Share Energy: The most invoking exercises for charging


Agree, most of us are quite difficult to join everyday life from the morning. In this situation, a saving charge comes to the rescue, about the advantages of which we will also tell.

What gives physical exertion since the morning?

First, the body comes into tone, the muscles are warmed up, and the brain wakes up completely. In addition, in a few weeks of permanent loads in the morning you will notice how your figure becomes more elegant, you can completely lose some kilograms. And, probably, the most important plus - you are charged with a positive, because physical exertion stimulates the production of happiness hormone.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the simple exercises that you can easily do every morning before breakfast.

It is important to start the morning in a good mood

It is important to start the morning in a good mood



As a rule, we start charging with stretching. Stand smoothly, lay down legs on the width of the shoulders. Folded in the castle Palm pull up, turning them out. Keep your back and head straight. Perform an exercise several times to 15 seconds.

Stepping in place

Most of us completely immediately ignore the stop zone, and it is here that there is a huge number of sensitive points that are responsible for the work of a set of organs. For a slight massage of the feet, you need to shift on the place from foot to the leg, alternately making the stop on the heel, then on the sock. The exercise is enough to spend 5-10 minutes.


Exercise is extremely useful for joints. We start an exercise from the head, turning on the shoulders, hands, feet and ankle. At each part of the body, wait for 5 minutes. The most important thing is to prevent painful sensations.

Not everyone can wake up and instantly proceed to the execution of cases

Not everyone can wake up and instantly proceed to the execution of cases


Slopes and squats

The exercise will help not only cheer up, but will put in order the hips and buttocks zone. Get straight, straighten your back, put your hands on the waist. Do not rush, we make tilts forward, straighten your back, then make slow squats. When performing the exercise, slightly bend the knees so as not to damage the joints. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times, gradually increasing the number of approaches.

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