And the money will be: an easy way to achieve wealth


If you ask a person, regardless of his gender, age, eye color or skin, what he dreams about, the most common will be this answer: "I want to become rich." The desire of the material is so great in modern society that all other goals seem to be somehow unworthy. Not going to deny the importance and value of money in our world, but they should never become your direct goal. A tool - yes, but the agency in any way!

Even when you formulate your intentions, never ask for money. Put the goal in this way: "I love travels, Lord, help me in the fulfillment of my dreams, there are so many places in which I have not yet been" ... such desires are performed at times faster.

I will be understood by those who have already turned out to be on the so-called finish line or, in other words, the goal, and realized that, rich, a little reached: a person to everything - including to big capital - gets used to very quickly. Euphoria passes after a while, and if your goal was the money yourself, a terrible emptiness comes after the delight. It is not about to dream of what hopes become happy either. Why? Yes, because not money make a man happy. Love the process itself and believe that while you are "on the way" and you have something to strive for, you are already the happiest man in the world. Feel and realize it! And my weekly astrological forecast will help you to learn about the trends of the current week.

March 13 . It's time to get the last week from the box "unfinished" - the day is good for completion. Perhaps misunderstanding between women of different ages, so if your boss is a woman, it is better to postpone the decision of important issues to tomorrow.

March 14th . The day that is designed to work is a lot of what you do will help you in the future. Do not be too stubborn, remember more often that there is such a word as a compromise.

March 15th . On Wednesday, it is possible to appoint important meetings, to carry out business negotiations - the parties will be able to negotiate on mutually beneficial conditions, everyone will remove something useful for themselves. You can get promotion, and financial benefits.

March 16. . All important cases of this week are better to complete on Thursday, solve financial issues: check bills, pay off debt.

March 17 . Energy today is the most problematic day in March. Well, if you have where to hide from the conflict energies of this Friday. Try not to accept responsible decisions and all the more not to lead important negotiations - it is difficult to hear each other when you "broadcast at different frequency". Do not get behind the wheel.

March 18 . It is better to spend Saturday in a family circle. The day is good in order to make something with your own hands - show your creative abilities. The smaller the details, the better the result will be.

March 19. . On Sunday, you can prepare for the coming spring season, clean and remove winter things, get and cheer the spring wardrobe.

Zhanna Wei, Master Feng Shui

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