Vegetarians are less stress than meatseeds


Australian scientists found out that the use of vegetables can reduce stress and feeling anxiety in the body. If there are products from beds every day, you can even get rid of depression.

The subjects became more than 60 thousand Australians aged from 45 years and older. For a certain period, they conducted diaries in which the foods were noted, their health and mood depending on this.

It turned out that those who have eaten vegetables 3-4 times a day, reduced the threat to the appearance of stress by 12%. People who daily consumed 5-7 portions of fruits and vegetables have had a 14% longer risk of stress.

This is confirmed by American scientists - twist two weeks with vegetables and fruits, and your mood can be significantly improved.


One of the main points so that the vegetable will benefit - it should be raw or subjected to minimal heat treatment - to be "Aldend".


In Russia, from the autumn, quasilled cabbage and spilled cucumbers - they save vitamins all season

In Russia, from the autumn, quasilled cabbage and spilled cucumbers - they save vitamins all season


Vegetables and fruits, which grew up in that climate, where a person lives, and in this season. That is why in Russia from the autumn quasilled cabbage and shed cucumbers - they retain the vitamins the whole season.

Now, when the body is weakened by cold, and cloudy weather creates a sad mood, is the time to be treated with vegetables. It is they who are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for a person.


What is not contained in this root plant: vitamins B, pp, s, e, k, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, fluorine, and the main carotene - vitamin A. It is necessary for the body, and get it from other products is difficult.

Carrot is better to eat with oil

Carrot is better to eat with oil


Minus one: carrots are not absorbed by itself. She needs a small source of fat, for example, any vegetable oil.


Green onions must be in your diet. It will help the body to cope with the spring runny and ailments. The bow improves the metabolism, cleans blood, helps to fight oncological diseases.

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Put a glass of water with a bulb on the window, and you will soon have its own home bed of valuable vitamins.


It can be said about him all the same as the onions, but it is worth adding that this is a powerful natural antibiotic of a wide range of action, which contains more than 150 beneficial substances.

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Of course, now they are greenhouse and bring them from afar, and there is not known how to process, so when buying this product it is better not to save. Now the price is equal to quality, as well as smell, taste and benefits.

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Tomatoes stimulate the work of the kidneys and intestines, reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. Tomatoes and diseases of the cardiovascular system and anemia are useful.

Bulgarian pepper

It contains much more vitamin C than in lemones and black currant. Also pepper contains vitamins of group B, R, RR, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus.

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Dast iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. Beets improve digestion and metabolism, removes slags and toxins from the body, has a beneficial effect on the operation of the stomach, liver, the cardiovascular system. Is a natural laxative.

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This unique product is a source of vitamin U, which the human body is not able to produce himself. In addition, it contains all possible vitamins and minerals.

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Do not forget about other types of cabbage. Broccoli is a source of group vitamins that have a positive effect on the work of the digestive system. A cauliflower can treat even launched gastritis forms. The vegetable displays cholesterol from the body, strengthens the walls of the vessels, improves the operation of the digestive system.

Green spring is indispensable

Green spring is indispensable



Spinach, salad, dill, parsley - without them just nowhere, otherwise you will get avitaminosis.

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