Stars told the truth about school


Lera Kudryavtseva, TV presenter : "When I studied, a school uniform was obligatory, brown, with a white apron and a white collar. I hated these collars. They had to always be perfectly clean, and my mother forced me to sew them on their own. I studied very well at school, I was an excellent and good. At the same time, my behavior has always been "not" because I was friends with boys and broke the lessons. It was such a hooligan that parents were repeatedly called to school. They then punished me at home, but could not do anything with me, I was a very sociable, living child and all my friends were boys. "

Lera Kudryavtseva. .

Lera Kudryavtseva. .

Lena Katina, singer : "I am pleased to remember school years, but it is now. During my studies, I could not wait when she ends! Then I really did not like to get up early, horror - every day at seven in the morning to learn?! At my homework, too, there was little time, and a lot was asked, because, in addition to the main classes, I had another music school, sports and children's groups! He did not really love mathematics, but, frankly, very grateful to all teachers for the support of my creativity. It is often for my unfulfilled tasks and the absence of lessons, especially in high school, they looked through the fingers. Now I know for sure, enjoy the school is the most carefree time, although in the process it does not seem at all. "

Lena Katina. .

Lena Katina. .

Alexander Panayotov, singer : "I did not like the first shift, especially in the winter. Did not like to be duty officer in class, did not like when the physical culture walked the first lesson, since after it had to sit on all other lessons. Did not love when they call for the board when, as it was called, did not learn her homework. "

Alexander Panayotov. .

Alexander Panayotov. .

Timur Rodriguez, Singer, Showman : "There were quite a lot of things that I did not like at school. In particular, mathematics, despite the fact that the teacher on this subject was confident that this is the most important science. Once, when I got my classmates once again, she even told me: "What are you laughing? You will go to construction! ", Having in mind the Construction Institute. In her opinion, the love of her subject was to help thus make me in life. But most of all I hated the winter physical education lessons and was represented by the first of September with horror that winter would soon be started, and with her, we were waiting for torture by skis. Modern adolescent skis are often associated with beautiful winter mountain resorts. And sometimes, it is not even about the Alps or Carpathians, but about some fashionable Moscow region complex, where you can ride beautifully from the mountain and drink a glass of hot mulled wine (I already mean students already) So, we have at the time in this There was nothing romantic. Our classes looked like an endless ski run around the school or stadium on the simplest skiing, which it was necessary to rub unpleasantly smelling ski ointment, and the legs in thick woolen socks to stuff into tight shoes. And then, the moncler's weightless suits, and heavy coats or coats and caps, in which it was terribly hot and scored, meaningless to run in a circle as circus horses. "

Timur Rodriguez. .

Timur Rodriguez. .

Martha cat, singer : "Since my childhood has passed in New Urengoy, almost in the North Pole, then my first of September was in many ways distinguished from the holiday of most schoolchildren of Russia. First, on September 1, we usually have snow. Flowers - an unchanged attribute of all schoolchildren - get it very difficult, and so far everyone stands under the snow on the line, bouquets have time to freeze. In winter, classes are often canceled due to bad weather, especially in junior classes. Therefore, it falls in the summer when all other Russian schoolchildren rest on vacation. And in the morning in the winter it is necessary to watch the news, there are talking about the cancellation of classes. Of course, I often forgot to do it, so I often came to school, and there - no one! I had to come back home. Honestly, for me, school years were not given out to me not the best, unlike, for example, studying in college, when you already feel responsible for your actions, but at the same time, with you, as with a child. I really didn't like to get up early in school early and walk on the dark, frozen street in the boots, drag behind you shift and a heavy backpack! At this point, I always walked and dreamed that when I would grow up, I would have such a job to which I would definitely not get up so early. "

Martha cat. .

Martha cat. .

Anastasia Grebenkina, figure skater : "I almost didn't go to school at all, although it was almost an excellent to the ninth grade. So, I have practically no relationship with her! I trained and studied on the go, herself. True, I learn anything, I will answer the top five, I will give out from the class and in five minutes. But I think the most important and necessary in my head remained. "

Anastasia Grebenkina. .

Anastasia Grebenkina. .

Evelina Bledans, actress, TV presenter: "I didn't like the school that, during a big change in the dining room, a huge number of people accumulated in the dining room, all this bustle annoyed me. Therefore, I waited for a call to the lesson, I asked to go out, fled to the dining room, took the food and felt literally the queen, which sits in an expensive restaurant. Also, unfortunately, the disciples were forbidden to wear decorations. When Mom gave me small gold earrings with rubies, I tried to hide them at school at school, but the Zaga must still see and even caused parents to school. In the rest of the school, I have enough positive memories, as I already often performed quite often and often we went to different performances and concerts instead of lessons. "

Evelina Bledans. .

Evelina Bledans. .

Ilya Safronov, Illusionist: "I have no reason to not love school. I still caught the time when our education was rightly considered the best in the world. However, without difficulties, of course, it was not necessary. I studied on "excellent", and only on "excellent"! But my behavior suffered. I was always shown what to get up so early. I must say that I lived the closer to all my classmates to school, and, nevertheless, I was constantly late. My home was so closely that when I had breakfast in the morning, I saw the window, how they come to the class of my friends, how they are cleared around the desks, get tutorials, I still drank a cup at that moment. And only when a teacher came to class, I drove out of the table and fled to dress. As I studied on some fives, I said a lot. According to behavior, they always put "3", although it would be more correctly "2"! Worst of all I was given physics and chemistry. Once upon the day before the exam, I decided to check the tricky operation with a friend. On the change, I made the keys from the class from the bag of physician, in the next change, we ran to the subway and made a duplicate of these keys, and the original again thrown into her bag. At night, when there was no one in the school except for the guard, and in those days, when I studied, there were some grandmothers who were guarded, we broke the window into a boy toilet on the first floor and climbed inside. It is now on the windows hanging the lattice, in my time everything was easier. Having enjoyed inside, opened the door to the class, climbed into the table of the teacher, found questions and tasks for tomorrow's exam and rewrote them! If I still managed to prepare for them for the rest of the night, it would be generally great! In general, I did not have time. Got "Troyak" with grief in half! And in the end, because of the "tripek" in physics and chemistry, I did not reach a red diploma. "

Ilya Safronov. .

Ilya Safronov. .

Tatyana Kotova, singer : "The only thing that did not love school for what was needed to wake up early. At first we lived next to the school, and then we bought a house in another area, and I had to get up, gather and go much earlier than other students. And the path was unclear - 4 km, and no buses went! It was possible to go to learn to another school, but at that time I was already a high school student, and I didn't want to part with teachers and classmates at all, which I could love. In addition, we had our own show ballet in our school, which I led. We often performed on settlement events. Well, how could I quit it all. Friendship, education, creativity and hobbies for me were inseparable! "

Tatyana Kotova. .

Tatyana Kotova. .

Julia Parshuta, singer, actress : "Despite the fact that at school I was an approximate girl and learned well, in the first class I managed to shield the unit on the rhythm, hooliganil in the lesson. He did not like to dudge, because it was necessary to rub the floor with mastic. But in this lesson were their advantages - it was possible to ride in the class on the brushes, as ice skating. Once there was a funny case when my dachshund named Joy came to my school. Joy constantly walked without a leash, we left him and he himself returned home. But somehow in the morning he got rid of me, and I did not notice. I saw Joey only when he came to my class, on the second floor of the school. I had to change it in the feather with girlfriends to drag him home, because he was rather big sizes and refused to go away without me. "

Julia Parshuta. .

Julia Parshuta. .

Alexander Oleshko, actor, TV presenter: "I adored my school and even believed that you need to add a few hours in the days to more often and more could be participating in school life. I was the Chairman of the Radiocomitte, he adored the line, the meeting of the Soviets of the squad, all sorts of meetings. It seems to me if I didn't become an artist, maybe I would become some kind of official. I sincerely believed in Komsomol, in the pioneer organization, painted the wall newspaper, adored the editorial board. Loved Saturdays, plant trees, flowers, pricking scrap ice in winter. Perhaps the only thing that was difficult to me are exams and early rises. I'm afraid I did not please teachers in mathematics, algebra, physics and chemistry. For me, it was and remain completely incomprehensible sciences, I looked completely stupid and helplessly at the board. But it was compensated for it in the humanities: Russian language, literature, history, singing, drawing - all this is five with a plus, not to mention all kinds of concerts and holidays, from which I still have lost letters with confirmation that I was The most active participant in the cultural life of the school. There is even such a wording - "for ideas and their embodiment."

Alexander Olesko. .

Alexander Olesko. .

Juliana Karaulova, singer : "School years, of course, remain in mind the wonderful time, because it is childhood. I do not think and never considered this time the best in life. When I finished school, I thought: "Thank God, it happened!", I could not have failed to go to the institute, I knew that a new adult life was waiting for me ahead, about which, I seem to dream at that age all the children. By nature, I - Owl, so I was always very difficult to wake up early. And I still studied six days a week. And finally dreamed of falling out. When I arrived from Sofia to Moscow, I was different from my peers. I then went 7th grade, did not swear, did not write off, was an approximate Pai-girl. I needed a lot of classmates at that time. I worried, cried. Especially strongly I got from one boy who threw out my things from the desk, tried to humiliate at all. Moreover, according to the school program I had to catch up, I had a big load than the rest. After some time it turned out that this boy was in love with me, he confessed beautifully to me in love. Caring. But so far he has been resentment for his disgusting behavior. Once, on the day an important control, we decided to stroll with a classmate. Since the school was strictly in school, we needed a certificate of illness. We returned home when parents went to work and, as the smartest, called themselves. We have come to the doctor complained about severe abdominal pain. We then did not know that the ambulance did not give, moreover, that she does not treat, but he takes to the hospital. The doctor said very strictly that you need to take us to the examination. We were so frightened that they were immediately confessed in everything. It was terribly ashamed, we never did so much. "

Juliana Karaulova. .

Juliana Karaulova. .

Ekaterina Odintova, TV presenter : "Most of all I loved to study in the second shift - it was possible to sleep without hurrying to do lessons, and in the evening sit, read. In 5 and 6th grade, I studied in the second shift, it was for me the best school time. I know very well a story, in one school I had an excellent history teacher, a very talented teacher. When I passed into the 9th grade to another school, on the very first school day quarreled with the daughter of the teacher of history, because she had to humiliate her lurch in the dressing room, a pale, ugly classmate. I came to her and earned myself the enemy. Her mother, a teacher of history, chased me throughout the program, so I learned all the dates, events, because I did not have a chance to write off.

Once me were kicked out of school and sent me home, because I came in sandals on a solid sole, which were put on top of fashionable heter with an ornament and there were wide direct skirt and jacket. Although he was sewn from the right school cloth, his appearance did not fit the form, since she was on the figure - a narrow skirt, jacket in a tightness and shoes on the heel. My attempt to explain that my clothes are not only fashionable, but comfortable and warm, not crowned with success. Although in a couple of days, thanks to my good performance, teachers softened. But I stopped wearing the leggings and exhausted the skirt. "

Ekaterina Odintova. .

Ekaterina Odintova. .

Anastasia Makeev, actress : "From the fifth grade a couple of years I studied in the second shift. For me it was hard, since the lessons began at 12.30, and ended around five in the evening. And while I came home, did lessons, I got very late. It didn't even have time to walk. Therefore, for me there was nothing better than the first shift. " Yulia Zimin, Actress, TV presenter: "In fact, the school for me was a kind of entertainment site. Since all the years of my study, I was responsible for the cultural and entertainment of this "serious" institution! Dancing, songs, theatrical scenes ... I remember, was the program "Startnerger", I sausage in the first row, all this happened in the gym and there was no limit to delight. I do not have such a sediment from school that: "Noeepe, I never returned!" Everything is your time and my school remains good in my memories ... Some teachers, of course, indignged that I was more often on stage than on their lessons , called me "singer". And a massive cruel, and now, by the way, the director of this school, for some reason, all my school life, and to this day looks into my side by Wolf. Can jealousy for selected bread?! "

Anastasia Makeev. .

Anastasia Makeev. .

Anfisa Chekhov, TV presenter : "I did not like to school at all, during my studies changed three institutions. I don't like everything connected with "from call to call." When you should be "like everything" and not stand out. Disputes happened to the teachers, I used to defend my opinion, even if it was cut with generally accepted. Once I was kicked out from the lesson because I refused to sing - "We are the pioneers of the children of the workers", since we didn't have workers in the family. And once in my diary, a recording appeared "broke the wall in the corridor", although in fact I was simply crossed with a girlfriend through the plywood partition. My most unloved teacher is Nina Nikolaevna, the class teacher in the fourth grade. I do not understand why she did not fit me so much, but everything I heard from her, these are permanent mockery, insults and Rugan. Our conflict ended in that she was expelled from school. "

Anfisa Chekhov. .

Anfisa Chekhov. .

Angelica Kashirina, actress : Most of all in school did not like testing! Always perceived them through Chur close to heart, afraid to get a bad assessment, but, as a rule, he always wrote them well. And then, having received a positive assessment, ran away, breaking his head, home with joyful news. Did not love when boys instead of twitching me for the pigtails, they took my penalty threw up to them, I had to give me "Well, give!" Select it from them and collect your felling handles, pencils throughout the class. Did not love to write off, but I had to. He did not like to do lessons, instead preferred to watch the series "Wild Angel" with Natalia Oreiro. "

Angelica Kashirina. .

Angelica Kashirina. .

Irina Muromtseva, TV presenter : "In my opinion, a school is very long and, mostly, gray and sad. I was lucky in high schools to be in school, where the individuality and my personal features did not interfere with the bulk of teachers. In each who studied in my lyceum, it was opposed and encouraged - to be the way you are and be valuable for how you show yourself. It is rare for school, that then that now. I understand all the teacher's nuances: children's crises are internal and with peers, requirements from the educational system, a large number of students in the class, the material component. But the same conscious choice of man, and, therefore, there must be an understanding of responsibility for the disclosed and unnoticed children's talents. "

Irina Muromtseva. .

Irina Muromtseva. .

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