Anna Runov and Sergey Lavogin: "If the child prevents relationships, it is very bad"


Anna Runov and Sergey Lavogin - a fun and touching couple. Their on-screen duet in the "kitchen" caused a good-natured laughter, because the resourceful Senya, now the chef of the restaurant, is afraid to disobey the small and fragile wife of Marina. But in their real family everything is different. Their relationship is light, air and at the same time very, very ground. They are not bored with each other, and this is probably the main secret of a happy family life.

"Anya, Seryozha, this year you have had an event of great importance - the birth of a son." How did it affect you?

Anna: With the advent of Fedor, a lot has changed in priorities, and in ourselves. I became softer, tolere and wiser. Now that we are asked who the main person in the house is confidently replied that Fedor.

- Sergey: I'm listening to and once again I understand that it has become much sentimental.

Anna: I, too. With the advent of the child, I look at each baby with a fading heart. And if earlier to the films in which children are busy, it was indifferent, now I have one hundred percent empathy.

- Seryozha, when you learned that you will have a child, I did not think for a second about what could you still enjoy the society of your beloved wife and rejoice in carefree?

Sergey: I am now enjoying the society of my beloved wife. If the child interferes with the relationship, it is bad. No wonder the child is called the "fruit of love." Of course, the tree should be fruit. And Fedenka has already been looking for us. He chose us.

"Anya, watching many of your colleagues, you see that you can have a single child and be a successful actress?"

Anna: Of course! For example, for Katya Vilkov, with which we are moving together at the Eleon Hotel. By the way, she is my girlfriend and classmate, four years we lived in a hostel in the same room. And now she is also the godfather of our son. I am convinced that children never interfere with anyone. On the contrary. When I watch the transmission about the big actresses of Soviet times, then I sympathize with them, because many have not had a child. It's so sad. I understand that we are growing up, we are breathing in the back, but everything has become much easier and easier.

Sergey: Surprisingly, we were lucky on this project to work with friends. With Anton Fedotov, who removed the fourth, fifth and sixth seasons of the "kitchen", we are friends with seventeen years old do not break water. Together they studied in the sins, then they entered the Schukin school at the Directory Faculty. They passed the first session, but the work was overwhelming us, and we both left. But all the time we call up, we meet, we go to visit and rest families. In general, we are very close people.

Anna Runov and Sergey Lavogin:

In the film "Mommiks" Sergey Lavogin got the role of repeater

- How old are you with Annea together?

Sergey: three years. I can not believe it. We already have nine months Fedenka, and it seems that one day flew. In general, time has a property very quickly, and the further, the more accelerated. For example, classmates send messages: "Guys, let's meet for the twentieth year of graduation." How?! I am still very good ...

- So, it is. And this is good! Especially when people remain the same after the birth of children ...

Sergey (laughs): It is really very good, absolutely agree. As soon as we lose children's naivety, openness and curiosity, cease to be surprised - we begin to grow old. This is the beginning of the end. Recently, the first children's festival "Children gave the camera" took place in Ufa. Guys from eight to sixteen years old who want to be journalists, make reports, take interviews. There was a person a hundred - one hundred and fifty, and they asked such questions, they had such a living interest, so the eyes burned ... This interest could not lose, no matter how old you are. I was struck by the guys to the depths of the soul, their questions, especially one: "What do not forget in life?" I have never asked this. Or: "Was you a shame for some kind of role?"

- And what did you answer them for this question?

Sergey: We once had a shame more or less for something. It seems to me that at least once in life, the artist must feel the failure. I experienced it on my skins repeatedly, and it is very helpful. The best medicine is to work as much as possible to switch thoughts. Otherwise you can go crazy.

- Seryozha, and you remember a specific moment when I first saw Any?

Sergey: Of course! We starred in one test, I went to the dressing trailer, and there was Anya.

- And you were immediately fighting out?

Sergey: Probably, I have been sparkling at the first meeting, though, maybe I did not immediately admit to him or understood.

Anna: I then looked something like this: without makeup, in big glasses.

Sergey: I remember the very first dialogue that happened between us.

Anna: Even I remember. (Smiles.)

Sergey: As soon as the signal came, I said: "Hello! In my opinion, did I work together somewhere? "

Anna: And I replied: "No, you are mistaken." I was very impregnable. (Laughs.)

Anna Runov and Sergey Lavogin:

In the popular TV series "Kitchen" Sergey and Anna played a family duet

- And how was everything twisted, the rapid romance was?

Anna: not rapid, on the contrary. We both very intelligently approached this, from afar.

- So what did you still hooked in Seryozha, with my beautiful humor?

Anna: No, although Seryozha is joking awesome, thin, clever, and we all laughed on the set, I was shocked by his talent. And he is an incredible partner. He bribed me. And then I saw that there is both it, and that, that he and good, and caring. The more we communicated, the more I saw that we are very similar.

Sergey: We are not like at all that you are inventing? (Smiles.)

Anna: Of course, Serge has its own gaze on many things and their psychophysics, but still we are alike.

Sergey: Well, well, a lot of things: we are both lions on a horoscope. (Laughs.) If seriously, we both love to travel, walk on foot, tasty food, watch a good movie, cats, your work and a lot more ...

- It's hard when one car and pedant, and the second it does not matter at all ...

Sergey: And we are similar in this, not much about the order borrowed. And no one imposes any complaints and offers to wipe the dust or fold things. This is all such nonsense, such little things.

Anna: But sometimes Cinderella comes to me. (Smiles.)

Sergey: Yes, she can visit her, but Anya does not send her Cinderella to me. So there is no disagreement on this topic at all. True, now we both become more responsible in this regard, because Fedya appeared - he needs purity. We are still similar to the fact that we drink tea without sugar. (Smiles.)

Anna: And we love a simple food, without any of the sizes.

Anna Runov and Sergey Lavogin:

Anna is also known as theatrical actress. In the play "Profitable place" she has one of the main roles

Photo: Personal archive of Anna Runner and Sergey Lavina

- And this says man, spent so much time at the restaurant kitchen!

Sergey: If a interesting restaurant comes across a trip, we are always curious to look into it. But at the same time I am not gourmet. Food for me in this case as a trip to the museum, the opening of something new, expansion of the horizons and experience. But the kayf gives the simplest food. And we are preparing at home very simple and, if possible it is useful. Why do I insist that not gourmet? Because for the new year, I just have enough Salad Olivier. And our, native, with doctoral sausage.

Anna: Therefore, for the New Year, we always have a basin Olivier.

"Nevertheless, Seryozha, remember what new dishes made you the strongest impression?

Sergey: There are many of them. I did not know almost a single name before. And to expand the horizons and buoyabes was interesting, and calf cheeks are very tasty. Of course, I especially at first, was a living interest to try what it was. And when we had a molecular kitchen, which I heard only the edge of the ear ... Now in restaurants I can even recommend something from the names.

- And the master class themselves did not take your consultants?

Sergey: I can't boast that now has become a chef at home, no. But I really learned to shop.

Anna: Yes, Seryozha can cut anything as you like in any quantity. Does everything quickly and efficiently. And this, of course, for me a huge help in the kitchen.

At the birthday of the director Anton Fedotov (in the photo - in the first row with the child). Lavogin is familiar with him since student times

At the birthday of the director Anton Fedotov (in the photo - in the first row with a child). Lavogin is familiar with him since student times

Photo: Personal archive of Anna Runner and Sergey Lavina

- After participating in popular TV series you did not become more wider, for example, to invite the leading events?

Sergey: Not only began to use me, but I began to use such possibilities. For example, I recently led the presentation of the new menu of Russian cuisine. It was very curious and tasty. Thanks to this, a whole layer of the history of the existence of traditional cuisine has learned a lot of new things. I have another hobby - it is medicine.

- Hobbies? What is it expressed?

Anna: If I am ill, then ringing the seinezh and ask what I take. He always defines exactly for symptoms that I have. I say: "Seryozha, I need tomorrow urgently to the doctor!", And he: "Do not. Anya, you are just allergic. " And it turns out to be right. And the diagnosis is well put, and heals.

Sergey: For twenty-five years, friends presented the medical encyclopedia, knowing my passion.

- The doctor did not want to become?

Sergey: There were such thoughts, but still won another. Although, of course, in fact, I wanted to be an artist and only an artist. But with interest in medicine, I can not do anything, hobbies.

Anna Runov and Sergey Lavogin:

With Sergey Lazarev in the play "Marriage Figaro"

Photo: Personal archive of Anna Runner and Sergey Lavina

- Seryozha, you were not interested in directors, why are you often invited to the role of podcasts: and in the "kitchen" and in the "Eleon Hotel" and in "Momchki"?

Sergey: Not asked. But in me it does not cause a feeling of protest. On the contrary, I am curious to explore such topics. And these characters are interesting to me, including the fact that they are in sharply comedy situations.

- Anya, Seryo cannot be called a repeater?

Anna: No, rather, I am under his boot. But it is a wonderful boot, with an orthopedic sole, which I am very suitable.

- Do you give each other professional advice?

Sergey: The Council is good when he is asked. And without demand to climb with the tips - the wrong thing. I am an infinitely attacious any questions that wear, what to go somewhere, because she has a wonderful taste, and I am completely deprived of this talent.

- Anya, you play enough on stage, in the theater. Pushkin ...

Anna: I am very good in this theater. We have a stunning troupe, a wonderful artistic director - Evgeny Alexandrovich Pisarev. Everything is so home, relatives, and partners help me - my colleagues who know me well, and in the movies, in the antpurizes I checkered myself. And it is also interesting to me.

- Your serial heroine Marina is incredibly jealous. And you?

Anna: We do not have this at all.

Sergey: Does not live jealousy with us, there is not enough square meters of our soul.

Anna: Even when I say: "Seryozha plays in" Moms "with another actress, he is there ...", and I look that Seryozha is amazingly playing, it gives me pleasure. I don't even see that this is my husband, just watch an interesting series.

- Seryozha, and you ever look at Any, forgetting that this is a wife?

Sergey: It seems to me that Anya exaggerates. This is another of her incredibly positive quality - she supports me very much. And as far as Anya me Supports, so much from this and the rat.

"So Napoleon was Napoleon in many ways because there was such Josephine nearby.

Sergey: That's what I am about it. At home, I always say that I am the best.

Anna Runov and Sergey Lavogin:

One of the early works. Sergey in the play "Dragon" on the scene of the theater school namedshpkin

Photo: Personal archive of Anna Runner and Sergey Lavina

- Seryozha, and parents have also raised you?

Sergey: Yes, Mom and Dad always support me from childhood. And Anya on the day of the premiere or some other, the responsible always sends the Esemask: "You're better than everyone! Everything will be OK!" I read and think: "If she knows me as irradiated and says that I am the best of all, it means that it is." And it gives me strength, even if then someone says: "Bad." Well, I did not like someone, and okay. And I have something written that I am the best. (Laughs.) So this is my defense, my body armor.

- How do you think, compared with the period of waving the tail, you did not laugh less with each other?

Sergey: No, that you, we regularly laugh. We are still talking to a lot.

Anna: And even when Seryozha comes very late after filming, I wait it, and dinner is not dinner, but there is always a discussion of the day. How everything went, who has any news, and for this and jokes can slip.

Sergey: Evening Summing up of the day we have a constant. And it can be with a humorous bias, dramatic, tragic. It all depends on how the day went.

- Do you call each other with some kind of affectionate names?

Sergey: No. Seryozha and Anya, Nyura. No bunnies, no cats.

- What are you enthusiastic in ane?

Sergey: Psychologists have such training: write twenty positive features of your halves. At one you do not fit twenty.

Anna: I already said about the talent. I also like that Serge is responsible, and the main thing is real. He is a man who will never go on heads, never will do someone bad.

Sergey: I'll cry now. I say that I became sentimental. Anya simply puts in a dead end with such epithets. It's nice, of course, immediately you immediately think about yourself. I will add about the first meeting. I think it was associated with some mental chemistry. In the air, apparently, a certain molecule flew, I breathed her when I went to the trailer. Some love extrasistol slipped. When a person really likes, you start to worry and try to pretend that this person is indifferent to you. Maybe I also began to joke, because I wanted to stick together and closing, and it became even better for us. We have dinner every time together. And I realized that Anya is absolutely fearless. And she is not afraid of misses. Sometimes it is better to do not even stop, but let it try, let my forehead sneak. She rushes into something, and it becomes stronger.

Anna: Yes, I rush and not tell myself: "Why did I go?!" That is how two years ago I rushed to the "Ice Age". True, it was before the birth of Fedor. Now, maybe I am no longer so extreme.

Anna for a walk with the son of Fedor

Anna for a walk with the son of Fedor

Photo: Personal archive of Anna Runner and Sergey Lavina

- Seryozha, did you bless Any on the "Ice"?

Sergey: And how not to let go? Sit at home, do not go anywhere? But there, where dangerous, Anya and herself would not go. As far as I know, she did not jump with a parachute. And I would not jump. We are similar in this sense. I do not like extreme sports at all, despite the fact that I like active rest.

- herself is always surprised, why should artists such extreme? His and so, in my opinion, you have enough ...

Sergey: You know, the premiere of the play is a fairly extreme adventure, this is, in fact, a parachute jump, I have enough adrenaline, no longer need. But agree to the "Ice Age", never in life not standing on skates, in my opinion, was a powerful adventure. But it is an artist, and the ice is not a soft pillow. And Ani did not have time to prepare, on a split. When I could, attended the tribune and always worried. Artists, as a rule, love to play a heroine, be beautiful. Very few of those who possess the talent of a clown. I perceive clowning as a top of acting skills. And Ani has such a picture. And this, I think again is related to fearlessness, for the eccentric it is necessary to be so. She has another ability. As in the "Fifth Element" was a self-improvement of the body, and Anya can not stick on one stage, but to draw conclusions and go ahead, evolve. With the birth of Fedi, she turned into a caring mother. Female and maternal instincts in it just bloomed!

- You seem to be signed? Is it not important for you both?

Sergey: We swept past this event, like "Boeing 747", and immediately became families.

- Anya, and you in youth did not dream of a wedding, about a beautiful dress?

Anna: How many weddings I had on stage and in the movies! And I don't even think about it, I just know that my husband and we are family.

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