Zoryana Marchenko: "I need to fall in love"


Zoryan Marchenko was remembered by the role in the TV series "Shunchitsy". There she, almost debutant, was in the bright stars company. Now Zoryan itself is called the ascending star.

- You probably already said that you have an unusual name - Zoryana ...

"I have a brother cousin, so the girl studied in his school, in which he was in love, her name was Zoryana. He somehow came to my mom, in front of my birth, and says: "There is a beautiful name - Zoryana." Mom replied that really very beautiful, noticing: "We will call a daughter and call." (Laughs.) Although in childhood it really didn't like it. And all because no one and never could remember him. They all called me in every way, but not zoryana. I was very angry, but then, when it matured, I realized that such names are a bit, and this is a big plus.

- In your filmography - about ten roles. When does a new offer appear, what do you feel?

- Very greater responsibility. For example, it happened to the "Shutchniks" in the first season. It was my first project in Moscow. And when I learned about exclusive star composition, with whom I would play, I understood that it should be at the level. Sometimes it even hurt me. It seemed to me that I play worse, I do not reach their plank. I dig in yourself, I strongly doubted whether I got everything worthy. But in the end, thanks to the large partners and the director, they helped. And all, I think so it turned out well. (Laughs.)

Zoryana Marchenko:

In the series "While Stanitsa sleeps" with a young actress got the main role

- Star partners and partners helped you?

- I was then a light mandrage. And they helped me overcome it. They advised how, let's say, you can better play an episode. The director sent. And I tried to absorb all this as a sponge, all that they advised me. After all, it is very important. This is an experience.

- How do you now think to play with Russian stars just or difficult?

- With those with which I worked, easy. That's why, probably, it was comfortable. At the moment I can only say that.

- Do you remember the "shuttle" situation in the country, when people began to bring things from abroad and sell in the markets?

- No, I do not remember, because I was still small. For the role, I just talked with my mother, talked with a dad about the time. But we had people on the site who were really engaged in the nineties. They dedicated us to all the cases, they said, as it was that we could more realistly depict the time in front of the camera. I understood how hard it was hard and dangerous. As far as it was a difficult period and how good we are now. (Laughs.)

- How do you choose the roles, how do you agree to the next job?

- I owe her role, feel. I have to happen love. I am generally such a person, I have to fall in love with things, in films, in the role. You need to find a contact. If I understand that I can do it that I feel a role, then I agree.

Zoryana Marchenko:

In the 90s Zoryana was a schoolgirl and therefore does not know the characteristic of that time. Before the start of filming in the TV series "Shutchiks" Zoryana carefully listened to the memories of consultants of the picture

- You recently became mom. What do you think the child does not interfere with the acting career?

- It seems to me that the child prevents the fact that Mom actress. (Laughs.) In the sense that mom is all the time at work, it has an abnormal schedule. Mom early in the morning leaves, the child does not see, he comes late, he is already sleeping. I believe that this child lacks moms. But with the advent of the child, I had the meaning of life. He was before that moment, but now I clearly understand, for which I work. I want to be better, I work more, better. I became responsible in everything.

- How does a girl with an unusual name, probably, and the name for the daughter chose very diligently?

- I went through the names that I liked. If the associations were with some kind of person who you do not like, the name was discarded. God forbid, the child could take his character or something else. Selected simply for consonance with the patronymic and the surname. And in the end, we have only two options: Agatha or Barbara. Then I, as a woman, how my mother began to monitor what these names mean. And I realized that by nature, probably, agate is more suitable for us.

After the divorce with the first husband, Zoryana found happiness with a colleague Alexander Vedantsky. In 2016, the spouses were born daughter Agat

After the divorce with the first husband, Zoryana found happiness with a colleague Alexander Vedantsky. In 2016, the spouses were born daughter Agat

Photo: Instagram.com.

- Your spouse is also an actor. Who remains agate when you are at work?

- either with him or nanny. At the moment she is with a grandmother. Now we have a very tight schedule.

- After the birth of a child, women often change their lifestyle, become healthy habits. Do you have the same way?

- I used to go to my genetics. Thank you very much mom and dad. (Laughs.) But now, when I already finish up to thirty, I understand that you need more attentively and more seriously treat your appearance, nutrition. I am very unsportsmenized. Whether from childhood I did not stick it, or I was just uninteresting. But today I come to the sport, realizing that it is important. And also - already a year I am a vegetarian. I want the child to see that his mom's sports, which is so live correctly. And I will put it from childhood this love for sports.

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