Eco-shopping: 5 habits that you can save the planet


A recent environmental disaster in Australia shook the world - people massively donated money and went as volunteers in the country far from them. And although it seems that forest fires are not connected with the use of plastic tubes and emissions of batteries, it is not. The reason for such extensive fires was the early heat - already in October, instead of December, the temperature reached a maximum. We saw the same catastrophes in our country. It has not yet been too late, every conscious person should be worried about how much garbage leaves after himself. It suggests to change the habits and minimize the negative impact on nature:

Products in the natural shell

The absurdity of the packaging of fruits and vegetables into plastic packets is amazing. It's one thing when the store offers to buy fresh-cut fruits - those without matching packaging can not be stored on the counter. But another thing is when bananas, apples and other fruits, which nature gave a natural dense shell, the staff packs into plastic. You can help in nature if instead of plastic packages will use delicate or mesh bags for weighing, as well as write a statement addressed to the store administration. Having lifted the problem, you will encourage the leadership to change.

Perfect product storage

Perfect product storage


Battery Collection Container

To attribute to a collection of one or two batteries to many laziness, so people will prefer to throw them into the trash can. Become the first who will solve the problem in your home or office. Install the battery collecting container and relate it to the reception point as soon as it is filled. Even better, if you persuade at least a couple of people to replace disposable batteries on batteries: Yes, they cost more, but they will be enough for much longer.

Cleaning glass packaging

After a rapid party or spiritual gatherings with loved ones, do not hurry to throw away the container from under alcoholic beverages in the trash can. It is better to type a bath with warm water, soak the bottles in it, and then clean them from the packaging - only in this form the container will be taken at the collection point. Yes, you may be awkwardly carry the stinging bottles on the street. Use it as a reason once again read your independence from someone else's opinion. After all, the main thing is not how you look in the eyes of other people, but what you care about the world around.

Big packages instead of small

From cosmetics to products - All products can be bought in large packages. Instead of take a kilogram of sugar in plastic packaging every time, buy a sahara bag with friends and relatives. Let each crosses the desired amount in the storage container and overrocill it as needed. Similarly, you can buy buckwheat, rice or even hair shampoo - they are also sold in large packages.

Buy cosmetics of large volume and transfer them to convenience in small containers

Buy cosmetics of large volume and transfer them to convenience in small containers


Cyckeda instead of plastic cup

Bottles made of water, cups from under coffee and tea, boxes from under the juice - the useless package remains mass. Think about nature and yourself - buy "CipkaP" - the so-called portable trellic mug for hot drinks. In any coffee shop, you will gladly nap a drink in your packaging, and sometimes make a discount for consciousness. Cafe owners are much more profitable when visitors themselves bring mugs than spending money resources for the purchase of plastic dishes or washing glass.

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