How to avoid conflicts at work


Against whom are friends?

The most common cause of office problems is people. A new employee can come to the team with an excellent configure, but to face a very cool reception. Why is this happening? Sometimes everything is explained by envy (for example, from the side of mature women in relation to the young girlfriend). Sometimes with reluctance to see new faces ("Instead of raising the salary, they took extra mouth!"). And "Old-timers" begin to insert a newcomer sticks in the wheels, interfere with work.

Chiefs, allowing themselves to scream on subordinates, are even in solid companies. With such a person it is not easy to find a common language. It is possible to endure it for a while, but then the disruption will inevitably happen. As a rule, subordinates of such a boss pour soul to their colleagues, which is not necessary. If the chief situation continues to heat up and the case is not in his temporary poor mood, then the higher authorities or labor inspection and the trade union organization will solve the problem.

Olga Romaniv

Olga Romaniv

Permier Plan

If the scandal began at work, the first step is to realize the beginning of the conflict. When you understand that the situation is glowing, try in no case to go into the course of your own emotions. For example, if the head screened, you can answer a calm voice: "I'm sorry, I don't talk in such a tone." Most likely, the one who shouted, realizes that he frightened a stick, and will continue the conversation in a normal way. After an emotional conversation end, you need to switch to something else. For example, on abstract physical actions. Is there a horizontal bar or darts in the office? This is exactly the case when you need to pay attention to them. You can also go wash cold water.

"Walking with questions" is another way to communicate with angry authorities. If accusations are swapped in your address, do not sit silently. Start agree with all the arguments of the manual, and then ask questions and ask for assistance, council. Ask how to do. Especially if the charges were not read. Well, clarifying issues that require a detailed answer, usually well help in such conflict situations. Your boss will begin to state your ideas and calm down.

If you feel clear dislike from the colleague, try quietly solve this issue, until it came to a loud conflict. The surest way: Invite your colleague to drink tea or coffee with you. You can talk about what you have complaints about you. Often conversations for souls lead to good results.

Try to stick to the rules of the team: if the office does not smoke, it is better not to smoke and the head of the department. It is better not to solve problems with your colleague, but in the office without outsiders. If the conflict is glowed - switch the topic of conversation.

If conflicts at work are constant, then perhaps it is just not your job. Did you refuse to improve? Perceive it as a signal to action. No need to roll a scandal - this will not lead to the desired result. Boldly Write a statement about care. And even if some time after leaving your work you will not find a new one, you do not need to worry. Use your free time for good: motivating books, movies, biographies of successful people. All this will certainly fill you with energy, make you believe in your strength and, as a result, find the work of the dream.

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