Valeria: "It happens, I'm going to twenty kilometers a day"


I do not drink alcohol and did not smoke a single cigarette in life. This affects my appearance, because bad habits are reflected on the quality of the skin. I would even say that to a lesser extent I believe in cosmetology, although cosmetics have already reached a new level.

I extremely rarely go to the beautician . On average, twice a year: I simply do not have time. Something I do my own at home. For example, it is very useful to make a face massage, so I try to "corty" a person doing exercises for faithful, but it is episodic. A lot of heard about my content is a physiotherapeutic procedure for the restoration of the muscular tone, increasing the elasticity of the skin and correction of the figure, but here you need to pass a whole course, and I do not have time for it. For the same reason, it is impossible to complete the course of mesotherapy. After it, traces on the skin remain for two or three days, and I can't afford to walk with such a face.

Valeria weight - 55 kilograms. From the moment of graduation, he practically did not change. Photo:

Valeria weight - 55 kilograms. From the moment of graduation, he practically did not change. Photo:

Once I was vegetarian. But it became a forced measure, because my ex-husband was a vegetarian and forced us to adhere to such a diet. But now I can eat meat dishes, although when I go to the restaurant, then basically I order fish. I do not remember that I choose meat myself. In the morning I love the cottage cheese. If I am at home, then I am preparing salted oatmeal without milk. Greetings to different variants of flakes. For lunch I have soup, fish, usually vegetable dishes. In the evening you can eat a piece of low-fat chicken. The whole secret lies in the size of the portions - they should not be too big. Thus, the menu can be diverse, and at the same time you will not get better.

I admire the power of the will of people who are sitting on diets. It is impossible to say that I don't know anything at all about diets. For example, I know Duucana diet, but I can use it for a maximum of three days. Or, for example, I really like Protasovskaya diet. But I can't hungry. If I want to eat, my head hurts, I can't do sports. Here, they say, drink a liter of kefir - and you will be happy. But I'm hungry. Since I graduated from school, my weight is 55 kilograms. I can recover by two kilograms, but it is extremely rare. Even before the birth of Werelila 60 with a small kilograms. I think that I have such a metabolism.

Wherever I was, I try to move a lot. I have a bracelet that considers my activity. I, I run out 20 kilometers a day. If I do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, I definitely make an eight-minute exercise on press, hands, breast muscles. Thus, it is possible for half an hour without the participation of coaches in the gym to go through a very good workout.

As a child, I did not like terribly. But fitness classes brought me to the perfect result. Although I still have to strive for. True, now, of course, I feel much more confident than fifteen years. Definitely, I have another body, another posture, there are muscles, I feel differently!

Every morning, Valeria begins with jogging. And recently, the singer acquired a special bracelet, which calculates its physical activity. Photo:

Every morning, Valeria begins with jogging. And recently, the singer acquired a special bracelet, which calculates its physical activity. Photo:

Cosmetics . In order for the skin looks fresh and beautiful, I used to use as a miracle tools for children's curds who bought when the kids were small. You can apply them once a day for 10-20 minutes. Curds for children nourish the skin, enriching it with minerals. This method does not require much time, so ideal for those who always hurry like me.

Food. Gaspacho - Great Summer Soup. You need tomatoes - the main ingredient. As well as cucumbers, celery and bell pepper in smaller quantities, a little garlic. Greens to taste. Mix everything in a blender. You can add olive oil, curtains or finely chopped cucumbers and tomatoes. It is very tasty and necalorino. You can easily eat a whole bucket!

Tip from Valeria: To make the belly flat, you need cardio exercises plus special food. You can have a stone press, but you will not see it over the layer of fat.

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