What is a widow hump and what it is dangerous


Thief in the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra, which in the people nicknamed "Width hump", begins to appear quite early - aged 40-45 years. There are cases when women and younger age are facing such a problem (after 30-35 years). This thymus growing between the neck and back does not add an aesthetic attraction to representatives of a beautiful sex. Some women even experience problems with the choice of suitable clothes, so this "Gorbian" is impressive.

What is the "Width Horb" bottom of the bottom? This is the deposition of adipose tissue, expressing a medical language fibrous lipom, which is often associated with the hormonal perestroika of the body in the preclimberic period. There is a decrease in the production of estrogen, a weight set is underway, on this background there is a local growing of adipose tissue. Also on the appearance of lipomas in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra can affect the problems with the thyroid gland or kidneys, the dispensing of the posture, osteochondrosis, a sedentary lifestyle.

Unfortunately, this thigh is not only an ethetic disadvantage. Over time, it can cause constant pain, "races" at the top of the back, muscle stiffness, spasms. He leads to a violation of the cerebral circulation and the appearance of symptoms of ICC, frequent dizziness, headaches. Grounding, a fatty fabric can take the whole neck and even the area of ​​the backbone, which in turn will lead to insomnia and the emergence of apnea - the breath delay in a dream.

How to deal with "Width hump"? Of course, it is necessary to find out the reason for the appearance of lipomes in the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra: to surveys and pass the tests. If the reason in a hormonal background, appropriate drugs are prescribed. With osteochondrosis - massage courses and reception of vitamins. Finally get rid of the growth of adipose tissue helps such a procedure as laser lipolysis.

Laser Liposuction - To date, this is the easiest and safest method of getting rid of fibrous lipomes in the neck area. Under the influence of the laser, there is a softening of fat deposits, which are then deleted using a special suction. The laser lipolysis procedure takes no more than an hour and is carried out under local anesthesia. The procedure is characterized by low traumaticity, there are no pain, small blood loss. The rehabilitation period is quite comfortable. A month after lipolysis in the neck area, numbness can be maintained and a small swelling. The main plus of this treatment is that more fat deposits in the neck of the neck will not disturb.

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