Male and female brain: dispel the myth scientific facts


Scientists of the centuries argue whether the brain of men and women differ. At first, some prove that there are differences, mostly appealing the results of the MRI of the participants of the experiment, then others refute their evidence. In this material we give only the facts - everything that is on the topic of the brain structure to this point.

The size of the brain depends on the size of the body

The cognivistism researcher Gina Rippon in his gender-brain book recalls the study of the University of California, widely conveyed in American media at the turn of the 10th. Journalists, who really did not study the topic of scientific work, saw only its results - in the test men, the volume of the gray substance was 6.5 times more than in women. Based on this, they summed up that men are more capable of accurate sciences. Rippon noted that in the very work of such false conclusions there is no difference in the volume of the brain due to the fact that the average man in growth and weight is larger than women.

The size of the brain depends on the size of the body

The size of the brain depends on the size of the body


The dispute lasts in centuries

The topic of differences in the brain structure of men and women are interested in researchers from the 19th century - at the time in Europe, a school of naturalism was popular in Europe, praising the achievements of biologists. The public was tortured, so even such strange questions, it has advanced to study by experiments. Since then, not a single reliable theory of gender differences in the structure of the brain has not been approved by the scientific community. Nature magazine notes that in the United States this topic has acquired a separate name - neurosexism. The problem objectively exists in each country where there are allegedly male and female professions, hobbies, duties, etc.

Women and men should strive for equality

Women and men should strive for equality


The public is still "for"

As soon as people stand up to understanding that one gender does not prevail over the other, and it stands with him on an equal footing, the interest in the topic will come to no. In the meantime, in the statements of public figures that form the presentation of the society about gender, they slip thoughts about what kind of activities are "suitable" women and men. It is believed that men have a more developed left hemisphere responsible for logic, while women actively operate "creative" right hemisphere. All this is not true: the activity of the hemispheres depends on the activities that we perform at the moment, and not the peculiarities of the brain structure of different gender.

And how do you think - is there any differences? Write your opinion in the comments below.

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