Laziness - the necessary condition for human health


It turns out that laziness is simply necessary for good human well-being - American scientists came to this conclusion. Moreover, the lazy is very useful - the protective mechanism of the person works when he has exhausted all its resources.

Modern rhythm of life makes us work on wear. In the unfortunate 24 hours we try to shove so much affairs and solve such a number of problems that our parents stretched for a week. Did not work out? Experiences, stress and new attempt. Our body works in reinforced mode, while spending backup energy reserves.

Naturally, there is no need to have high degrees to understand - for a long time the body will not last. The result may be any disease, both physical and mental. With this intense tempo of life, a person begins to feel the decline of strength and complete apathy.

At that moment, "laziness" appears - the process of "braking" is included, in which the brain is no longer reacting to anything, but includes its protective forces to recover.

The researchers found out that the attacks of laziness are caused by the terminalload of the body, and are useful. A person will feel the tide of strength only after the energy reserves of the body will be fully restored.

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