Depicting the victim: how to stop attracting problems


The writer, poetess and psychologist Alina Diskis not without reason believes that all our problems are to continue ourselves. Probably, you will find a couple of people who attract unfortunately to themselves in their surroundings, which are attached to themselves. All people are sooner or later faced with difficulties: problems at work, problems in personal life - it is absolutely normal. And here the human attitude towards the current situation plays a big role.

People prone to the victim's transformation, distinguishes the feeling that everyone around them must help them, the whole world is obliged to them. With such an attitude to life, it is very difficult to achieve something, because the surrounding feel this "parasitism" and cease to meet. Indeed, in any communication there is a certain "exchange" - emotions, information, help. All this should occur mutually and voluntary grounds. At the same time, there is always gratitude! People sacrifices do not know how to give, do not know how to thank for gave them, even just for good attitude and positive emotions.

The foundations of the right psychological perception of themselves are laid at an early age. The correct perception of the world is formed in deep childhood. For example, children often want to play only with them, do not understand that mom or dad are busy, are at work or just tired. Often, people sacrifices say that in childhood something did not dat, they hated something, they did not understand. And this leads to very serious negative consequences in life.

Conditionally people can be divided into 2 types: those who take difficulties are worthy, calmly, extracts some experience from them to avoid repetition of such a situation in the future, and then moves through life, carrying these knowledge. And those whom the problems knock out from the gauze, they cause psychological trauma, they are disappointed in people, in life, begin to engage in self. Usually such people in all their failures are blamed the surrounding, they do not see their own mistakes. They seem to them that everyone around against them: Friends, colleagues, and the fate itself. Living with this sensation, they begin to feel the victim of circumstances. Such people have a very weak energy, there is no power of will, weak. Over time, we can say that they constantly attract problems.

Writer and psychologist Alina Delisse

Writer and psychologist Alina Delisse

Press service materials

A person in a state of "victim" is not able to find the strength to overcome the vital difficulties. It seems to him that so that he does not, the result will be one - he will not succeed. He is not able to figure out the situation, correct his mistakes in order not to repeat them in the future, to understand where he moves further. Gradually, it develops into a chronic problem. He begins to get closed in himself and cannot already catch good luck by the tail, even if she is right in front of him. A gloomy look at life prevents his chance to see.

What to do in order to not turn into a person ever displeased his life and the world around?

Firstly, Do not complain! Once and forever stop complaining to those around the world: do not tell how you are all bad that you are so alone on all white light that good luck turned away from you.

Secondly, Do not stay alone! If you are complaining about a long period, people stop communicating with you - to listen to other people's complaints, downloading other people's challenges, all the time to assist at some point bored. From a man who all the time whines and carries a solid negative, unwittingly want to remove.

Thirdly , do not envy others! The "unfortunate" people appear envy that others are fine. Then the envy turns into the range, which entails health problems: with nerves, with a cardiovascular system. And from this closed circle, it is very difficult to get out.

Fourthly Contact help! If you understand that for 3-6 months you cannot independently break the vicious circle of offense, pity for yourself, omitism, then you need the help of a specialist - a qualified psychologist who can not only help you get rid of negative consequences, but also will indicate the way Where to move on, realizing and correcting your mistakes.

It is important to talk with your children, explain the situation, to teach them not only to take, but also to give. Do not regret this time, so you will help your children in adulthood. The main thing is to understand that you can get rid of it, you just need to seek help and make efforts. And then you will feel absolutely another person - positive, open - and will never be a victim.

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