Irina Rozanova: "For me, the concept of friendship is more expensive than love"


Actress Irina Rozanova is subject to all: depth and characterity, comedy and tragedy, bright colors and restraint, confirmation We once again saw in the newly released series "Garden Ring" and soon see in the new picture Valeria Todorovsky "Odessa". She is a decisive and uncompromising, closed and absolutely open, guarding its space and does not regret his soul. She appreciates talent, but no less, if no more, human relationship is important for her.

1. On popularity

Now I have such events that had to wait. Wait contrary to and despite ... Wait that your opinion will be heard, wait to understand how you live and what you ... and work has come, where you can confess and, as they say in Odessa, talk to the soul.

It seems to me that any actor has periods when they do not want to do anything: go on stage, shooting platform. And it is absolutely normal, because I do not want to rape your body. He is not always ready to give.

Television gives unconditional popularity that you need actors. But the measure is needed, so that you do not sick, so that you are still interested in people, there remained at least some kind of mystery. I never strived very much in this sense.

I am not a vase with flowers to everyone like everyone. Someone loves roses, and someone - wild chamomiles and bells. I have long been calm for the fact that someone is uncompatured and even annoying someone.

2. About me

There are people - not my life. I will not in any way pull the loop of the offense and do not even remember with them, but they will not go further next to me, I will not allow them close to yourself. This is neither them nor I will give me anything.

For me, the most interesting was communication with simple people. For example, a driver who comes after me in the morning to take pictures, for me the most important person. After all, this is my first meeting on this day, and it is very important for me, with what mood I go to work.

Probably, for someone I am a hard man, for someone - closed, because it is impossible to open everything. Maybe there really exists some kind of protective reaction. Emotionality in any case - acting quality. I can't be a cold herring. I believe that we can compare us with pathologists, only those displays the bodies of people, and we sometimes - the most.

Fear is the biggest brake in life. As soon as you start to be afraid, you come to the despondency, it stops you and your life. I always left my fears, which is very, very difficult. But life is generally labor.

3. About the theater and mom

Mom (Zoya Belova) The first for all the existence of the Ryazan theater received the title of folk artist, and she really deserved him, the halls stood and the audience sobbed along with her. Mom always said: "Theater is a temple. Either priest or remove won. " And so far is so for me.

At seventy-nine years, Mom had a stroke and an extensive heart attack, she did not go, I pulled it out. And she has her love for the theater, with his enthusiasm at eighty for six years played his last performance. How she held out, I do not know.

I have no performances now, but it does not mean that I live without the theater, he is always with me. I was born there and grew. How can I live without a homeland? This is a connection with mom, which served the theater disinterestedly, was a completely crazy man in his love for him. I love these people, and this is my life, my fate.

4. About love

I think that every woman has at least inside, there is a desire to escape from life. Let the men, women are not offended by me and more emotional nature than them. They all the time you want to fly away somewhere.

If you do not meet your half, then your entire experience in the relationship comes down to zero. If you feel differently, then the halves are not glued. A rare case, code people live together to old age and die in one day. As a rule, they are moving, looking for something. But, no matter how hard it sounds, faith, patience is very good, but at a dead point in creativity or in relationship it is impossible to stay. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I live so much.

The ability to fall in love, even passing through disappointment, is God's gift. But for me, the concept of friendship is more expensive than love, because a sharp attraction to each other, a passion with age can leave. But friendship and mutual understanding is a prospect of further life.

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