Andrei Skvortsov will be a guide


The leading weather forecast on NTV Andrei Skvortsov, a certified geographer and a climatologist, will be the face of the new tourist program "Good where we are there!", Dedicated to affordable travels in unexpected routes. Most often, going on vacation, residents of Russia prefer proven European or Asian directions for their travel, leaving the interesting cities of the native country. The participants of the new program are ready to correct this gap, assess the state of Russian roads and refueling, service in hotels and restaurants, availability of attractions and travel infrastructure with children.

Together with the heroes of Trevel-Show, the audience will be able to go to Seliger, take a trip to the island of Gorombo, where the artist Shishkin wrote his famous "morning in a pine forest", find out what monks are preparing in the beams of the Nilo Desert, visit the Knight's tournament in Vyborg and search for amber on Baltic coasts.

"I am a real geographer, graduated from the Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University. Who, as I do not know, that in the nature of our country there are almost everything that can be on the planet, except, except, equatorial forests. And ethnographic - more than a hundred nations and nationalities - worried about the first year, - says the leading program. - And how many amazing and unusual people live here! All these amazing tourist wealth lie undiscarted. Help routine and curious tourists to open them - a fascinating and noble task! I just could not refuse to participate in such a project. I envy our heroes, our audiences and himself. "

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