Pavel Delong: "Love for me is such a bastard!"


Purebred Pole with a man's mentality of the world, Pavel Delong all his life is busy with a certain framework: first - cinema exclusively its country, and then sticking the role of sexual handsome man. It is worth noting that both he succeeds. Difficulties occur only with a lady of the heart. But they are clearly temporary, because in perseverance and conviction of this actor, and now the producer and the director will definitely not refuse. About all this and many other things - in an interview with the "Atmosphere" magazine.

- Paul, you look a realist, but how is a creative person subject to some kind of mysticism, do you believe in the signs of fate?

- They certainly have. Another thing, we can recognize them correctly. It happens that on some kind of inner question you get an obvious, concrete answer. For example, I have been a dogmaker for many years, and I always lived the taxes. I like this reasonable, intelligent, pretty breed. And now I have a male neo chocolate color, my best friend. He is eighteen years old, and he moves with the help of wheels screwed to the rear half of the body. Naturally, the old man feels badly, and recently I even had never called in a veterinarians to make him the last injection. He stopped me a picture by car, which was driving in front of me on the road. There was a dog and the inscription: "We do not cause evil!" Here's how to explain it differently, as not a sign so that I do not make a deed, which then I can not forgive myself?! Now neo is already a little better, and I hope, for some time he will not leave me.

Pavel Delong:

"I have been a dogman for many years already, and I always lived in the dachshund"

Photo: Powlina Gudna

But this is what concerns our smaller brothers. And basically some signals we receive relatively close people, and sometimes they, especially supported by our passionate desire, are extremely dangerous. (Smiles.) Once there was a powerful life earthquake with me, when I thought I met my absolutely, the only woman: almost everything pointed out, that is, the grandiose events that convinced that I was moving in the right direction. And I went to this relationship with my head, I wanted a child, offered to marry, but she eventually refused. Then, you know, it was very difficult to collect yourself, recover after such a tremendous error. That's what the Lord I wanted to say it?! (Smiles.) I don't need this bad experience at all. Sometimes it seems that there are already enough negative lessons ... So while love for me is such a bastard! (Smiles.) Although in fact it's a wonderful feeling, happiness! But obviously only when it gives us development, does not destroy. It's great when the pair is inexhaustible creativity. Still, love is an endless conversation for me. Even if people are just silent nearby. In the harmonious union, the invisible thread is always stretched between a man and a woman. Horror, when there is no of this amusing voltage! Then the longing comes, and immediately want to run away.

- Flow to this gust?

"When I see that nothing good will succeed, I'm leaving." In general, it is correct, especially if there are no children. If they are, then, naturally, there are already more reasons not to chop up a gossip ... Often, parents retain the visibility of marriage for the calmness of the offspring, which grows, leaves the father's house, leaving two other people's friend there ... This is also not an option.

- Do you consider yourself a family man? You have never been officially married ...

- Yes, but at the same time kept a long relationship. So I am quite located to the family, but with my woman.

- You have a 26-year-old son Pavel from the Polish actress of Kartachina Gaidar. Did he continue the dynasty?

"I thought Paul would also choose the profession of the actor, but as a result he became the manager. True, in the movie business. He is charming, knows how to communicate with people, and he likes what he is doing. Although I am not sure that in this area the son has found himself to the end. In the modern world, there are so many perspectives in front of the youth that they are a little lost from their wealth.

Pavel Delong:

"When I see that nothing good will succeed, it is leaving"

Photo: Powlina Gudna

- At the moment you live in Warsaw, but born and grew up in Krakow ...

- Yes, my childhood and youth passed there. This is a very beautiful old city, with theatrical atmosphere. I was a teenager, I was courtyard hooligan, but at the same time he adored the theater, and it can be said that Krakow was treated at a strong theater school. In those years, Poland was almost in a state of war with the Soviet Union, everyone was frightened by the Russian tanks on the border, the people did not believe the Communists ... We were eagerly expected to be changed with the Communists, we had sincere talks with stunning priests in the main church of the city, who did not take any political positions And interpreted us about the eternal. But then everything was easier than now: either white or black, no halftone. The guys with the guys were probably the first generation, most thirsty and welcoming the freedom from the shackles of the socialist, poverty, existence on cards ... Poland saw a separate prosperous state. Therefore, I was drawn to certain progressive productions, to the relevant, but not official at that time literature. I read it in Hennik Senkevich, Hesse, Kuntee, Dostoevsky, Marquez, Hemingway, Jedda Krishnamurti ... and did not doubt that I would definitely live differently - outside the gagging system, with the possibility of lighting, with the possibility of work in different countries, with freedom of statements on Any topic. I appreciate independence and count only on myself how my father taught me.

- He, by the way, is musician?

- Drummer. And mom is a nurse.

- I know that you prefer jazz, and a few years ago, they recorded an album, performing as a singer: I performed songs to the poems of classical poets, like Shakespeare ... Why didn't the musical path continued?

- I realized that not mine. I am not a singer. But switched to another. Now I am pleased to write some passages public in social networks. Perhaps in the future it turns out a novel. I believe that writing, to share my pain is generally useful for everyone.

- By virtue of their activities, you have to observe people, notice any features, right?

- Are you interested in my conclusions? Human egoism is the most common illness of modernity. When I come across the site with a tyrant director who do not hear anyone, besides himself, I close this story. Alas, most persons we meet in our path are distinguished by incredible egocentrism. Of course, not all. I am not inclined to generalize. And in his work, as an actor and producer, also inclined to seek, recognize in man not only giftedness, but also a certain degree of development is not limbing, not focusing only on himself and its problems. When I enter the team as an actor or as a producer I select myself as a group, I try to be among the thinking, intelligent, bright individualities for which your own mission on Earth is important. It has long been noticed that the film only in the event has a response in the hearts in the audience, when they are created by those who have unlimited thinking and freedom of feelings. Unfortunately, time returned again when people began to be afraid to speak outdoor. I believed that it was already gone forever in the past, but no, this is our present. Although everything is not so scary, and the main dam is broken. Nothing, actually, does not interfere with the perfection and build the best, balanced world. I still can not accept that everyone has some romantic space in the heart, and in reality we rarely see it. If politicians create conflict, then people from art should extinguish him and through their business to unite nations. Ideally, each picture should not be a passage, but the carrying assistant. Look at the filmography of Stephen Spielberg - there all tapes are valuable.

Pavel Delong:

"I thought that I met my absolutely, the only woman. With my head went into this relationship, I wanted a child, I offered to marry. But she refused"

Photo: Powlina Gudna

"Apparently, you mentioned it because this director stood at the very beginning of your career:" Schindler's list "was the second in your biography ...

- And she asked me the highest bar. I no longer perceive the director when it is not a spiritual, not sensitive, not an intelligent, which does not face ambitious tasks. But such truly steep little - full of ambitious and superficial. Here is not the second Angeya Wilde, which is completely space cinematographer, opening the worlds. And how was the original Kshyshtof Keshelevsky! And as far as the philosophical works of Angeya Zhulavsky, Krusyshtof Zausssey ...

- However, you do not hide what professionally came to life only on a foreign ...

"For some reason, after Spielberg, I was constantly called for the same type of lovers for the same type of lovers, even nominated for Teleamor as the sexual artist's prize, but I did not come for a reward. This is an amplua tormented me, did not give to develop, and I decided to try happiness abroad once again. As it turned out, did not lose. I also starred in France and in the United States, and in the Czech Republic, and in Ukraine, and in Belarus, and in your Russia ... Analyzing why comprehensively as an actor I manifested itself on the world stage, I came to the conclusion that, apparently, My mentality is not Polish, although I am a purebred Pole. So, I am not inclined to sharp estimates of the neighbor, to envy, and I'm closer to the American approach, when everyone is so self-confident, alien to the complexes that it does not even even mind to turn on someone else.

- To develop world space, you needed a good English, French, Russian - so that you are not duplicated. Did you have a habit of learning?

- Now I study meditate. And so I practical man and take usually just for what is necessary. I love to listen to Italian, but I do not teach it, since there is no appropriate sentence. But at the same time, I intend to learn to piloting the aircraft, and I was not yet called me for the pilot. (Smiles.)

Pavel Delong:

"I appreciate independence and count only on myself"

Photo: Powlina Gudna

- But on your account is full of other roles in the form, and you are a rare person who says that if it was possible, it was not our era for life, and the twenties of the past century. Can you explain the cause?

- In those years, there was no so blurred boundaries between good and evil, there were clear vectors and everything is as expected: women occupied their place, men - their own. Human dignity was set at the head of the corner, and the adaptation, the present fascination with rapid, light money was condemned. It was the flowering of art, up to the exquisite fashion. The current morals are not compared with those: a circle of unisex, all stirred.

"You and younger sister Dototh became actors, but she is also a TV presenter." Did this area ever attracted you?

- It is too rapidly. Movies remain for a long time, they can be reviewed.

- Actually, like cartoons. And once you mentioned that your favorite character is Bambi's deer. It turns out, are you the same wounded and defenseless?

- And we all are. This is not opening. And it is necessary to maintain a pure child. My sister's sister will grow up with my sister, I'm glad to go to her and once again convinced that the kids are real angels!

- There was a period when the theater occupied a huge piece of your life. Why today do you neglect the scene?

- So the circumstances are that I am focused on the movie. I adore the theater as before, always come to the performances of colleagues when they are called. Here I was filmed with Alena Babenko and visited all the productions in which she participates. Perhaps I will ever go out to the Russian scene. In the meantime, I do not get tired of talking compliments to your artists. Work with them side by side - a gift. In Russian land really so many talents! And sincere, strong people.

Pavel Delong:

"I am a homely man, I am a road watch that I spend in the kitchen"

Photo: Powlina Gudna

- You have repeatedly recognized that you are interested in characters capable of changes. It turns out that you can not be attributed to inert types?

"I can tolerate a certain discomfort for a long time, but then an explosion comes, and I'll change everything sharply. These are energy reserves. And I recommend it to everyone not to stay in the swamp.

- You know, you remind me of George Clooney. As the ability to acquire a gloss over the years, and the fact that it, like you, once considered a frivolous handsome, but you, however, apply for a different scale.

- In principle, I am pleased that you find something in common between us. Clooney is an outstanding personality. He is so dialing over the years! All he offers is curious and is doomed to success. And about myself I can say that at the moment I am grieving my new project - a historic costume "born with a saber", which is going to shoot as director in Poland. And I myself gave a major role there. (Smiles.) Of course, everything goes far from smooth, I overcome many obstacles, but at the same time I meet and unexpected help. This also happens on this magic light. (Smiles.) Now I am surrounded by close friends who inspire me and support in all endeavors, and I have a struggle with the circumstances not quite alone. Despite the fact that the production is a big responsibility, I have this activity in the buzz, since I myself hold all the levers in your hands. This is a truly adult business.

- And when did you feel that matured?

- It has long been noticed. And every birthday covers this feeling. Actually, many signs of invisible seem to move time, but tangible to you. From positive moments - stopped less nervous due to someone's opposite point of view, which I categorically not accept. A little easier began to endure someone else's stupidity. I do not explode when I pumped on the obvious desire to manipulate you. But the total evil still oppresses. It bothers the fact that no matter how cool, and everything is sold and everything is bought. It's only in the price of everyone. Very unreliable, probably units. And here I appreciate the archetype prostitute. She immediately offers a honest relationship.

Pavel Delong:

"Now I study meditate"

Photo: Powlina Gudna

- Used these services?

- Not. Why do you provoke me? I'm talking about deep processes. Many examples when women agree to live with a cruel, despotic man for his wealth, and it is sad. And I, as an artist, sometimes went on a compromise and for the sake of financial support for his loved ones agreed at all, not tempting projects. In this case, the work on the site was no longer for me a holiday. Nevertheless, I have a position, and I will never agree to take advantage of propaganda, for example. I believe that the screen should not contribute to the proportion of the nation. Pornography is the same taboo. I would be ashamed to my parents, sister, son. And so - the prostitute lives in each of us. This is either our guardian angel, or a sale bitch. That's my opinion. By the way, it seems to me that this coordinate system is very close to Russia. Peoples inhabiting your country were the last time only during World War II. And now there is one continuous disagreement, and everything is obsessed with only enrichment ... Since I work on different filmnants, I like to discuss this topic with the Germans, and with the French, and with Jews. You see, I am an extremely non-indifferent person. For me, there are no trifles. For example, on my street, in the capital of the European country, the asphalt is laid something, full of cracks, chosen, and I can not pass by this hack. I have never vote for exactly for our deputy, the city holder. And if I do not just do not, it will be noticeable for power. Fortunately, while in Poland these laws act.

- As I understand it, you are not a country resident ...

- I live in the apartment in the style of minimalism. I am a homely man, I am a road, which I spend in the kitchen, let's say, for the preparation of porridge for my relatives ...

- I remember how in one of the interviews you tasty talked about dumplings, sour soup and pork chops performed by your mother ...

- Oh, she is a virtuoso! Schnitzel is our national kitchen. Moreover, it is not thin with us, as in Germany, but dyed and satisfying. If you still add young potatoes to him ... True, now I refused meat, bread, sugar, sticking to lighter nutrition, follow my health, train three times a week. Sport I was always close to: Boxing, kickboxing, football, volleyball, riding ...

- Are you Sibrit?

- And how! I am important to emotions, tactile feelings ... Life in all its manifestations should be tasteful, feel to the touch, try to remember every moment, without missing a drop, and getting pleasure every second. You need to travel, read, not lazy, complex books, watch movies, performances, meet friends, love ... It is important!

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