They do not breathe: 5 myths about nails in which you still believe


The only reason for which the Master will advise you temporarily do not wear a coating - its errors when processing the nail plate and the need to combine the length to restore nails. There can be no other reason to failure from manicure, because the nail is just a burned skin layer that cannot breathe and grow in thickness under the action of external food. In this material, you dispel the most popular myths talking about human illiteracy in anatomy.

Cuticle cut danger

Abroad, the opinion is common that the edged and hardware manicure, which involves the removal of the abrasion at the base of the nail plate of the cuticle, is dangerous for your health. Allegedly the cuticle was created to protect the nail from bacteria, and it dismisses it with access to unprotected skin. The main danger of edged manicure is an illiterate master, not the procedure itself. If your skin is not damaged, the probability of infection is zero - the connecting tissue protects the nail from all edges from the bacteria from entering its cavity.

Do not be afraid of the edged manicure

Do not be afraid of the edged manicure


White stripes - a sign of lack of vitamins

If the master tells you such a nonsense, you can pass the tests and bring him a visual proof of the wrongness. The main reason for the unevenness of the nail plate and the appearance of strips and spots of white color becomes excessive opil nail. Especially dangerous manipulation in the growth zone - at the base of the nail. If you feel the burning in the hardware manicure or soreness when pressing on the nail, urgently change the masters. Permanent injuries when removing the old coating and removing the cuticle lead to deformation of the nail plate.

Increase the protein in the diet will strengthen the nails

Although the nail consists of keratin, and this protein is not scientifically proven that an increase in the dose of protein in a daily diet can affect the strength of the nails. The thickness of the nail plate is rather due to genetic predisposition. It is possible to temporarily increase it, it is possible for the help of applying additional coverage and compliance with the rules of care - do not wear a length of more than half of the nail plate, know the measure in the decor manicure and so on.

Before manicure you need to fill nails

An illiterate manicure masters really passed to a soft pail on the nails before applying the coating. What for? Such manipulation only thinks the nail plate, but does not help increase the coating resistance. Instead of grandmother's methods, use a special means - degreaser. It will remove the stickiness from the nail surface and extends the manicure. And after, to secure the result, you can put a primer - so the varnish will definitely last a couple of weeks.

Modern materials - Pledge of coating resistance

Modern materials - Pledge of coating resistance


Saw nails before manicure

Although many girls still try to warm the nails in the bath for softening the cuticle, we insist on more effective alternatives. Gels, oils, so on - all this will simplify the movement of the cuticle to the base and will accelerate the execution of the edged manicure. The main reason why we do not recommend sparing the nails is that under the influence of warm water they become softer. The coating applied over, it will be worse and may lie unevenly.

And what myths do you believe in? Write in the comments below and share the article with girlfriends.

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