Nikita Panfilov: "Actors - like athletes: if you stop training, then swim with fat and lose the form"


The other day the show was completed, in which Nikita Panfilov was played by the main role. The actor has a lot of fans, and he likes for women and as a negative hero, and as a positive. Meets with Nikita on the eve of the eighth of March and discussed the acting fate, ministers of the law and festive bouquets.

"Nikita, in the TV series" Dog "you played a policeman. It is known that once you went to the police school ...

- Yes, it was a thing. He dreamed of becoming a policeman in the eleventh grade. It seemed to me that the traffic cop was the person who participates in the pursuit and shocking, and not a pushed uncle, earning a house. I watched the Soviet films about the police. At the same time, people of this profession were considered without fear and reproach, incorruptible. I could not even think that you could pay off the policeman. And when the first "Fords" white-blue appeared - as it was beautiful. We were born and grew up in the USSR, probably, so we had such a romance.

- And why not acted? Did not the competition?

- Sure. There were 25 people in place. And most of the eating dads worked in militia or traffic police, were colonels or generals. And I have a dad director. What is my police school? Naturally, I did not take me there. Although I was preparing hard. I found out what the exams need to be taken, taught tickets on history and Russian language. I tightened, and ran. At the same time, no one forced me to do it - everything myself. And on the exams and wrote without errors, and ran quickly. But it happened. And thank God, otherwise we would not talk to you now.

Recently, Nikita is published with his beloved Ksenia

Recently, Nikita is published with his beloved Ksenia

Gennady Avramenko

- But you still had to serve the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the army?

- Yes. As they say, the thought is materialized. If you want strongly, the fate suggests you try. And I tried. And I realized that this is not mine.

- You got into the army in the 90s. Then they said that in the internal troops the most cruel grandfather reigns.

- Not the best time was. In tank troops and infantry, the grandfather was always. And it seems to me that in some parts it still remains.

- But the experience gained was useful for filming a movie?

- We can say what was useful. But what experience was my experience? I drove homeless, alcoholics and pissing boys in the police station. There were no investigations there. Once we ran to the detention, and did not have time. But half of what is shown in the movie is really true. In the police there are strange people, honest, and fanatical, and absolute breakwabs - in general, as elsewhere.

- You often get the roles of passing and villains. And you once explained this by the fact that you have an appearance for this suitable. What happened now, appearance changed?

- No, the same lys has remained. (Laughs.) Probably, the media became more, so the roles began to offer others.

- Did you get to the lawyer?

"If you can say so, I got it - in the historical project" Winners ", which will soon appear on the air NTV. I play a very successful lawyer. This is the XIX century, the time of the reign of Nicholas second. Interestingly, my hero has a prototype: there was such a lawyer Fedor Plevako, who did not lose any case.

In the new series, the actor played the metropolitan lawyer and tried out suits of the XIX century

In the new series, the actor played the metropolitan lawyer and tried out suits of the XIX century

- About your new hero say that he made himself. And you can tell about yourself?

- Can. I will say with full confidence that I have sought everything through the bed, not through friends and relatives. My first picture was the "Rope from Sand" Mikhail Tumanishvili. He saw me back in the second year when we at the Studio School MCAT parodies did. I depicted Rosenbauma, I saw Tumanishvili and took me in my picture. I played the britade of the chest there. This is my first movie role. And then there was a casting on the "Adjutants of Love". A young film studio on which "adjutants" was filmed, it was interesting to open new names, to take on unusual projects. And I was lucky in this regard. They like solitaire actors on the role. Put out, offered one character first, then another. And in the end I was approved for one of the main roles that I was pleased and surprised. Then there were "paths". That's how gradually walked. There were also ups, and falls. All acting fate is. And now just a few roles in good films passed. "Major" recently happened, "Dog". And somehow there is an arc while crawling upstairs. But this is a matter of time when she crawl down.

- Somehow you are pessimistic.

- Not. So always happens. It is impossible to be accused or say that I finally achieved something. You have not achieved anything. Fate as a wave goes. And you need to always seek and set goals. Never calm down. As athletes: if they cease to train, they swim with fat and lose shape. The actors are the same.

Nikita Panfilov:

The partner Nikita on the TV series "Dog" was shepherd by nickname count. On the site, the dog was fed only the owner and panfilov

- Tomorrow eighth of March ...

- ... I already bought a bouquet.

- Two years ago on this day you broke up with your wife. How about this holiday since then?

- I try not to think about it.

- Do you know how tomorrow will be?

- Yes. I know how I spend the day from the morning. Now I was driving home, I think: I will come from the evening in a flower shop, buy now a bouquet, which in the morning run. But I was not one such cunning. There was already a man ten men. The first time I saw such an allhand and so that there were some men. And tomorrow there will be even more suffering and those who want. And I also saw at the bus stop: the machine is worth, and two peasants with a megaphone offer bouquets from tulips. Everyone earns as can.

- Thirtieth April will be 38 years old. Also you already know how to spend this day?

- I know my schedule for three months ahead. Naturally, I know how I will celebrate my birthday. Since I left the theater and got the opportunity to plan my schedule yourself, I try not to work on my birthday. I spend this day with my favorite people.

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