Roman Zhukov invited Womanhit on a kebab


The mansion, in which we went, is located just an hour from Moscow, in a quiet forest settlement. There is absolutely everything for outdoor activities on the plot: a huge inflatable pool, a platform for volleyball and table tennis games and even a homemade scene for summer concerts. The house itself is made in a non-characteristic Scandinavian style for our country with large panoramic windows, sloping roofs and the "air" colors.

In the country of Roma Zhukov with pleasure fries kebabs. Photo: Gertrude Zhigarev.

In the country of Roma Zhukov with pleasure fries kebabs. Photo: Gertrude Zhigarev.

Gertrude Zhigarev

"I like that this house is noticeably different from nearby mansions," Roma Zhukov is divided from Womanhit. - He has his own unique character: calm, leisurely, thorough.

- In the suburbs, probably, more and you will not see the cottage made in the Norwegian style, the housing housing, Teediva Katya Guseva connects to our conversation. - To a greater extent, we like to build houses from classic red bricks. But the most important thing is our house made by all Feng Shui rules. And this is a great strength!

The whole family of beetles gladly chases the ball in the area. Photo: Gertrude Zhigarev.

The whole family of beetles gladly chases the ball in the area. Photo: Gertrude Zhigarev.

Gertrude Zhigarev

And what does Feng Shui Country Cottage? - We are interested in.

"First of all, it is worth seriously related to the selection of the site itself," explains Guseva. - It depends on how you will live in a new house. It is better to immediately find a clean and good place, then not to adjust it. For example, our site was originally forest. When building a house, we were important to keep all the trees. Therefore, our house is located in the middle between birchings and christmas trees. Chinese wise men are confident that positive energy is there, where lush plants and a lot of greens. The teachings of Feng Shui always recommends building houses only from natural materials. Our house stands in place where the sun rises correctly and goes. Therefore, light coolness always holds in it. It consists only of straight faces that take bad energy.

Watering the beds is a favorite occupation of Middle Daughters Roma Zhukov. Photo: Gertrude Zhigarev.

Watering the beds is a favorite occupation of Middle Daughters Roma Zhukov. Photo: Gertrude Zhigarev.

Gertrude Zhigarev

Country weaves in the family are not spent just like this: a small part of the site is assigned to the garden. The family of beetles with pleasure helps in the economy.

"Mid-sughs love to water the cucumbers from children's watering can and follow as they grow," says the singer.

Roma Zhukov promised his children to have a chicken coop. Photo: Gertrude Zhigarev.

Roma Zhukov promised his children to have a chicken coop. Photo: Gertrude Zhigarev.

Gertrude Zhigarev

In the meantime, we are romance and his wife, Elena walked along the beds, the children of Zhukov fought who where. The senior daughter of Polina escaped to ride a bike, wrapping circles around the house. Nikita's son kicking a soccer ball into the gate, the midst of the daughters settled on a swing, playing in the dolls, and only the youngest quietly lying with a nanny on green grass and listened carefully as she reads her fairy tales. But there was not ten minutes, like, throwing a pink bike, a 10-year-old daughter ran to the novel: "Dad, look! There chicken! " It seemed that there was no limit to the surprise. In one moment, all the kids gathered next to the smokeshief. "We are necessarily the same head, right? Promise! " - Required kids.

The whole family of Roma Zhukov loves to gather at the country of Kati Guseva. Photo: Gertrude Zhigarev.

The whole family of Roma Zhukov loves to gather at the country of Kati Guseva. Photo: Gertrude Zhigarev.

Gertrude Zhigarev

- Well, what should I do? - Artist complains. - Sure! Give rise to a country family nest and transport our entire home zoo there: a dog, a cat and rabbit, which you have forced to buy last year!

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