Anna Yampolskaya: "I was not entitled to refuse Kozakov in the last refuge"


In front of me sitting a slim young woman with a thin, almost childish voice, which is usually among the lady with a steel character. On the neck - the pendant in the form of a key ... Anna constantly lives in Tel Aviv, the city where they once lived and worked with her husband. Misha, a university student in Toronto, and Zoe (it serves in the army) - their common children, named after Parents Mikhail Mikhailovich. Anna has a two-storey spacious loft overlooking the sea in a prestigious high-altitude house in the elite area of ​​Neve-Zedek. In Moscow, it is quite rare. In one of these arrings, we met in the restaurant of the central house of writers.

Anna, your school years have passed in Sunny Chisinau ...

Anna: "No, not all. Our family moved to Moscow. The average parents, dad - engineer, mother is the secretary of court sessions. They raised me, the only adored child, according to the standards of the girl from a good family - a musical school in the class of piano, then a music school. And when they spoke about the conservatory, here I rebelled. The most interesting thing that I adored classical music, but I didn't want to do it professionally. I read a lot, ran through theaters, exhibitions. It was clear that I would have a "humanitarian" path.

How did a fateful meeting with a future husband happened?

Anna: "Really fateful - turned over my whole life. We met completely by chance in a very popular then acting WTO restaurant. In that significant evening I came with a friend, we wonderfully chatted, met a lot of friends, in general, it was a wonderful - club relaxed atmosphere, everyone communicate, move from the table to the table. At some point, a group of actors came to the restaurant, among which Mikhail Mikhailovich was. It all happened here - we met and no longer parted. Officially issued our relationship before the birth of the Elder Son, Misheutki, - Literally flew into the registry office and signed. The wedding ring herself bought himself and herself put on his finger herself. Neither Fata you nor Marsha Mendelssohn.

As far as I understand, the acting nature is egocentric, and it should be reckoned with it - it is necessary to holy man, cherish, admire ...

Anna: "I would not say. I worked with different actors, and this is all individually. For me, let's say, the family and creative union of Alexander Lazarev and Svetlana Nevolyaeva - the complete denial of the myth about the capricious creator, unable to love anyone and sacrifice himself. The actors are people and, like everyone else, are primitive, beautiful, vulnerable and wrong. Another thing is that the specificity of the public profession imposes its mark, and it is like a lactium paper. Temptation is popular with the true essence of man. As, however, any other temptation. And understanding, love, attention - everything is needed without exception. For Mikhail Mikhailovich, the whole meaning of life was in the profession. This is not egocentrism, it is rather a poor, which tormented him, and did happy. It is difficult to explain ... to be part of the life of such a person - it means it is absolutely understanding and accept everything that is connected with it - depressed and inadequate reactions when the creative process is getting stuck or does not go to the river, the lack of practical assistance in everyday life, in raising children. But with all the difficulties of our life I can firmly say that I never regretted for a second about the fatal evening, which wept us. "

Anna and Mikhail met in the once popular Acting WTO Acting Restaurant. And since then no longer parted. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Yampolskaya.

Anna and Mikhail met in the once popular Acting WTO Acting Restaurant. And since then no longer parted. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Yampolskaya.

You did not scare his past: three marriage, three children?

Anna: "Mikhail Mikhailovich was an emotional man, from this not too objective. He described his life in autobiographical memoirs - not only about creativity, but also about the attitude to life, herself, about his personal life, among other things. Sometimes it became the cause of begging with friends and loved ones. All these three marriage are the stages of life. How can I draw conclusions about relationships, proceeding only from the fact that marriages ended? I even think it's more honest - scatter, and not live in a lie ... "

You look a girlfriend rational ...

Anna: "Rationality is the necessary trait of character, as well as softness, naivety and everything else. Kozakov was also extremely rational and rigid when it concerned the profession. "

He performed the impression of a very gallant man, and the phrase "I am an old soldier and I don't know the words of love" belonged only to his character, because the artist, who played this role, was fundamentally different. What did his care manifest themselves?

Anna: "We have always worked - without weekends, holidays. It seems to me, even in a dream. And the work was connected with tour, rolling of performances, preparation of new ones. And always people around. Concern was in our connection ... I have no answer to this question. "

What did he demand from a woman nearby?

Anna: "To be extremely attentive to everything that he does. But he did not require, and it was a tight rule, which I did not even occur to challenge. I cale go home after the performance, tired, loaded with bags with products, and another problem with advertising or tours, which you need to decide urgently, and the phone is broken, but the Kozak has already stretched me with a newspaper with his article or includes an interview entry that needs to be discussed. And if I refused, he was offended not for a joke, and the next day, all familiar and strangers learned that I was an egoist and I was not interested in my own husband. Do not get me turned me, it was also part of our family epic. If I had not been struck by an amazing person, the beauty and talent of this man, probably, would not be any of our long and interesting living together in a riser. "

Kozakov was not a material, not a mercantile man?

Anna: "Absolutely. Although it could be quite popular to trade. He did not know how to do this, and this was also his strength and uniqueness. "

Mikhail was the firstborn in the actors family. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Yampolskaya.

Mikhail was the firstborn in the actors family. Photo: Personal archive of Anna Yampolskaya.

And he knew how to relax?

Anna: "I can't call it with a vacation. When the kids were small, we all lived in Peredelkin, in the writing house of creativity. Mikhail Mikhailovich communicated with wonderful screenwriters, poets, writers, especially with an expensive friend, playwright Mikhail Roshchin. But this is not a celebrating rest, but a very intense communication. Or read infinitely in search of the material for the next work. Workaholic, shorter. "

In Israel, at the beginning of the nineties, you first left together and there they tried to establish life ...

Anna: "Then in Russia was the most difficult situation, people practically ceased to go to the theater, the first thing dismissed the intelligentsia is the most public who visited Kozakov's creative evenings. The phone was silent, touring, performances froze, and we have a small child. Kozakov was in a panic. And not only from the fear of lack of money, but the horror that there is no activity, but how to stay without oxygen. And then there was a meeting with Evgeny Arie, a wonderful director who was going to organize a Russian-speaking theater in Israel. And, of course, the artist with the same name and talent, besides, remaining almost no work, was immediately invited to this theater. I will not retell all the peripetics, it was incredibly difficult to master this unfamiliar world, in which everything is different. Literally. Today it is difficult to understand, people easily move across countries and continents, they work there and oriented. We arrived from the scoop, not knowing what the bank is, a credit card, yoghurt, contract and much more. I'm not talking about tongue. "

As I understand it, you were good in Israel, and Kozakov suffered from nostalgia in his homeland, right?

Anna: "This is more accurate to call longing for life when people and their work, talent appreciated, and the Golden Taurus has not yet captured the country. I could not be good when I saw what difficulties my husband overcomes. I could not show fear, although myself, in a stupor, was to organize our lives. Believe me, it was very difficult. "

You say that Mikhail Mikhailovich was not a commercial artist, but I remember excellent coffee advertising with his participation, bank advertising ...

Anna: "It was a work that he performed qualitatively. As, however, George Clooney, who followed, apparently, the example of my husband and also advertised coffee. "

Anna, did you get moral support from your second half?

Anna: "I even had no idea of ​​moral support myself. I have already explained that in our family the central figure was Mikhail Mikhailovich. And it was right. He was hard to all of us. "

Can you describe your weekdays?

Anna: "The husband loved to work early in the morning, while everyone slept. Shower, cup of coffee - and for a written table. In Israel, by the way, instead of a written table, he walked to the sea, sailed, drank coffee in a coastal cafe and led conversations with beach friends. "

Were not jealous?

Anna: "No, he did not give a reason, I always felt his love. Even in hot battles when they were ready to kill each other. I can confidently say that on the sides he began to look when our marriage is tired and began to fall apart. "

What was the reason for the gap?

Anna: "Is it just a reason? This is the process. Long and painful. A lot has accumulated, and the alienation has come. I'm tired of terrible. No one threw no one. "

Your daughter Zoya was born when Kozakov was already sixty years old, and she became his favorite ...

Anna: "When I told the news that our family expects replenishment, he asked in fright:" But what about me? I face for myself! "How he was offended then! Children both he adored, I can not say that the favorite is Zoe, it is unfair, it's just younger, the girl, and the feelings were expressed in different ways. "

In everyday sense, what pope was Michael Mikhailovich?

Anna: "special. He could not be aware of the fact that the children were ate or something else like that, but they were so interested to communicate, talked, he read them, watch movies together, performances. We took them on tour, another chance to devote at least some time did not seem. This communication with his father was high quality and largely formed them. "

Anna Yampolskaya:

"The meaning of life for him was in the profession. This is a notch who was tormented, and did happy. " Photo: Alexander Cornestikhenko.

Mikhail Mikhailovich predicated his care?

Anna: "Yes, so I decided to come to us, as I told me by phone, announcing this news, - to finish my life in my family. It's funny that on our Israeli passports we remained husband and wife, what I recalled him when he stated that he wanted to marry me and die my husband again. In general, it was, of course, the amazing period of our life. Kozakov seemed to have signed his final, passing through betrayal, disappointment to catharsis. We talked a lot about the last year of our earthly life with him. It was very sad ... and beautiful. We finally met, he was so attentive to every little thing. These conversations, this recharging and food for thinking I will have enough for a long time. And I heard so many wonderful words in my address ... The main praise for me was the phrase: "I am proud of you, Nyushenka."

Kozakov wanted to be buried in Israel?

Anna: "Before moving to us, he said that he wants to be buried next to his father, at the introduced cemetery. In Israel, when it became aware of a terrible diagnosis, somehow this topic was not discussed, it was simply granted that he was resting on the Holy Land. But it was the right decision - to bury him at home, in Russia, in Moscow. In the end, all souls are found in Jerusalem. Our houses are kept by the Misha cross, which he never removed, and a small icon ... These are such expensive heart things. And the rest is in memory. "

Do you have stretched relationships with children Mikhail Mikhailovich? He has the daughter of Katya and the son of Cyril from the first marriage with a classmate, Estonian by origin, Greta Tar, and another daughter of Manan from a second marriage with Medea, Georgian by nationality?

Anna: "There was never some disagreements between us. No material, no others. With the eldest son of Mikhail Mikhailovich, Kirill, we were remarkably talked, then, after our gap with Kozakov and departure to Israel, the cooling period was set. Now we are warmly meeting, but this is no longer a matter of relationship, we just feel like more family, Mikhail Mikhailovich unites us. It was very important for him that all the children and grandchildren were friendly among themselves. "

The most scandalous story is, of course, the last, six-year marriage of Kozakova with the young special hope of the Sedovo, allegedly a fan, who did not give a divorce, claimed the living space that you bought in Moscow together ...

Anna: "I don't want to talk about this topic at all. Each of us is responsible for their actions, we will not take it to take this right. "

Shortly before the death of Kozakova, I read one of his last interviews. He admitted that, despite the divorce when he felt bad, I realized that I would still come to my fourth wife in the end, to Ana ...

Anna: "Mikhail Mikhailovich was a very volitional man. He is not shivering to me. Just came there, where I wanted, no one could make him live on someone else's scenario. As a wounded beast runs there, where will find salvation. So Misha flew to the family. And I did not feel right to refuse him to the shelter. In the latter, as it turned out ... "

How long is Mikhail Mikhailovich present in your life?

Anna: "Every day. I miss his voices. The same I tell me our common friends. Naturally, year after year, we will more and more feel His absence. Children are hard to experience the loss of dad. And if the son is more closed in this sense, then with my daughter we are talking on this topic or roaring hugging. For each anniversary of his death, in April, be sure to fly to Peter, to his house on the Griboedov Channel and to Moscow, in the cemetery. Our general friends with him are going, and remember, remember. "

Anna Yampolskaya:

"If I had not been struck by an amazing person, the beauty and talent of this man, our long and interesting living life would not be in risen." Photo: Sergey Ivanov.

Do not write a book of memoirs yet?

Anna: "I'm afraid that I will not do that at all, I will become a pleasant exception. Today he does not write lazy, I do not consider myself entitled ... "

Have you been a long time ago - a resident of Tel Aviv, come to the guests to visit ... Mentality has changed over the years?

Anna: "After moving to Israel, after moving to Israel, despite the many worries, there was still a time to get acquainted with me. It is not easy, but it was necessary to at least try to understand ourselves, realize something to revise. In this sense, I try to change. I want to become better, more carefully, I study to love people, your neighbor - the most difficult task in the world, almost impossible. As for the mentality, this is for me a blurred concept. Of course, I am a person who has formed in another culture and aesthetics, and this is not going anywhere, but I also absorb the world around the past recent years in Israel and the world around me. If I change, then for the better, according to my friends. "

On Tel Aviv, you like a girl ride on the scooter "Vespa" orange color ...

Anna: "The Red" Vesz "I have already changed on" Lambretta "in calm colors. This way of movement is beautiful! "

You are an active person, I know that they opened a charming boutique hotel. But it is difficult to believe that the successful producer Anna Kozakova disappeared forever.

Anna: "You are right, from this passion so easy not to get rid of. It took me to switch from the theater after grief, which we had to experience. It was redone our vintage house in a cute hotel in colonial style. Now I felt a tide of the new forces. I am preparing an interesting project in the style of a talk show, but not in TV-format, but "live" spectacular performances with the participation of a talented psychologist Maxim Lessein. My idea is to help people solve complex life situations urgently. Therefore, I called the "MES" program. Also prepare a large-scale theatrical stage with the participation of stars from different countries. "

And how with female happiness? Or is it difficult for the rest of men reach Kozakova?

Anna: "No one needs to be compared. Each person is a separate wonderful planet. The question is only in coincidence. We all want to be happy, and if you want your half, I will not resist fate. "

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