I don't want anything: fighting for postpartum depression


Depression, which develops in the first months after childbirth, is the same serious disorder as the classical depression. Despite the rather skeptical attitude towards postnatal depression (another term for postpartum depression), this state often requires a specialist intervention if a woman cannot cope with the depressed state on its own.

According to psychologists estimates, about 15% of young mothers face depression to one degree or another. Most of all suffer from women who have previously come across the symptoms of depression and never coped with the disorder on their own.

How the postpartum depression is manifested

All individually. Some women are already on the fifth day after childbirth feel incomprehensible longing, they begin to cry without reason, maybe the disappearance of appetite, while the woman continues to care for the kid.

It happens that depression develops a few months after childbirth, when a woman is in the exhausted state due to a sharp change of the usual rhythm of life. The danger of the depressive state is that it can turn into chronic, and even when the child becomes older, the woman will not be better - from time to time, apathy and disappointment in life will be pursued. Therefore, at the first symptoms of depression, it is important to pay attention to your own state and in no case to launch the problem.

If you feel that something is wrong with you, you are constantly feeling fatigue, and the case is not at home, you are covered with longing and you have not experienced a sense of satisfaction with life, listen to our advice further, but if the situation Could not fix yourself, do not tighten with a visit to the specialist.

Ask your man at least sometimes help you to care for the baby

Ask your man at least sometimes help you to care for the baby

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Feel your attractiveness

Remember how even pregnancy and childbirth, you caught the admiring glances of others. What have you done for this? Home procedures, a trip to the salon on a massage - what you can really increase self-esteem and, accordingly, the mood. If in this time you do not have the ability to constantly visit the salon, allocate, though be half an hour a day that you will devote yourself to your beloved: Make a manicure, a moisturizing face mask, type a fragrant bath, go to the next weekend on shopping.

Learn to understand that you need a baby

The child will never cry just like this: his crying is the reaction to the external and internal stimuli, there is no other way to convey this information to you, except through the crying. No need to panic and be angry with a small lump. Try to calm down and take yourself in hand: gradually you will learn how to distinguish different cries of the baby, and in a few years you will not have problems with mutual understanding.

Chat with baby as much as possible

To establish an emotional connection with a child, it is not enough to be his mother, it is important to spend with the baby as much time as possible. The female organism is in stressful state due to long pregnancy and subsequent births, in addition, after the birth of a child, everything changes in life, such harsh changes do not pass for our psyche without a trace, so some depressive manifestations can be considered a kind of protection from a sharp change of the schedule of the day and the emergence of new duties. Permanent contact with the baby will help you get used to a new family member, and for a child, communication with the mother is vital for full-fledged development.

Do not refuse help

No matter how strong and independent you feel, sooner or later you will feel like sleepless nights and whole days on your feet affect your health. In order not to earn a nervous breakdown and other troubles, take the help of relatives and friends, you need it.

A man should also take part in care

Very often, men dump care of the only born heir to the soul mate, sincerely consider that child care is exclusively a female prerogative. Big delusion. The role of the father is incredibly important for the correct development of the psyche of the baby, in addition, to constantly receive help from the family, and not from his man - the father of the baby is also wrong. However, it is not necessary to finely hint with a man, not everyone is able to perceive hints: tell me how much help you need, and be sure to explain to the man all the subtleties of the care of the baby so that in unforeseen circumstances he can easily replace the diapers, pay and put the baby to sleep.

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