"Beauty atmosphere" gives gifts ...


1st place

The one who is the first to send answers to all the right questions will receive silver earrings with Fianits from Valtera. Unusually feminine decorations made of silver with fianitsa admire the gaze and make a spectacular impression. Luxurious glitter in combination with a skillful cut allows you to enjoy the game of light and give the image a flirty sophistication.

2nd place

Two other lucky people who correctly answer 8 questions will receive Braun Cruzer 6 FACE - this is a razor, styler and trimmer (3-B-1). It is designed to care for the bristle and will help a man experiment with its style. As well as the BRAUN Satin Hair 7 comb with IONTEC technology. This comb allows you to neutralize static electricity, as well as restore the natural balance of moisture inside the hair.

3rd place

Ten people who coped with half questions will receive a varnish and foam to laying Wellaflex hair. The new hair lacquer is sprayed with microparticles, the size of which is 30% less than that of ordinary varnishes. They penetrate the hairstyle and create excellent fixation, while at the same time increasing the flexibility and mobility of the hair. The new foam formula for Wellaflex does not contain alcohol. As a result, the hair looks natural, and the hairstyle is relevant for any moment of life.

Answers are accepted until September 15, 2014 at: [email protected] or [email protected]

Good luck!


1. What is the difference between natural cosmetics from organic?

2. What alternatives to botulinum is provided by modern cosmetology?

3. The most effective, fast and painless view of the hair epilation on the body?

4. Does the implant formulation affect the possibility of breastfeeding?

5. What is cosmececeticism?

6. The most popular and efficient moisturizing ingredient?

7. What is the difference between plasmolifting from plasmophilling?

8. What is such haloplasty?

9. Is the most popular minimally invasive cosmetology procedure?

10. What is the difference between epilation and depilation?

We continue to move! The magazine "Atmosphere of Beauty" turned 10 years

How quickly time flies - yesterday the first samples of the new magazine Media Holding "Moscow Komsomolets", and today a 10-year-old frontier passed. Agree, a serious date. Recall how it all began.

At first there was a word. And this word is "atmosphere". Under the wing of the popular star magazine "Atmosphere" was born "The Atmosphere of Beauty". In Moscow, at that time, a special atmosphere ... Publishers of the journal intuitively caught the market trend of the 2000s: people moved away from the 1998 crisis, the situation in Putin's Russia became more or less stable, women, and men were ready to pay out their appearance Some more time than in the Soviet or post-Soviet country.

Fitness clubs, beauty salons, cosmetology clinics, plastic surgery, dental clinics - these institutions grew in Moscow as flowers after a good summer rain. It is clear that the public was needed a magazine, which would be a flagship of a professional beauty market: explained how to choose the procedures, warned against irreparable mistakes, suggested where to find any specialist, and also united the industry professionals under a cover. Slogan "The Atmosphere of Beauty" - "advise professionals." None of one hundred pings did not appear in any article, which would be made only by a journalist or simply taken from the Internet. All materials are the creation of the expert and the author, which guarantees a high-quality result and forms the confidence of readers to the publication.

Since the first issue, we try to write so that it is interesting to all, finding a balance between serious medical terminology and shaped, affordable, good Russian language. In the magazine four blocks - "face", "hair", "body" and "ladies", in which the "packaged" only relevant information. We strive to inform the public, and not to entertain. Step by step, the number behind the room we proved that we can trust. Fortunately, despite the increasingly competitive market, friends and partners from the magazine is becoming more and more. Once, one of the heroes of the interview after the meeting admitted: "Your magazine is like a small, but a cozy island! If other magazines are noisy and indifferent megalopolises, where you are one of many and where it is so easy to get lost, then I feel like a "atmosphere of beauty" as if I am a favorite and most expensive guest: there is a maximum of attention, there is space for life, Business and creativity! " We try to keep traditions: attention to detail, professionalism, creativity. If this is an article in the "beauty atmosphere", then only with the participation of authoritative experts of the beauty industry, if an overview of the novelties of professional cosmetics, then only certified brands with impeccable reputation, such as Keenwell, Sesderma, Sothys, La Biothetique, etc.

We do not forget about the style and hair care. We are proud that the largest distributors of Hair-brands cooperate with us, and the news from world podium comment comment on prominent stylists. We have master classes from famous coaches, advice of psychologists, consulting doctors.

Thanks to the small format, the publication is easily placed in the lady's handbag, it can be taken with me if the "atmosphere of beauty" met you in the cabin or clinic. The sphere of our distribution is Moscow, St. Petersburg and more fifteen cities of Russia. Letters in the "Beauty Atmosphere" came even from Japan, which is easy to explain: the magazine can be bought at Moscow airports.

The Magazine "Atmosphere of Beauty" is a permanent participant of all professional beauty exhibitions: Intercharm, Intercharm Professional, "Beauty World", "Beauty and Grace", Kosmetik Expo, Kosmetik International, "Nevsky Beach", etc.

Two years, the magazine conducted a contest for beginner makeup artists. The "atmosphere of beauty" became a platform where any talented personality could declare himself by creating a unique image with the help of makeup brushes. Special attention in the journal is paid to the support of young professionals in science. In the magazine, you can find an interview with the finalists of the competition named after Igor Daniching, the contest "Women in Science" L'Oreal.

Over the past few years in the "Atmosphere of Beauty", new categories appeared: "Pharmacy-Beauty", "Presentation", "Guru", "Success Story", "Pulse of the City", "Personal Experience", "Travel" and others.

We have no goal to cut the perfect woman or grow up complexes. We help women being themselves, pay attention to and rejoice in life. After a certain age, gentry is synonymous with beauty. As the great Maya Plisetskaya said: "It's nicer to a well-kept lawn. What is your face (or body) worse? "

We wish you beauty, inspiration, creativity, joy! And stay with us many more years!

Our regular customers:

- "Verbena", "Astarta", "Cosmetics Engineering", "Adonia Group", "Smart Enamel", "Beauty Line", "Megasp", Dikson, "Astrey", "Cosmetics. Aesthetics. Technologies "," Charm Distributor "," Mesofarm "," Vivolet "," neoesthetic "," in cosmetics ", Oro Di Copella, Studio Global," Balance of Cosmetics Group "," Biosphere "," Phytogengen "

- "Art Clinic", "Clinic Daniching", Avroraclinic, Expert Clinics, Lancet, "Dr. Minkin", Belle Allure and many others

We are grateful for fruitful cooperation and trust!

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