Anorgazmia? This problem can be solved in 20 minutes ...


What do doctors say? Doctor of Medical Sciences agreed to our questions, Professor Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Gagarin - the best Russian specialist on women's intimate plastics.

Corr.: Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, tell us what you think about all these "points"?

S. g.: All this is not independent organs, but rather the accumulation of nerve endings. So the famous point G is just a place of projection of the branches of the clitoris in the vagina. That is, stimulation of this area is nothing more than stimulation of the clitoris, but not outdoor, but its inner part.

Corr.: I heard, not everyone can find them at home, especially all these new "y" and "a" ...

S. g.: Everything is true. The genitals of each woman are individual, and where one woman is experiencing excitement - another may not feel anything.

Corr.: What to do? It turns out, some women can stay without orgasm in general?

S. G. (laughs): Everything is not so scary. Full anorgasmia is an extremely rare phenomenon. Most women are easy to help.

Anorgazmia? This problem can be solved in 20 minutes ... 52507_1

Corr.: But how? After all, "magic points" do not work very much?

S. g.: Specialists in intimate plastic are engaged in this. We find out the location of sensitive zones, we look at the features of the structure, determine what can interfere with the achievement of orgasm. You still need to start with the clitoris - unlike "points", it has every woman. The problem may consist of too small head or too large client hood. In such cases, the problem can be solved in 20 minutes by the surgically or by the non-operative way - using the filiers.

Corr.: Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, what do you think about the psychotherapy of female frigidity?

S. g.: I do not know examples when hiking to a psychotherapist successfully solved such problems, but probably they are. Most of my patients, fortunately, are mentally healthy and their problems - with a body, and not with your head. And this is good news, because bodily problems Modern medicine can treat much better. According to world statistics, about 90% of patients thanks to intimate plastic fully solve their problems.

On advertising rights. Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Gagarina.

Anorgazmia? This problem can be solved in 20 minutes ... 52507_2

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