Smas-lift face: what you need to know before surgery


A circular suspension of the face can be compared with jewelry work, and the surgeon that performs it, with a sapper. On the face there is a huge number of nerves, including the well-known triple nerve, which may not be so much injured during surgery, as they are lubricated, as a result of which we get the so-called "frightened nerve". Some maxillofacial surgeons and surgeons involved in the face suspender say to it honestly: yes, such is really possible - the nerve can "be frightened".

The good news is that the nerve can independently recover in about 2-3 months. Of course, the most important thing is the choice of a specialist: the surgeon should be perfectly understood in the anatomy of the human face and during the operation not to disturb the integrity of the nerve. Another important nuance is as follows: when the doctor works with coagulation, implying heat and heat, they can spread to nearby fabrics. As a result, temporary symptoms of nerve lesion may appear. In this situation, the main thing is not to panic, as Karlson said: "Tranquility, only calm" - Mimic to recover.

Yuri Kachin

Yuri Kachin

The first time after the operation is possible swelling and ... snoring. The main task of many patients with a facial suspender is to pull the neck, which leads to the appearance of this phenomenon. And if the patient did not snore, snoring after surgery it can scare it a little. Do not be scared, these are also temporary difficulties! A month later you will forget about this new habit.

After the classic circular lift, many patients also face neurosis and panic attacks. To this you need to be ready. Deciding on such complex intervention, the patient must realize that he is waiting for. In turn, a good surgeon always warns about it. So, what is waiting for a patient after a circular suspender? Edema that will be especially disturbed in the first 3-4 days, as well as pain syndrome. After 7-10 days, the face will come partially normal, a small swelling will continue, but it will be possible to go to people.

Despite all these problems of the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to understand that today the SMAS face lift is the most effective procedure that allows you to return the beauty and youth. No cosmetology procedures and the newest hardware techniques cannot do this, no matter how advertised them in the media and the Internet. Because during the operation, centimeters of excess skin are cut - they cannot be reduced by any super-modern apparatus. Do not confuse: Smas is a superficial aponeurotic layer that moves during the operation. Impact on SMS with cosmetology is similarly physically impossible. Only surgical intervention gives the real effect of rejuvenation - tightened neck and oval faces that will be preserved over 10-15 years after surgery.

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