Paradise in the halate: how to support a partner who has been deprived of work


The life of every person is a circulation of events. Only a small number is able to pass a career path without falling, collecting one for other new awards. Most faces problems due to which they have to change the workplace. In situations, when the change is forced and finding a new job is not fast, anyone will be disappointed in their abilities and falls in spirit. He will teach you how to pick up a loved one and make him believe in yourself.

Coffee - the basis of everything

When you meet us, we are met by clothes: it is not only a suit and perfectly shop shoes, but also posture, facial expressions, gestures. A person who enters the office with a friendly smile and greets with potential colleagues, the interview has a much more chance to get a cherished office. While the sullen man with a horn back is unlikely to love the interviewer. Explain to your man that you need to learn how to separate personal experiences from work: no matter what happens and no matter how you hurt, all this can be survived and go on.

A man must sell its services expensive

A man must sell its services expensive


Difficulties are all

It's one thing when you are planned to refuse to work, for example, when you leave for maternity leave, and the other when you lose it at all in unforeseen circumstances. It is not possible to recover from shock for a couple of weeks. Not everyone is checked by the character of a person. One will lower his hands, and the other will literally rise from the ashes and starts everything from a clean sheet. Explain to your beloved person that one nuisance does not make it a loser and you still appreciate and love him like when he was on horseback. If you see that a person cannot cope with negative emotions, take it to a psychologist. Without worrying patterns, it is impossible to go to personal growth.

Lesson for the future

No wonder financial analysts say that a person should have a reserve of funds in the account, a multiple salary size for 3 months. It is this pillow that will allow not to rush among the first jobs in the market, but consciously sit down and think about how to move on. The labor market is constantly changing - during the time, while your man worked, his resume is outdated. Hire an expert who will rewrite a resume for new requirements and will prepare a person to the interview. In this case, the risk is increasing that he will soon find a coming company and a suitable position, or the vacancy will create individually for it.

Psychologist will help get out of apathy

Psychologist will help get out of apathy


The role of the victim

If some time later the partner did not find the work, but at the same time regularly suits you hysterics, trying to provoke the conflict, collect things and go. The problem of this person is not in material insolvency, but in mental immaturity. He is not ready to take himself in his hands and prefers to play the role of a man offended by the world instead of looking at himself. A mature person by samples and mistakes will understand why they are not taken to work, and will change tactics.

What do you think you think? Have you encountered such situations in your life?

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