What can be prepared from watermelon



Musek (watermelon honey)

What can be prepared from watermelon 53721_1

Ingredients: Watermelon

Cooking time: 2.5 hours

How to cook: cut the flesh at the watermelon and cut into pieces. Mall lay down in several layers to separate the bones from the pulp. And start squeezing juice. Ready juice once again skipped through a clean gauze. Pour juice into a saucepan with a thick bottom and put on fire. Bring to a boil, constantly stirring and removing the foam. Remove fire. Juice should be faced by about twice (it takes several hours). People's readiness can be checked with the old way: a drop should not be spread over a saucer. Give watermelon honey to cool and pour into banks. Murdes need to be stored in a cool place.


Watermelon Soup

What can be prepared from watermelon 53721_2

Ingredients: 500 g of watermelon meat, peeled and peel, 2 cucumber, 4 tomatoes, Basil bundle, 2 lemon, green onion beam, salt.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

How to cook: Tomatoes and cucumbers cut into cubes. 2/3 of the meat of watermelon cut into pieces and blender to turn into a puree. Basil to chop finely. 2/3 of chopped tomatoes and cucumbers mix with a basil and also punch a blender. Squeeze juice from two lemons and pour into a vegetable puree. Stir, salt. Mix watermelon and vegetable puree. Add to soup sliced ​​cucumbers, tomatoes and watermelon. Sprinkle with chopped green onions. Remove in the refrigerator for cooling.


Smoothie from watermelon

What can be prepared from watermelon 53721_3

Ingredients: 400 g Maffe of watermelon without seeds, 2 banana, 1 sour apple, ½ cup of mineral water, ice.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

How to cook: watermelon pulp to grind a blender to the state of juice, add chopped bananas, continuing to beat, then pieces of sour apple. Optionally, you can add ice. And instead of apple add lemon juice or orange.

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