Tatyana Fedotkin: Selection of Samoyallova for Eurovision - Brilliant


"Thanks to two steep Russian media personnel for their household rudeness. If they were not, it was unlikely that the Eurovision in the capital of Ukraine went to the capital of Ukraine from Russia, a girl with limited physical abilities, a fair adorable bird hacking, chained to a wheelchair, Yulia Samoilova. And most likely, no one would go away, because Russia was just a step from the incarnation of the ideas of the boycott of the competition in Kiev - Mother of the Russian cities. And if it were not offended by Litvinov and Posner at the "Minute Glory" for their cruel words on the "minute of glory" to the participant with the disabilities of Evgenia Smirnov, who had previously lost her leg in the accident, perhaps the first channel would not make the choice in favor of this candidate. But recently it is especially clearly visible: Ernst literally listens to his viewer.

The choice of the first channel in favor of Yulia Samoilova in the realities of today can be described only in one word - ingenious. Yes, he is conjunctural. Yes, has a political subtext. But who said he should be different? After all, the Eurovision contest, alas, a long time is not a musical, and therefore come there with a clear political program. Who thinks otherwise, he lost in advance.

This time, a priori representative from Russia had to be in Kiev in the most vulnerable position. Now, it is happening so, on those who dare to offend Julia, the widespread wave of anger from all over Europe will be collapsed, where people with disabilities are not a second category, but the desired, causing the most reverent attitude towards itself. Mathematically exactly calculated combination. And there is nothing wrong with that our producers have finally mastered a simple account, and the theory of probability.

Of course, to realize that to close the ambrusura of the political rejection of Russia at Eurovision in Kiev will have a fragile girl on a wheelchair, - a pleasant little. No one will endure her way to Olympa - even even, to the top or to the foothill, - velvet. And it understands everyone. Including Julia herself. But before screaming about "prohibited receptions" and that it is not necessary to hide behind it vulnerable, let's remember: we have, alas, there is no such careful attitude to disabled people, as in Europe, and so that in our country there is such a person, yes Moreover, do not break, but to get out in the first rows, you need to have a random force. By force, which is sometimes not healthy in people. So it turns out that sometimes only people with disabilities have unlimited possibilities to demonstrate both talent and the strength of the Spirit.

And it doesn't matter what the producers were actually guided by making their choice if he serves even the more important task than the victory in Eurovision, namely the unity of the Russian people. Because someone whose speech, and the performance of this girl will watch everything. And everyone will be hurting for her. And any of us is found to Julia and good wishes, and the hot word of support. And if so, we can say that she has already won. "Eurovision" is only a competition, performance - only shows, but the opportunity for a person with disabilities to prove to itself, the country and the whole world, that he is able to defend himself, and the whole country is already a real life. "

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