Oatmeal pancakes for a slim figure


Actress Tatyana Abramenko ("Zemsky Doctor", "The Dark World: Equilibrium") admits that it has long been adhered to the rules of healthy nutrition, because it should look like a hundred. True, it does without fanaticism: drinks a lot of water, trying not after six. Tatiana never sat on strict diets, as it, in her opinion, can cause irreparable harm to the body. Proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity, such as fitness on canvases, acrobatics, running, help actress to support oneself in excellent physical form.

"If we talk specifically about my daily diet, I prefer porridge with fruit or cottage cheese for breakfast. For lunch - meat or fish with stewed vegetables or salad. I give preference to boiled meat or fish, not fried. My husband and I do not love soups very much, not because it is harmful or useful, it just happened - they don't like us. Sometimes I let myself sweet: I can, for example, eat a candy or a cake, if I went to a cafe with a friend, "said Tatyana Womanhit about how she managed to stay slim.

With readers of our site, the actress shared a recipe very simple, and at the same time a delicious dish - oat-bedains. "They fit perfectly for both breakfast and for any of the snacks. The most pleasant thing is that it is easier to prepare pancakes - in time just 15 minutes, "the artist explained.

Dietary pancakes are prepared only 15 minutes

Dietary pancakes are prepared only 15 minutes

So, we will need:

- 1 cup of oat flakes;

- 100 grams of low-fat curd;

- 100 ml kefir;

- 2 eggs;

- 3 grams of stevia (or any sugar substitute to taste);

- 1 cup of blueberries (frozen).

Cooking: Grinding flakes in a blender, add cottage cheese, kefir and eggs to them. Gently interfere in the berry dough and leave for 15 minutes. Fry pancakes on a preheated frying pan with a non-stick coating under the lid on medium heat for 3 minutes on each side. All, enjoy!

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