Bradley Cooper: "I became an expert on raccats"


- Bradley, in the film "Guardians of the Galaxy" you gave your voice to the militant raccoon by clicking the rocket. Are you first voiced by an animated character?

- Yes. The whole sound process was in a novelty. It turned out to be funny. It was like that I was returned to the school bench, and it is always interesting to learn.

- What exactly attracted you in this project?

- I adore James (James Gann - film director. - Ed.). He told me a lot about this project even before I myself got into it. I was not familiar with these comics, but under the impression of his stories I read them and literally fell in love. Especially in the rocket, he is stunning. And when James offered me to voice it, I was delighted and immediately agreed.

- Did you somehow worked in a manner?

- I discussed this topic with James to understand what the rocket is. I literally took him the brain, styling the images that he threw me. I also read a ton of literature about raccas and, one might say, became an expert in this area. But ultimately it was working by trial and error. Ideally, the replicas lay only on the already footage.

- Tell us about your hero in more detail.

- Rocket - head hunter and hired killer. The skills in handling weapons and talent in the field of tactical planning make it a formidable warrior, despite the fact that it is only genetically and cybernetically modified speaking raccoon. As a result of the biological experiment, the rocket became a technical genius and a dangerous thug armed to the teeth.

Bradley Cooper:

The authors of the film call the racket with the heart of the Galaxy Guardians, even though he is sullen, ugly and scoop on emotions. And he voiced his Bradley Cooper considers the rocket cool. Frame from the film "Guardians of the Galaxy."

- Can you compare yourself with your character?

- Yes, definitely. You must always compare, find something in common with any character you play. I hope the viewers will like the rocket, he is cool. And who do not want to be cool? (Laughs.)

- Your hero has a close friend. What kind of relationships are related?

- Friendship of rocket and cottage, tree-like manoid, - amazing. It is old, good male friendship, in which one understands the other without words, when no feelings and experiences are discussed. The rocket protects the cotton as it can, but at the same time we feel that the naughty itself is ready to protect your fluffy friend at any moment. Rocket - raccoon and can not much from the fact that under the power of the giant enth. Guys, probably, will understand what I mean. You know what trees are capable of, but not capable raccoons, right? (Laughs.)

- Got voiced Wine Diesel. Have you crossed with him in the studio during work?

"Probably, it will seem ridiculous, but I was not familiar with wine diesel until the entire acting film" Guardians of the Galaxy "was invited to Jimmy Kimmel. It was there for the first time I met with wine.

- What is the viewer to wait from the movie?

- In the film a lot of humor, but at the same time it is very soulful and touching. All the relationships of the heroes are very pronounced and emotional. In addition, this film is something completely new, before nothing there was nothing.

- What surprised you when watching?

- Chris Pratt is simply incredible. And Zoe Saldan is great. She is always gorgeous. But Chris Pratt just demolished me a roof. He is flawless!

Guardians of the Galaxy are not heroes, but losers and expensive, which are found in prison. But it is it that is the interplanetary adventurist of Qwille, Racuit-Cyborg Rocket, the tree-like humanoid of a man, Stretch Draks and the mysterious gamora - to save the world. Frame from the movie

Guardians of the Galaxy are not heroes, but losers and expensive, which are found in prison. But it is it that is the interplanetary adventurist of Qwille, Racuit-Cyborg Rocket, the tree-like humanoid of a man, Stretch Draks and the mysterious gamora - to save the world. Frame from the movie

- But you yourself are a talented and very popular actor, have been nominated twice on Oscar. Do you think this is a regularity or a happy chance?

- Every day brings something new. And never know what will happen next. I am a happy man. Yes, I was lucky that everything happened exactly so. And I am grateful to fate for it. I am glad to surround me now. And that I am alive and well. (Laughs.)

- According to Journal "Forbes" you are one of the most influential people in Hollywood. Power attracts you?

- Of course, power can be very attractive. But it happens and very repulsive. It all depends on the fact that it is for power, how it is obtained and how you feel about it. The worst thing is to use it in the wrong purposes. I hope that I am not from such. (Smiles.)

- You are also called one of the sexiest people on the planet. Do you have seventures of seduction?

- I matured, and now it seems to me that any seduction is a reason to hide the truth. You can control the feelings of the people they are experiencing to you. After all, when you want to seduce someone, you try to appear in another, more favorable light. But it is very difficult to adhere to this fictional image for a long time. And as soon as they will achieve a person, he still knows your true essence sooner or later. So my secret is to be always yourself.

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