Repetition of Fate: As Olga Krasko and Olga Arntgolts are connected


According to the curtain of the past year, the news appeared: the actress Olga Arntgolts will be a mom for the second time. The actress does not report a period of pregnancy, but he has already taken a maternity leave: it does not go to the service of nations and refuses film projects. The joyful event will connect it with another actress - Olga Krasko. After all, the father of the child Olga is a former civilian husband Krasko. About how to intertwine their fate - in our investigation

Popularity to Olga Krasko came after the film "Turkish Gambit". It began to write about it, publish extended essays and verbal interviews. However, even in the most detailed conversations Olga preferred not to talk about personal life. When Ten years ago, the actress was born daughter Olesya, she also tried to hide from the public and the very fact of the birth of a child, and the one who the father of the newborn. For the absence of information, journalists began to put forward their versions. So, for a long time they said that the daughter was born after a love connection with the director Janik Fayziev, who at one time and opened Olga for Big Cinema, removing the Turkish Gambit in the film.

Since none of the actors did not comment on this information, then for some time this version was considered the only true one. And only much later became known the name of the Father Girls. This actor Dmitry Petrun, with whom Olga lived in a civil marriage for several years. Although at about the same time she assured that men creative professions do not represent interests for her: "A man whose profession like others is personally losing some important male qualities. I can't feel protected next to those who constantly think he looks like. "

Olga Krasko became famous after participating in the film

Olga Krasko became famous after participating in the film "Turkish Gambit". With Marat Basharov

Frame from the movie "Turkish Gambit"

While Olese has not fulfilled five years, Olga did not appear anywhere with his daughter. And only realizing that the most interesting to attend bright holidays, to be the center of attention, changed the style of behavior. In order to better understand the daughter, the actress reread a bunch of literature on psychology (by the way, it was for this reason that she did not allow the photographers to take the pictures of Olesya until that was five years old). She tries to develop the creative abilities of the child: from early childhood, Olesya studies English, visits musical and art schools.

With the father of his daughter Olga broke up after several years of civil marriage. As wrote in the press, one of the reasons was ... Professional envy. Career Dmitry was unsuccessful, while his wife was invited to significant projects. It is that Olga earns much more money in the family budget, not satisfied both. Relationships gave a crack. But after parting, the former spouses did not become enemies, but they retained warmth and respect for each other. "I am infinitely happy that this love story was in my life. Because now we do not live together, nor I do not worry, neither he. We change, and at some stage I realized that I was so better. That's life".


After parting, Dmitry left Olga a two-room apartment, and he himself went to his own swimming. Well, Krasko some time spoke in an interview that her heart was open to new meetings. True, some taboo always existed. Moreover, a new acquaintance could not even understand what he did wrong, but I received a resignation from the actress. So, for example, she told about one of his dating - quite romantic, in our opinion: "Once in the wild cork, a guy was driving with me, but I didn't look at him. He was signaling, signal, and then said to the root: "The girl on the blue" Nissan ", stop, look at me. I like you so much!" (Laughs.) I agreed to meet him. We did not have time to drink in the cup of tea, how the standard questions began: one - not one thing that I love ... it strains it immediately. Naturally, people know each other in the process of communication. "

Krasko hid for a long time, who was the father of her daughter Oleas

Krasko hid for a long time, who was the father of her daughter Oleas

In a word, that young man simply had no chance. But even despite its increased demands on the satellite of life, Olga did not stay alone for a long time. According to her, without the love of the soul crops. "In such a state, I uncomfortable. I have to share emotions, soar. "

Not so long ago, she met the father of her second child. His name, like last time, she also stores in the strictest mystery. And only laughs when reads in the newspapers the next information about its alleged satellite: "I do not want to put a personal life at the bottom. Many fantasies were on this topic. Different husbands were attributed to me. We laugh with the whole family when we read any new information. "

But friends actresses say that its chosen one has nothing to do with the film. Olga herself only says, what should it be, her perfect satellite: "I am not interested in men who, no matter how successful, no matter what a bunch of money, they can be able to offend others. So they are inside absolutely unsure of themselves. "

The second child Olga Krasko gave birth to April 1, 2016. Son she called the rare name to Ostap. More precisely, this name came up with the father of the boy. Even before the birth of the child, they agreed so much: if the girl was born, then the name comes up with Olga, if the boy is his father.

Olga Krasko on the set

Olga Krasko on the set

As Olga admitted in one interview, Olesya, who was asked for a brother or sister for a very long time, nevertheless reacted zealously on the appearance of Osta. In school, it was shouted that from now on mom will love her less. Therefore, the first time the girl thoroughly checked: less like it or still. And calmed down when I understood: Mamina love is enough for everyone.

Even despite the presence of two children, Olga has not yet been married officially. But she is confident that her starry hour will come, when she hears Me Mendelssohn.

Twins from Kaliningrad

After parting from Krasko in the life of Dmitry Petruny changed a lot. He, who started his creative career as an actor, then became close frame of the profession. He decided to go to the director, where he had quite succeeded. One of its brightest work can be called the series "Pregnancy Test".

Olga Arntgolets became the star of the series

Olga Artholz became the star of the series "Simple Truths"

Frame from the series "Simple truths"

With Olga, Arntgolts Dmitry met during the filming of his film "Officer Wives." The plot tells about several generations of the women of the Anton-Terekh family, in each of which there is officer's wives. Arntgolts played the hope of Hope Antonov in this series. Official relations were quickly recalled into friendly, and then in love. The director immediately drew attention to the bright girl. In addition, shooting took place in Ukraine during the coup. Therefore, Dmitry and Olga conducted a lot of time together not only on the set, but also beyond it - it was so safer. Funny, but Dmitry had to shoot bed scenes with Olga. Later, the actors laughed: Whether because of the jealousness of the director, either for what reason, but during the filming of love between the heroines of Arntgolts and her screen husband collapsed the bed, and they were under the laughter of the entire film crew.

Dmitry himself does not deny that the novel with Arntgolts rose. But it is not ready to share the details and plans about the wedding. Olga herself here for more than a year he was listed in the status of enviable bride. With her husband, Vakhtang Beridze was divorced back in 2015.

With Beridze Olga lived six years. If we consider that this pair was able to divorce almost from the very moment of marriage, then this is a real record. Their problems began almost immediately after the wedding. They say, the Wahtang has something hobbies on the side. Olga, like a wise woman, for some time pretended to not notice his intrigues. While the volitional decision did not stop these relationships. "I am absolutely not a pity that they separated," the father of sisters Albert Arntgolts then shared with the popular weekly weekly. - They have long been difficult to communicate. So all for the better. Of course, now the daughter is very worried. But she has a strong rear. "

When Olga became aware of the pregnancy, everyone immediately began to look closely to her sister Tatiana. After all, they say that usually the twins fate are similar. Until recently, it was so. And Olga, and Tatiana got married about the same time. Both orders have been actors. Olga - Vakhtang Beridze, and Tatiana - Ivan Lodine.

Olga and Vakhtanga teared soon parting. The reason was the lovingness of a man

Olga and Vakhtanga teared soon parting. The reason was the lovingness of a man

Gennady Avramenko

The marriage of Tatiana and Ivan also lasted six years. Moreover, the spouses themselves at one time believed that their meeting was a sign of fate. Once Ivan, who actually comes from Yekaterinburg, lived in Kaliningrad - the hometown of Tatiana. And their houses stood next door. Then both, already moving to Moscow, three years have also dwell in neighboring houses. And again, never met. But when I saw for the first time (thanks to the general friend, Ramazu Chiahoeli), they could no longer part. Roman them developed rapidly and after six months ended marriage. However, there was time, and the contradictions were accumulated. "It was difficult for us to agree on something in principle. And in general, we needed differently from each other. What Tanya wanted, I could not give her, and vice versa. Gradually, the point of contact between us disappeared at all, we existed in parallel, everyone lived with his life ... We broke up by mutual agreement. It happened not from the bay-junction, and has long been copied and ripe. And when the impulse appeared on the part of Tanya about the fact that it is time to put the point, I picked it up, "Ivan told him in an interview with the" Atmosphere ".

Twins Tatiana and Olga not only look like two drops of water. Their fate coincide

Twins Tatiana and Olga not only look like two drops of water. Their fate coincide

Gennady Avramenko

Their daughters Masha had three years at that time. Former spouses showed wisdom to not injure the child. "Masha got used to new circumstances. Issues do not ask. It seems to me that everything went for the daughter of Lightovo and organically. I hope. After all, with Tanya, with her did not swear, did not quarrel, they could go somewhere somewhere - in a cafe, in a cinema. We have a normal relationship. It happens, when divorced everything is much worse. And it seems to be no special offend from us on each other ... So everything was done correctly. "

After the divorce, Tatiana Arntgolts had a loud novel with actor Gregory Antipenko. They got close to collaboration on the play "Two on the Swing". Then Grigory even moved to live to Tatiana, in her apartment on Nizhny Novgorod Street. Neighbors often saw how he endowed the garbage in the sports costume, walked on the playground with the daughter of Arntgolts. However, love went pretty quickly. The actors realized that joint creativity and joint life were all the same different things, and parted.

After the divorce, Tatiana Arntgolts had a loud novel with actor Gregory Antipenko

After the divorce, Tatiana Arntgolts had a loud novel with actor Gregory Antipenko

Gennady Avramenko

In the autumn of this year, rumors appeared that Arntgolts and liquid decided to reunite. The reason for such conversations gave Ivan himself. He published in his microblogue together with Tatiana and signed it like this: "We are together and waiting for twins." Only later it became known that this is a joke: just former spouses met to take their daughter to school together. Now Tatiana, as they say in her surroundings, not alone. Her chosen is a person who is far from the world of cinema and show business. Therefore, the actress tries him not to shine once again. "He is not jealous and completely trusts her, even lets on tour," say about the new fan of Tatiana in the modern theater of Artpurza. "Often comes for her by car to the theater."

The actress even introduced her new beloved with his parents. And they noted that the man very reverently applies not only to Tatiana, but also to her daughter Masha. So it will not be amazing if it suddenly turns out: at the same time with Olga Arntgolts, the child will give birth to her twin sister.

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