How was the series "Big Game"


According to the plot of the series, the most ordinary and rather modest cook of the military unit suddenly takes seriously: to turn the national team to a strong team. The acting project turned out to be very motley. The frame had professional actors, and TV presenters, and even football players.

Thus, the telecommatant Dmitry Guberniev gladly took part in a new project, especially since he already has experience in filming and in other films. Not so long ago, he played in the TV series "Voronina". This time, Dmitry was engaged in the shooting area for a long time I was used to: discussed the team and a new coach. "I incredibly liked the leadership of the leading role - it is so organic in this hypostasis, and on close-ups it was so worked out that my heart was shrinking," said Dmitry.

Actress Anna Kotova Dreyabina, who played a doctor of Natasha, became a real decoration of the series

Actress Anna Kotova Dreyabina, who played a doctor of Natasha, became a real decoration of the series

We are talking about the famous Cavanecher Dmitry Kolchin, who became the most amateur coach. By the way, he himself, before starting to shoot in the series, the football matches visited infrequently. But after participating in the filming, of course, changed its attitude towards this sport.

"There is a whole class of sofa critics-fans. True, I play not quite such a person, rather than the character, which is shocked by what happened to him. After all, most people think that if they got into such a situation, they would have unfolded there. But in the end, my hero fell into the world, where everything happened clearly not as he expected, "the actor told.

Peter Romanov, who played Shakhov midfielder, had to tie with football in one time. He loved this game as a child and, perhaps, would have come to a big sport if he had not been injured. As a result, the novel made an operation on a meniscus, and eventually the football career gave way to acting.

Dmitry Kolchin (left) played the Cook coach Dima, and Sergey Lavogin - his friend Genu. On the set actors have become a bright comedy duet

Dmitry Kolchin (left) played the Cook coach Dima, and Sergey Lavogin - his friend Genu. On the set actors have become a bright comedy duet

The filming of the film on football theme could not do without consultation with experts in this area. Therefore, the scenarios met with members of the Russian team, and also watched legendary foreign players. So, the relations of the coach of the coach Dima and the Natasha doctor, the real story of the conflict between the famous challenge of the Chelsea London Club coach Jose Mourinho and the doctor of the team of Eva Karneiro. Then the coach blamed the doctor in the fact that she brought the football player from the field, although he could still play. True, in the series, the coach has not only claims to his doctor for his doctor, but also ardent feelings. Natasha's role was performed by Actress Anna Kotova Dreyabina, who admitted that her heroine did not know at all how to respond to the courtship of the coach, and this was attached to a special comicness that happened.

Scenes of large-scale matches were filmed at the main stadiums of Russia, and the training base was located in Skolkov. Also, the shooting was held in the military unit on Novorizhskoye highway, so in the series you can see real soldiers.

Vladislav Vetrov is a very experienced actor who can play in the film of any genre. In the series he got the role of Masseist Viktor Stepanovich

Vladislav Vetrov is a very experienced actor who can play in the film of any genre. In the series he got the role of Masseist Viktor Stepanovich

For those actors who got the role of football players, preparation for the shooting was conjugate with persistent workouts. On the field they spent not one hour in the desire to look in the frame so that no one distinguvenrates them from professionals. However, without doubles in some scenes, such as spectacular scrolls, it still did not cost. Nevertheless, some actors were on the field clearly in their elements. Dmitry Belotserkovsky - already trained football player. Participation in the matchmakers of the Star Stars "Starko" allowed Dmitry without much effort to play a midfielder of Tsypkin.

Images of football players, both on the field, and beyond its limits were very painstakingly created by artists in costumes. In football scenes, heroes played in the real form of the national team, and for other episodes, the actors were picked up fashionable and prestigious clothes, which the star footballers often prefer preference. The director of the TV series Baybulat Bathullin wanted to see in the frame of the "published football players", such Russian Cristiano Ronaldo. As a result, the image of the attacker Yevgeny Smolina felt in many ways with a real player Fedor Fedor Spear.

In the plot, the Minister of Sports Flowers - a comedian character. And the actor Maxim Lagashkin coped perfectly with a parody of a local sports officer

In the plot, the Minister of Sports Flowers - a comedian character. And the actor Maxim Lagashkin coped perfectly with a parody of a local sports officer

Serial football player even has tattoos. By the way, the performer of this role actor Kirill Maltsevich the knockers in the form of the crown and the date of birth was never. Therefore, the grimers had to "decorate" the neck of Kirill daily before shooting.

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