sold some dry fish, which I grabbed with the Raspan Jama. Sitting on the stones on the beach, I blended it, mixing together, and told Yani, what kind of people are all idiots that dry fish you need only like this, with raspberry jam and nothing else. Yani looked at me with poorly hidden disgust and smiled stretched, trying to dodge the treats offered by me. In the evening of the same day, go to bed, I wrung out my nose and asked what, in fact, it smells so disgusting from Yani. He was completely confused and said that he smelled to cologne, which I gave him the past visit to Athens. I said that I could not buy such a muck, and retired to sleep on the sofa.

And the next day was the final of Eurovision, where Dima took the second place, and I learned that I was pregnant.

Read the author's prevailing column here.

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