He is just a master: how to understand that your man is a pickup


Not every man can independently comprehend the art of seduction. Currently, there is an incredible number of courses, where men teach to conquer any woman liked. Of course, the "graduates" of such courses will mostly not be able to use the knowledge gained, but there remains a considerable percentage of men who easily make you believe that he is exactly who you need. The only problem is that you are interested in only one night, after which he will go to conquer new hearts. So how to recognize the tricky pickper, and not just interested man? We tried to figure out.

He calls exactly three days later

You just got acquainted, you both suite and you agreed that he will call you. But the day passes, the second, and there is no call. You are already thinking about the fact that the acquaintance turned out to be unsuccessful, and here, on the third day, he is declared. Yes, perhaps he simply could not find time, but much more often this technique is used by not quite decent men, in order to hit you and ignite interest.

He will say what you want to hear

He will say what you want to hear

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

He is incredibly confident

One of the brightest signs of professional (or not very) Pikaper is confidence. This is almost the first point that men work on the courses of seduction. The essence of this technique to make you believe that you are lucky to meet a real man who keeps everything under control, although in fact he can stay out of the latter, "squeezing" from himself a steepness.

He will play with other women in your presence.

Let you know a couple of hours, but he already "put an eye" to the lady at the next table. This technique works trouble-freely on a subconscious level: when a man is interested in other women who involuntarily you perceive it as one of the best candidates. No, he will not meet her right with you, but will try to bring you out on emotions and will do everything so that you sincerely become interested.

He will try to touch you

If a man really is interested in you, he understands that he will still have time to enjoy the touch to you, but the Picaper has a completely different goal and, most importantly, timelines. He will not wait a few days to take you by the hand, it will act here and now. His main goal is to conquer you with his head as soon as possible.

He will try to touch you in any situation.

He will try to touch you in any situation.

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

You met in a non-standard situation

Pikaperians strive to produce as a brighter impression on their "sacrifice." If you feel any insincerity in what is happening that everything happens like in a movie, then perhaps you do not seem to be - this man will not stay with you for a long time.

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