How to deal with photorestation


About thirty years ago, when the term "photoboring" appeared, scientists have proven that under the influence of the Sun in the skin, processes similar to age aging begin. The skin becomes a dry, less elastic, more coarse, slows down the process of updating cells, "stars" and small wrinkles appear.

When the skin changes the color during the tan, the protective mechanisms are turned on from the effects of sunlight. But if sunbathing constantly, the skin does not have time to recover, premature aging begins. To help the skin, you need to ensure that the body does not overheat. Ahead of the velvet season. Be sure to use sunscreen. Drink as much water as possible, as well as use moisturizing creams and cosmetics with antioxidants, such as retinol or red grape extract.

Scientists of the University of California proved that vitamins C, A and E. Therefore, while there is a possibility, eat as much fruit and berries as possible, as well as vegetables as possible.

Olga Syolyuk

Olga Syolyuk

Olga Scholyuk, Dermatologist, cosmetologist:

- After the summer season, it is recommended to undergo an inspection of a dermatologist or beautician. You need to consult a doctor if you have received a sunburn in the summer. Increased dry skin is also the reason when you need to consult a doctor. If you do not fill the moisture deficit in deep layers of the skin with the help of professional procedures - biographelization, mesotherapy, electroporation, plasmolifting, then premature aging is inevitable. At home, only surface layers can be moistened. But recipes are very simple: take one raw yolk, add three drops of lemon juice, apply for ten minutes, rinse with warm water. Good moisturize masks with cucumber, watermelon and yogurt, melon and kefir. It is impossible to wipe the skin only lemon (not diluting the acid) and the more cheerful, as they advise in some "grandmother" recipes. If the skin is damaged by a sunburn, then peelings cannot be made. It is strictly forbidden to try to "whiten" pigmentation or remove skin formation. With the consequences of such manipulations: scars, scars, enhanced pigmentation - it is difficult to deal with. And complications are found very often. If the skin is dehydrated after an active tan, wrinkles, flabby, pigment stains appeared, extended vessels - it is possible to solve these problems with a qualitative problem with a specialist. Most often we prescribe small comprehensive programs for the treatment of photoborement, selecting the procedures in such a way that they mutually enhance each other's action.

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