See who came: The best beauty-new bias


Everyone knows that Russian girls are the most beautiful in the world. Maybe therefore, therefore, the Russian cosmetology market almost daily is replenished with new and new brands. And each of them finds her niche. After all, we, Russians, carefully follow yourself and are ready to try all new and new funds in pursuit of beauty and eternal youth. We study the most interesting brands.

From the country of the rising sun

Beauty salon with a professional cosmetologist is an ideal place to maintain skin in a tone, proper cleansing and moisturizing. But, alas, today's realities are such that they find 10-12 hours a week to break out the course of the procedures, it turns out not at all. But you can arrange a local beauty salon and at home.

The new Japanese brand L & L Skin is the most modern innovative technologies for rejuvenation, maintaining beauty and skin health at home. The mission of this brand, as its creators declare, is to give the opportunity to spend on caring for their skin at least time and money, while reaching the result, as if you regularly visit the cosmetologist. All L & L SKIN devices are made of high quality and safe materials. By the cost of one device is equivalent to two similar procedures in the cabin, while you can use it over the years.


One of the best-selling brand is a Japanese ultrasonic brush-massager for cleansing and massage of the skin of the face and neck. The unique form of a device resembling a phalanger of the finger allows you to perfectly repeat the contours of the face and purify the T-zone freely.

An important fact: all products have premium packaging and unique and unique design, in love with yourself at first sight.

The first among the best

Another guest from the country of the Rising Sun is the brand Hadalabo - makes a bet on deep moisturizing. This is especially true of the Gokujyun series. The collection includes fixed assets for daily care, as well as products for special care. Start acquaintance with a brand with foam wrap in a tandem with a lotion-hydrator for a person who will make your skin smooth and tender.


Hadalabo Gokujyun with hyaluronic acid wash with hyaluronic acid removes pollution and maintains the optimal water balance of the skin, and the formula without alcohol allows you to use mousse even on the area around the eyes. The new generation lotion includes the purpose of × 3 types of hyaluronic acid of improved formulation: sodium hyaluronate, supergaluronic acid and nanogaluronic acid, which provides the skin extreme moisturizing!

By the way, Hadalabo lotion became a product number 1 in Japan, whose sales exceeded 30 million bottles for 2011.

With faith - to the future

Vera Brezhnev has long been considered one of the most stylish women in our show business. However, as it turns out, even she, in services of which - the best cosmetic brands and the best makeup artists, it was not always easy to find suitable beauty products. "For many years I was in search of Must-Have for all occasions. Sometimes in order to achieve the desired shade, I mixed two products, and after he heard the question: "What is the brand?" So I decided to create your own, "says Vera.


For almost two years, she developed what was submitted to the public under the curtain of 2019. These are 26 makeup products, including a creamy and liquid matte lipstick, mascaras for eyelashes, pencils and eyebrow carcasses, universal palettes for make-up face and pallet shadows for eyes and eyebrows. "I'm not just the face of the brand, I am her creator. I participated in the development of each VERA tool at each stage - from the idea to the finished product, "assures the singer. For the result, it is responsible for the result. "I tried to pick up such delicate shades and textures so that any of us could easily use them: so that the shadows were comfortable for ever, the sculpturing powder was gently struck without stains, and that there was a pair of touches of lipstick for color and lip wetting."

With a scientific approach

Another Russian brand under the curtain of the year introduced the author of the popular telegram channel and the scientific officer of Moscow State University Adel Mift. True, her motives for creating their own brand were completely different than the faith of Brezhnev. "It could not find suitable cosmetics, decided to make his" - not our story, "said Adel. - There are a lot of good cosmetics on the market, I know this perfectly. But despite the richness of the market, there are still unoccupied niches in Russia, and there are requests of people who have not responded to the fullest. "


The new brand DON'T Touch My Skin is simple basic skin products that are necessary for daily care, as well as active tools that help solve certain problems depending on the skin needs. The first product submitted to the public (and the tested beauty department) was the moisturizing cream Don't Touch My Moisturizer from the baseline of care. This is a cream that restores and supports the protective barrier of the skin, is responsible for how well the skin is protected from external influences and keeps water.

The cream has a saturated silky texture that is felt like a "second leather". It gives moisturizing for the whole day and is great for use for tonal means. Also, cream can be used both simply on clean skin and over serum or lotions.

Fashionable accent

Tom Ford is a famous designer who knows how to predict the trends in the fashion world. And at the end of last year, he introduced the first line of Research's departure from Tom Ford Beauty - Research. "My concept is to create revolutionary products suitable for all skin types and for any gender by connecting the achievements of dermatocosmetology and luxury care," Ford itself says. - That's why I created Tom Ford Research. We work closely with a group of scientists to create truly outstanding products that make it possible to achieve indisputable and noticeable results. "


The ruler includes moisturizing serum and moisturizing nutritious cream. The main ingredient is caffeine, which fills the skin of the energy, contributes to its moisturization and improves the complexion. A group of scientists who worked on these means has been proven that caffeine contributes to the movement of sodium ions - tiny charged particles on the surface of the skin, which serve as energy carriers similar to the electrical, which is responsible for moisturizing the skin. Innovative Ford Research Results were presented during the prestigious conference of the American Academy of Dermatology. Now they are preparing for publication in a scientific journal.

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