Stars remembered school in school


Tatyana Kotova, singer:

- All first-graders photographed on their first call, and I was no exception. I really dreamed at the time about the earrings. About the most real adult earrings! But the parents still did not want to pierce your ears. And I remember your first of September by not the scale of impressions, and the fact that it was drawn to the photo that I was presented, huge earrings! Parents swore for a long time for spoiled photos, but still heard me and performed a long-time dream. Already the next year I have flashed in real beautiful earrings. And felt the queen of school!

Lena Lenin. .

Lena Lenin. .

Lena Katina, singer:

- I very warmly remember school years, although I am glad that you no longer need to do homework and get up early every day. And yet it is the coolest, carefree years of life! I remember my first class very well when a high school student usually takes a first grader with a call in his hands and hesit the school. So I wanted it to be me! (Laughs.) A family accompanied me to school, even sister Katya, who was still at Mom in his stomach! I had a wonderful feeling of something new, acquaintance with other girls and boys. My bouquet was from roses, although it is customary to bring gladioluses, "I don't remember why it happened ...

I still found the school shape that I liked so much: dresses with white festive aprons and black for every day. In general, I welcome the idea of ​​school uniform, although it was canceled when I studied in the second grade.

I remember our class teacher Tamar Ivanovna. Beautiful teacher, very understanding. Always found an individual approach to each child. And thanks to her for this huge!

In my case, the school also gave me my most faithful girlfriends, with whom we still walk in my life hand in hand!

Generally, while you study - it seems that it will never end, but when the prom is coming - I sobbed midnight! It was a feeling that childhood ended and will not return anymore.

Guys! Enjoy every school day! I wish you good luck, patience and hard work each schoolboy! These are beautiful years that you will remember all your life. Do so that these memories are very beautiful, warm, happy! It depends on you - everything is in your hands!

Alexander Popova. .

Alexander Popova. .

Alexandra Popova, Factory Group:

- I wanted to school since childhood !!! One day my sister decided to joke by me: she told me that at school you need to learn to "Two"! And before the first of September, the guests of our family are asked for which assessments I want to learn, and I am proud to answer that on "Two". (Laughs.) Everyone began to laugh, and I did not understand anything. Then mom told that they try to learn from the "five", which I almost always received.

Usually I was sitting in the first parties, since I used to have bad eyesight. My favorite thing I had the one who led the favorite teacher! I loved my geography, English, mathematics and music, because the teachers of these sciences in our school are just from God.

I remember, we did not really like the lessons of history to the whole class, especially the teacher, as the teacher adhered to tough discipline. And once we just closed from her and sat quietly, as if there were no one in the office, and she confused the audience. Well, and then it was very shameful ... but in general I had the best class !!! Everyone was very active, constantly organized events themselves, participated in school life. And once put a dance composition in hats and with suspenders, like Michael Jackson, and all-all-all danced at the holiday, after which a party was arranged in a classroom.

Elena Reshetnikova. .

Elena Reshetnikova. .

Elena Reshetnikova, leading program "X-version":

- School is not only grueling classes, cravings and exams that have never caused me delight. School time is a whole era: no day, opening! When the holidays approached the end, I got sad. But the joy of meetings with friends after summer separation always asked sadness. As a rule, by two hours of the day our active class has developed a plan "how to make the world is better" and began to embody it in life!

All senior classes I squeezed on the third desk. This is the most strategic place: you are always in the center of events, you will not be in front of the teacher and you can always use all the student joys (crib, notes, etc.). His neighbor on the desk I remember very well. The big clever and pride of the school Dima Carpunin. Our genius! For him, the learning process was not difficult. Could the whole lesson retell the scientific article read on the eve, to consider under the magnifier caught a fly or, completely distinguished by a suddenly stunned muse, inspired to draw doves faded to the eaves. But it was worth the teacher to ask a question, Dima, with ease and deep understanding of the topic, brilliantly parried the answers.

All ten years I was engaged in the theater studio at school. This is my true love, and Olga Petrovna Pavlyuchenko - the head and director - became for me the second mom. Of course, there were other respected items and mentors. But if we talk about love, then this is our school theater.

Once, in the second grade, we opened all the cranes in the women's toilet in the women's toilet, sincerely believing that the school was flooded and the classes will cancel. The cunning plan with a crash failed: we passed the Malyasi from the 1st "b". In my opinion, everything connected with the school is happiness. It is a pity that we understand this after a decade after the graduation ball.

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