How do the stars save from the heat?


Not only ordinary mortals, but also celebrities explode from the scorching heat. Hot tea, home lemonade, contrasting shower, hike in the forest - the stars tried everything. They told Womanhit about his way of struggle with the metropolitan heat.

Popular singer Glucose Prefers to drink hot tea and eat ice cream:

"I prefer not to cool drinks, but hot black tea," the star shares. - It expands the vessels and stimulates sweating. A large return of heat begins, the moisture evaporates from the body surface, thereby protecting a person from overheating. That is why the heat is moved easier, and a cup of hot tea is capable of quenching thirst for a very long time. This method suggested me from my friend from Baku. And I used to do not understand how it is possible - drink hot drinks when the Street is thirty-perdus heat!

Also, the singer recommends that it is more likely to be in the fresh air:

- After the working day, it is better to go to some square, and not home. Now there are different entertainment in the parks. You can ride a bike, dance or do yoga outdoors.

And the star advises to lean the ice cream:

- Summer is the best time when you need to eat ice cream! I adore this sweet delicacy. It is not better refreshing, gives the charge of energy and vigor. I have a home refrigerator clogs to them before the failure!

In a sultry summer day Glucose Prefers light silk clothes. Pastel shades are the main pets of all fashionable spring / summer-2014 season. And the singer who tries to follow the fashion is not an exception.

Ekaterina Volkova. Photo:

Ekaterina Volkova. Photo:

But actress Catherine Volkov Increased temperatures are not frightened. It saves a cool shower and home lemonade:

- The easiest way to escape from overheating is cool (!), Not a cold shower. Cold water, falling on the heated body, will cause a strong spasm of blood vessels. And a sharp decrease in body temperature is fraught with a heart attack! So turn on a slightly warm water and enjoy the process. And still try to schitty: use the heat gel to the shower with menthol or mint. Such a means will slightly drop the skin and deliver you a pleasant feeling!

According to Volkov She does delicious home lemonade. The recipe for one of them actresses shared with Womanhit.

For the preparation of lemonade will be required:

2 liters of water, 2 lemons, beam fresh mint (small), sugar to taste (or fruit syrup).

Cooking method:

Squeeze lemon juice. It is most convenient to do this with a juicer. But when it is not at hand, you can use the proven way - lemon shout with boiling water (the zest also needs), cut the fruit in half and remove the juice. Lemon zest together with pulp residues and left small pieces yet. Then you need to boil the water, add sugar and lemon zest and slaughter a little (about 10 minutes). Pour into lemonade pressed juice lemons and mint. Put ready lemonade into the fridge, you need to drink well cooled.

- The main condition for survival in the heat is to wear natural and light fabrics. In jeans you weld instantly! - tells Volkov. - In our country, everything is all right to denim. This most popular clothing. But personally for me jeans in the summer is taboo. It is better to wash them and remove away to the closet. And, of course, the lighter clothing, the easier it is to transfer heat in it, these are the laws of physics. Black clothes are heated faster than everything, white - on the contrary. However, this does not mean that it is constantly walking in white. Fully rise beige and light pastel tones.

Glucose and Evgeny Pospace. .

Glucose and Evgeny Pospace. .

Georgian Macho. Evgeny Popnovili Prefers salvation from the metropolitan heat to look for on the beaches:

- In the afternoon I try not to go out at all. And all the way, if possible, I transfer to the evening. In the heat I prefer to spend time on trips or at sea. Because, no matter how cool, to transfer heat in the capital is harder. What could be more beautiful cold wind and the sea in which you can swim? Although this weekend I plan to visit one of the Moscow beaches. Fortunately, every year the infrastructure of the capital develops, giving the opportunity to people relax within the city. I believe that ideal materials for summer are flax and cotton, - a dancer admits. "But the flax has one substantial minus - he is very many. Therefore, I choose mixed options - Len in half with cotton. Not hot and looks serious. Also in the summer are good thin shirts. And so that long sleeves do not become a real torment, there are two solutions: either to turn them, or buy a shirt with shorten sleeves.

Dana Borisova. Photo:

Dana Borisova. Photo:

And here Dana Borisov I washed - to take on the chest two liters of watermelon juice for the TV presenter became a mandatory ritual.

- The most important thing in the heat is to drink a lot of fluid. I put on watermelon juice. The useful properties of watermelon are so strong that it is believed not only to food products, but also to popular medicines. But the most important thing is the flesh of the watermelon helps to lose extra hateful kilograms! Watermelon diets help reduce weight by 2-3 kg. In this case, you will not feel hunger, because the flesh fills the stomach, but does not supply the body with calories.

TV presenter told Womanhit how to prepare watermelon juice at home: a juicy mature fruit will be needed, which should be washed and wipe dry. Then the watermelon must be cut into parts, cut off the peel and skip through the juicer. The remaining after this squeeze can be chopped in a blender and squeeze through gauze to get all the juice from the watermelon. After adding a little mint.

"In hot days I want to dress so as to feel not only as comfortable as possible, but at the same time fashionable and beautiful," says Dana. - I prefer open dresses in the style of Bebi-dollars with an abundance of ruffles and ruffles.

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