No contact: Why do you so hard to find a common language with a teenager


Probably one of the most difficult periods in the life of each parent is a teenage age of his own child. A rare parent is ready to accept the fact that his son or daughter is no longer a child, which means relationships should inevitably change. According to psychologists, it is at this time that the quarrels between the two generations occur. We decided to disassemble the main mistakes of the parents so that you would be easier to avoid such situations with your own adolescent.

You demand from a teen frankness

The parents have to participate in all the spheres of the child's life in the first ten years of life for reasons of security and the right development of their children, but with the onset of adolescence, the child begins to move away and hide some facts from life from the parents, it is completely normal. The conflict begins at the moment when the parent refuses to accept the fact that from now on the teenager will look for more and more privacy, trying to understand who he is. Do not attempt to demand absolute frankness, it will not lead to anything, except for aggression from the child and full failure to enter into contact with you.

do not insist on absolute frankness

do not insist on absolute frankness


You break the personal space

Agree, sometimes there is a sharp desire to check the phone of your teenager or conduct a revision of the bag, but well, if it remains your desire. For a teenager there is no greater disrespect than distrust on your part. As we said, the teenager is looking for himself, builds the first personal borders, your invasion only makes the child "Observe".

You do not count with a teenager opinion

Let the teenager are still not an adult man, but his opinion should not make fun, and it is not necessary to remind a teenager that you understand better. The child perceives your mocking behavior as disrespect for your own thoughts and ideas, without taking into account the opinion of the teenager on many issues, you are only distinguished from each other.

In the first years of life, parental control is needed, then he comes down

In the first years of life, parental control is needed, then he comes down


You can't decide what you want to get from the child

Remember, you probably at least once demanded from the child to get to study, asked the question: "When will you get for the mind?" For a teenager, such phrases have a blurred character: you do not put a specific task. If you are worried about the failure of the child, concentrate on specific problems, such as a two algebra, or discuss with a child, why you get regular complaints from teachers, ask how he sees a way out of the situation. The only way.

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