Alexander Melman: man in his place


Cuckoo praises a rooster ... is this case? No, the entourage has changed. A year ago, Andrei Malakhov moved from one canal to another. And it was better not to invent, yes. He took the place of Korchevnikov in the "live broadcast" and in general, removed him from a nailed house.

Only then said this: well, look, the superstar of our TV Mr. Malakhov and some kind of korchevnikov, not clear anyone. What have the Korchevnikov?

It was a year ... Now they met almost equal. That is, Malakhov lowered his status (my special opinion), and Korchevnikov incredibly ascended. Why? As for Malakhov, I have already spoken a lot, I will not repeat. But the cochermen ...

In the "live broadcast" he was squeezed by some kind of artificial. Sometimes I performed a political order, which also looked quite sorry. And then went then. It seemed no one regretted it.

"The Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov is the real fate of the person Boris Korchevnikov. His television fate. And the fate of his life. Comrade found its format, only and everything. And it turned out to be an unusually classified interviewer.

That's what it means to find yourself, yes. But I could still lead this "direct ether", to receive a salary, give not too big ratings. But it is accustomed to him, and the point. They knew: there is such a cochetic man, he leads something. Well, let yourself lead.

And here! The man turned out to be the finest psychologist, absolutely wishing to understand the fate of another person who comes to his ether. And there are practically yellowness there ... well, almost no. That's just remembered how he tortured the wonderful director Vladimir Meshsov about his extramarital son. I am inappropriate somehow torture, but meticulously. And Menshov did not want to talk about it. But still I said ... and this torture, and this stood looked dissenters against the background of everything that makes the cochetics on the air. And he does a story. And still life. He climbs into the soul, yes, but tactfully and stylish without breaking the prighter.

You look, listen to these interviews, like a well-twisted series with a powerful nonbustal playground. He, Korchevnikov, takes her viewer and his hero for the living, sometimes for the most personal. But immediately releases, it does not exploit it if a person is not inclined to this topic. Boris (which is right in this case!) There is always an accomplice, a coherent, a supporter of his guest. And the guest goes towards him with a revealed soul.

And yet ... Korchevnikov is still not married, so far a cavalier for issuing. And so he deepens to the private stories of his characters, and with selfish intentions. Absolutely sincerely wants to understand: how is it, to build your family? Probably, as a clever person, he is studying on the mistakes of others. However, everyone will not learn errors, do not foresee.

A man in his place is now the Korchevnikov. Here I found myself a guy, and I am glad for him.

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