Mountain sickness: how to prepare the body to rise


It seems as if climbed to a height of 2.5 thousand meters for a person engaged in sports, will not be difficult. It is a pity, but you are wrong: prepared a detailed guidance on preparing for the rise, to start a minimum one month before the departure date in the place of ascent.

While you are at home

First of all, go to the doctor - he will write you a course of medicines that help adapt to the change of height. You will have to drink 4-6 different pills a day, but after you it will be easier than the other participants of the group. Include in your schedule aerobic and anaerobic workouts. First run through the flat plane - the stadium, the running track - there should be no sudden drops. Then connect the workouts with the cargo - weightlifiers on the legs, then loaded backpack behind your back. For the month of intensive classes, your body will be able to prepare for the load: the volume of the lungs will increase, the heart will quickly participate the pulse and slow down it, you will not be sick of unusual tension.

Training will help prepare for climbing

Training will help prepare for climbing


Before departure

A few days before the lift, follow the perfect day of the day: sleep for 8-10 hours, walk 1-2 hours in the fresh air, drink 1.5-3 liters of water per day, eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Be sure to try the sneakers and the uniform in which you will rise: the seams of the thermal power should not rub the skin, and the sole of the tracking sneakers should isolate the foot from the sensation of the surface. If you do not have experience of ascent, ask other members of the group to help you draw up a list of necessary things and medicines.

During the climb

Having arrived at the place, first of all, buy oxygen cylinders - they will need you when climbing. To reduce the intensity of symptoms in South America, for example, tourists chew Coca leaves or drink tea from this disturbance. While you rise, you can feel a slight dizziness and feeling that you are mutton. If you are starting to sick, headache, you lose coordination, urgently descend down - you have a mountain sickness that can end with a fatal outcome.

Pay attention to the symptoms

Pay attention to the symptoms


Do not be afraid of climbing - this is unforgettable impressions that will forever stay with you. The main thing is to raise the company with more experienced people and follow your well-mindedness. Everything will work out!

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