Laura Reznikova: "I try not to eat any rubbish, but not because of the struggle for health - from respect for your body"


- Laura, you actress, screenwriter. Probably, eat sometimes forget?

- Yes unfortunately. And at such moments it is better to keep me away from temptations - sweet desserts and good pizza. (Laughs.)

- Now everyone is fond of proper nutrition. You too?

- Very restrained. Of course, I try not to eat any rubbish, but not because of the struggle for health, but rather out of respect for my body. I love him very much, and it is worth my best. I also do not eat meat. But it does not really affect the figure or face. It just seems to me that in this way I do not participate in the murder of animals.

- The shooting area usually bring food. You have the opportunity to choose products, considering that you do not eat meat?

- On the set the food is decent, but, of course, the gourmet it is impossible to call it. In addition, they feed us once a day, and the working shift often lasts from seven in the morning to two o'clock in the morning. So I try to take me with me. The perfect option is easy food and gradually, because from a heavy rich dinner begins to clone into sleep, and this is not the case for the actor.

- And something unusual, exotic eating ever?

- Perhaps the most exotic - frog. It was a long time before I stopped eat meat. My friends and I were in the center of Paris and decided to finally penetrate the atmosphere of the French capital. But some delight I did not experience.

Haltus from Laura Reznikova

Ingredients: 2 halibut fillets, 100 g or more mollusks or mussels, 150 g of mushrooms (any), 20 g of butter, 175 ml of BRUT champagne, 100 ml of white dry wine, 1 tbsp. l. Thick cream, 2 onions of Luke-Shalot.

Cooking method: Rinse mollusks or mussels. One bulb is finely cut. We lay it out and mussels in a saucepan, we pour wine and cook on average 15 minutes. Mussels we keep warm. Juice is filtering. Seriously cut the second bulb, add champagne and boil to ⅔ (15-20 minutes). We mix champagne with a mussel sauce, still boil. We add cream, slowly warm up. Solim, Pepper. We skip through the sieve. Mushrooms are cut with plates and fry 5 minutes on oil. We make envelopes from paper for baking, lay out fillet in them and close hermetically. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Then add mussels, mushrooms and sauce. All return to the oven to warmer.

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