Remove wrinkles from the forehead without surgery


Even the pretty young girls may appear wrinkles on the forehead. Someone has a consequence of habits in surprised eyebrows. Someone has the result of incorrectly selected lenses or glasses. Often wrinkles cut the face after a long stay in the sun. In any case, each of us will agree: this detail does not paint anyone. Therefore, it is necessary to fight for a beautiful smooth forehead with all available means.

One of the most effective ways is rightly considered to be the Treadlifting of the upper third of the face. "The eyebrow and skin lift is most often shown by patients over 40 years old to reduce the signs of aging of this zone," Elena Vasilyeva, a dermatologist, a beautician, head physician of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure, an international certified thread lifting coach. - In this age category, the lifting of the upper third of the face is most in demand. However, if the elevation of eyebrows and / or ptosis of the forehead tissues, deep furrows in this area of ​​the face arise from younger patients, they can also recommend correction according to one of the lifting methods to surgical or cosmetology.

In the severity of the aging process and the presence of indications for the execution of lifting of tissues of the upper third of the face often, surgical methods are often recommended. They have a number of indisputable advantages: first of all the rapid result and its long-term saving. However, the operation is an operation, an invasive intervention, which has, of course, has its significant disadvantages and physiological, and aesthetic nature.

Here are these minuses:

• a large level of tissue traumatization during surgery and the high risk of developing complications after its execution;

• Long rehabilitation;

• Possible numbness of plastic venue for six months;

• hair growth disorder in the cut area;

• Violation of the usual proportion of the face by changing the regional hair growth line.

Obviously, when less invasive methods for solving a task in many cases, preference is given to them. If we talk about the correction of the upper third of the face, then such an alternative to the surgical surgery can be the thread lifting of eyebrows and skin of the forehead. "

Nitee Lifting

The nice lifting is called a minimally invasive surgery, representing a suspender of soft fabrics. The essence of the procedure is that special biologically compatible threads are introduced under the skin of the face in certain anatomical zones.

They are placed in a certain direction, which helps to maintain the skin in a tone and do not give it to prick. Although the procedure is considered simple, here you need to remember the important nuances.

Elena Vasilyeva

Elena Vasilyeva

Photo: Sergey Vasilyev

"Let's start with the peculiarities of the skin and anatomical structure and, most importantly dangerous for the threads in the upper third of the face of structures, explains Elena Vasilyeva. - So, anatomical pitfalls. Professionals know: the skin of the face is its structure, functioning, its aging - in different areas has its own characteristics. For example, it is different in thickness, fatness, moisture, on the predominance of certain signs of aging and their severity and so on.

It is customary to share the face into three zones: the upper, middle and lower third. The top one third of the face is limited from above the hair growth zone, bottom to the upper edge of the orbit. If we talk about the main differences of the forehead zone, it is necessary to take into account that it is necessary first when carrying out the thread tightening, then this is a weak severity of subcutaneous fatty fiber and significant muscle activity, the hypertonus of the frontal muscle, from here the rather early formation of horizontal wrinkles, skin polling.

We will pay attention to the location of the fatty compartments (packages) of the upper third of the face: the central, medial, upper inclusive, the lateral of the latral, lateral cheekbone. These are the structures that will be involved when installing threads: a thread is introduced here, here it is fixed, and then pulls these packages. The next moment, which you need to know and take into account when interventions in the forehead, are vessels and nerves here. Internal carotid artery (a. CarotisInterna) - mainly due to the bustling of the frontal area.

Powered nerve (p. Supratrochlearis) - innervates the left-eyed levator and conjunctiva. Please note how superficial it is located.

Supervised vessels and nerve (a., V., N. Supraorbitales) - their exits into soft head fabrics are projected on the border of the medium and medial third of the uppergalznous edge.

The frontal vessels and nerve (a., V., N frontales) - their exit from the eye is projected at the point of intersection of the uppergalaznous edge with a vertical line conducted through the medial angle of the eye slit.

Adjoke artery (a. Supratrochlearis) is one of the end branches of the eye artery (a. Ophtalmica), located Knutrice from the hopeless artery. She envelopes an outdoor edge and, heading upward, blood supply to the skin and muscles of the medial departments of forehead.

Surface temporal artery (a. Temporaalis superficialis) - is a continuation of the trunk of the outer carotid artery, passes up ahead of the ear shell (partially covered at the level of its goat the back of the parish gland) into the temporal area, where her pulsation is tested over the zilly arc. At the level of the headless edge of the frontal bone, surface temporal artery is divided into the frontal branch (R. Frontalis) and the parietal branch (R. parietalis).

Sklu-temporal vessels and nerve (a., V, n. Zygomaticotemporalis). From these vessels and nerves depends on direct livestocibility of the skin of the frontal area - its blood supply and innervation. Their damage can lead, respectively, to hemorrhages, hematomas of various severity, skin ptosis and muscles. The most dangerous areas for the threads of the upper third of the face are in the projections of the appropriate nerve, the superficial arteries and the frontal branches of surface temporal arteries, sku-temporal (watchdog) veins.

Therefore, it is very important to choose the right clinic and the doctor who you will beat your face. The clinic where you appeal should have a medical license for the provision of services for medical cosmetology, a doctor with a mandatory specialization in the field of dermatovenerology and cosmetology. Also, the doctor should have a certificate for installing threads, a registration certificate and a declaration of conformity for the drug. And of course, the clinic's reputation has an important meaning.

We study the composition

Threads for lifting are divided into:

• Unproductive;

• long-resistant;

• combined;

• Remaining.

It has been scientifically proven that absolute biocompatibility in resorblift yarring threads from 100% polyolic acid. The head coach on Resorblift is not only in Russia, but also around the world is Elena Vasilyeva. Therefore, as no one else knows about the possibilities of these threads.

"Why exactly a thread of polyolic acid? The choice is determined by scientifically confirmed data on the composition of the material, "Elena Vasilyeva says. - So, its absolute biocompatibility has been proven, low antigenic activity, full resorbability of polyolic acid, which is derived from the body for 6-9 months, its revitalizing effect. Also RESORBLIFT threads are incredibly durable - they are withstanding the load up to 6 kg. No less important is the functional feasibility of the location of notches, the atraumatic of the needle, a pronounced lifting effect, the duration of the result - for 3-5 years. The immediate result is provided by the mechanical fixation of the threads in the tissues of the hypoderma, the long-term resul-tatt of the thread and the effects of polyolic acid into fibroblasts, which leads to the formation of the pool of new fibroblasts and the production of 4 types of collagen and native hyaluronic acid.

Patient selection

As well as for the success of any method of correction (or treatment), an adequate choice of patients is extremely important to achieve the pronounced effect of Tredlifting. Two most relevant criteria when used in the upper third of the face of Resorblift threads: skin thickness and amplitude of fabric mobility. "The ideal option is a patient with medium and thick skin, the average severity of subcutaneous fatty fiber (that is, the fabric is not very heavy) and with a small or medium mobility of soft tissues," Elena Vasilyeva clarifies. - In this case, the threads are ideally fixed in the tissues, the procedures are not accompanied by such an undesirable side effect as the contouring or breaking the thread.

Of course, a number of information of the somatic and noncomathological plan are important, which must be identified from the anamnesis. First of all, the presence of contraindications that are similar to those in carrying out minimally invasive procedures. "

The procedure itself goes fast enough. Its duration is 20-30 minutes, and the installation of threads under local anesthesia is carried out. The technique is based on implantation under the skin of special threads, which, with due fixation, provide a good lifting effect. As a rule, for the treadlifting of soft tissues of forehead, we use two threads of 45 cm.

Not in the eye, but in the eyebrow

Aesthetically attractive forehead should be a little convex profile. And the most important part of the face is eyebrows, because they create the mood to the whole face. "Incorrect" arrangement of eyebrows can give the person an expression of eternal bewilderment or anger. So here to help in addition to the threads of Resorblift can come the injection of botulinum or contour plastic. But only a doctor who has been carefully chosen and trusted this can determine it. It is a specialist who holds an aesthetic estimate of the forehead and eyebrows. Based on this assessment, an individual correction plan is drawn up. And, as a result, a beautiful smooth forehead. Without wrinkles and asymmetric eyebrows.

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