John Krasinsky: "On the first date I invited Emily on the shooting range"


John Krasinski we remember by the role of a noncainted manager of Jim Halpert from the TV series "Office", where he, however, did not disappoint to the Mastyatnye comic to Steve Karella. And who would have thought that under the mask of this funny young man hiding a stunning director Novator. One of the best horror of this year, filmed by him - the proof of this. Apparently, his future wife, actress Emily Blunt, was able to see the Krasinsky's depots ten years ago. So I won't be surprised if John soon becomes extremely expensive and valuable asset in Hollywood.

- I imagine how you woke up, began to read the news, and there Bam! Your film has earned fifty million for the first weekend! How did you react?

- Honestly? I was shocked! Could not believe. It's like in school: you begin to do something that at first it seems sharp only to you, and I'm not sure that others will appreciate, and then just become a star. And everyone goes and show you with your finger. (Laughs.) I remember, I am then woke up with Emily, really checked the news, as you said, and then stared at each other for about fifteen minutes.

John Krasinsky:

"I was often asked that it was easier to play: drama or comedy? And I answered that I do not see the difference. "


- How did the comedy actor removed the horror?

- Not only that I am a comedy actor, I also didn't look much horror films. Very much scary. But when the producer showed me a scenario of "quiet place", he began like this: "Listen, there is one unusual story. She is about the family, which is impossible to publish a single sound for his salvation. " In short, got into my weak place. Just three weeks ago, our second daughter was born, and I had a kind of parent crisis. I was intimidated by non-stop. Will I be able to protect it? .. Is it good enough to be her dad? .. That's how such questions were tormented by me, and the script was just about it. In general, I read about my father, who will go to all for the sake of children, holding a newborn daughter in his hands, and, of course, came to the conclusion that he should play in the film. Yes, the speech director did not go. And in the evening of the same day I began to tell all Emily, to share what you can change. She listened carefully, and then he says: "I have not seen such an excited about you for a long time. You could take this movie myself! " There was nothing to object. As a result, the picture turned out very emotional. I would even say that this is a dedication to my daughters, no matter how strangely such as it sounded, considering that the "quiet place" is still a horror.

- And what was the most difficult in creating a film, where the actors simply can not speak?

- script. I devoted a lot of time. I tried to reveal the idea of ​​silence itself, I was looking for alternative ways to communicate. From the very beginning I wanted me to have a deaf heroine, and decided that the actress that could hear whether it would not be plausible. Did not want pretendation. But I understood that it was not an adult to find such an artist, and the child would be insanely difficult. So I was very lucky to meet Milli Simmons. Now I can safely say that she is one of the best actresses with whom I was able to work. Without it, the film would not be so strong.

- Millie taught you with Emily language gestures?

- Sure. We had only a month to figure out. It is clear, this is a very short time, you can only explore the basics for it. We are now experiencing Emily that they did not learn this language before. You knew that many parents teach him their kids from an early age, because children already want to communicate, but not yet able to pronounce words. Gestures much easier.

Paparazzi love to catch Emily Blunt and John Krasinsky on the red tracks. Spouses always behave most naturally, constantly hugging and pushed each other

Paparazzi love to catch Emily Blunt and John Krasinsky on the red tracks. Spouses always behave most naturally, constantly hugging and pushed each other


- Do you use the language of gestures at home? For example, if you need to say something in secret?

- Cool idea! It is strange that she did not come to my head itself. In general, we simply go to another room. I say, very regretting that I did not learn this language before! (Laughs.)

- I heard you tried to do with my wife for some time, and those who could not do, divided into dangerous and safe ...

- Yes, we really did that when they began to prepare for work on the film. I wanted to understand how it was to live in full silence. It turned out that it is very difficult. For example, I cook my daughters, dropped a spoon, and Emily immediately says: "You're dead." In that world it is impossible to noise! After all, for the provinity of Monsters will eat you in three seconds. After all, they are so oriented in space, and loud sharp sounds attract them. Of course, when children are not very good for children, but we tried to explain to them that it is exclusively for work so that they are not afraid. Now we are not doing so. But, maybe we will remove the second part and begin again. (Smiles.)

- What do you think, between horrors and comedy there is something in common?

- I am sure that it is. When I starred in the TV series "Office", I was often asked that it was easier to play: drama or comedy? And I answered that I do not see the difference. In my opinion, to force people to experience strong emotions (no matter - laughter is, fear or tears) is equally hard. And you can also mix them. In the movies, you sometimes laugh even about those things that are frightened in ordinary life ...

With Emily Blante John met by Ann Hathaway

With Emily Blante John met by Ann Hathaway


- Your comedic talent is not in doubt.

- I just always adored laugh. We have the whole family. Loved watch movies with Jim Carrie and different comedy show on TV. I have not missed them from six years, every evening hurried to TV. Comedian Conan O'Brian was my idol. Never seen a man who may look at the same time and so smart and so stupid. In my youth, I even worked a little on his show. When I shook my hand for the first time, I thought fainted. But he looked at me, everyone immediately understood and said: "Nothing, the guy, this often happens." Stunning man.

- Heavily removed in your own movie?

- Perhaps it is not hard, but extremely unusual. But I'm not doing so for the first time, so you can say, I managed to get used to it. It seems to me that it is very important to create a trust atmosphere on the site so that the actors easier to work. I try to shout "Stop, removed!" So that the shooting is more like a play. We are constantly interrupted, discuss the scene removed, and then start playing again. It turns out very natural. And the director does not run on the site, as sacrificed, and does not interfere with anyone. (Laughs.)

- And you would still want to work together with your wife?

- Yes very. Just do not depict a married couple, as in a quiet place, but, on the contrary, hide from the audience that the attraction that is between us. It would be invaluable experience.

John Krasinsky:

The series "Office" gave Krasidski a ticket to life. Before that, a little-known actor was filmed on television only four years.

Photo: Frame from the series

- Combine career and family life is not easy. How do you cope?

- I agree, it is very difficult. It is clear that many would like to answer: "Oh, yes it is nonsense," or "didn't even think about it, it is somehow somehow," or "I don't exhaust from children." And all this will definitely be a complete nonsense. On the weekend, I always spend time with children, but on weekdays not so often, and what I am a bad father, I will not. It is better to work shock, and then a few weeks to be only with daughters. It seems to me very important that children see that they have successful parents, and this is a wonderful example. It is clear that many have no exit: you need to make money constantly. I have a luxurious life in this sense: between the filming, I can be at home with my wife and children for months. We even have a rule with Emily: do not live separately more than two weeks. While we manage to observe it. Do not see your children - it is the worst thing in the acting profession. Compromise to which you go. Nevertheless, the family is in the first place for me. I am madly afraid that my daughters will ever decide that I preferred to them work.

- What do you do that this does not happen?

- My main rule is not parted with daughters more than two days. When I am at home, constantly playing with them, I feed, I take bikes ... And of course, I'm very lucky with my wife, she always supports me. Many thanks to Ann Hathaway, who introduced us.

- How did it happen?

"Emily and Ann are friends with the shooting" The Devil wears Prada. " And the Ann had a home party for which I was called. It happened ten years ago. There were a lot of friends around, and some of them presented me Emily. I am blinded with my hand and understood that I literally fall into her eyes. In general, all signs of love at a glance. (Laughs.) After some time, the courage was gained and invited her for a date. And terribly wanted to surprise and called on the shooting range. Now I do not understand how I was lit up. I thought, I would never see her anymore after such a fiasco. However, coming home, I found a message on the answering machine: "It was super! It would be necessary to repeat. " In general, they still repeated a bunch of times, and in a year got married.

John Krasinsky:

For the role in the painting "Secret soldiers of Benghazi", the actor had to quickly gain muscle mass

Photo: Frame from the movie

- It turns out that the daughters grow, seeing your example. And if they, mature, will want to become actresses, will you be happy?

- I even am afraid to imagine it. In the film industry such a big competition, she breaks millions of destinies. Not everyone can find a job and build a career. I hope our girls will choose another calling. I would have quite arranged if they became, for example, doctors or scientists. But, of course, I will support any of their choice.

"Why did you decide to become an actor?"

- I will not tell the fairy tales of great calling. At first I wanted to be a teacher of English or literature. But I just insanely liked students at the acting faculty in Brown, where I was going to do, so I slightly changed priorities. (Laughs.) I wanted to join this partition. I thought that, maybe I will also become as smart, cheerful and cool as they. Communication with them was probably the best thing that happened during the training time. And the time I remember with joy. We woke up at seven in the morning and did not lie down to three nights - we went to the light, how to put the light, write scripts and direct. Now I understand that being a director and actor is what happens to me best. Rather, not so. This is probably the only thing that I get. Out my skills from me - I will suck paw. (Laugh.)

John Krasinsky:

Suddenly, to all engaged by the director, John decided to show a family life under a new angle in the film "Hollar"

- What films did you like in college?

"While I didn't get there, I watched what was going in cinemas, and listened exclusively to the radio. In general, any nonsense. But the guys from the faculty quickly fired my brains. They watched Art House and uttered such names that I never heard at all. It was just a shame. I was sitting next to them with an open mouth and even the conversation could not support. Then they began to make me lists. At first I did not understand the plot of most of these paintings, but then I slowly began to understand. Motivated himself by the fact that these guys understand and even discuss: so what am I worse? So my learning was double, and I don't even know what part was more important: lectures or communication with them? But if you remember about ordinary films, I just adored the jaws. We even now review him with Emily. When they started to meet, they looked almost every week. Then they had no budget to show a huge shark, but nothing, the creators twisted. But now the monsters are generally trying to demonstrate as much as possible - otherwise there will be no necessary atmosphere.

- What better advice did you give you?

- When the creator of the "office" Greg Daniels explained to me what he wants from me, he said: "Do not try to be funny. You must first play not funny, but sincerely. These viewers decide, it turned out to be funny or sad. Do not decide for them. You will try to laugh - you can not delay here for a long time. " And I realized that for a start it was necessary to be born in character, love your character. Then all his adventures will cause real emotions from the viewer, and he will love the hero with you. I hope my answer did not look rehearsed. I just really remember his words. Almost my motto is now.

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