6 secrets of care for appearance after vacation


1. The first thing that will come to the rescue is, of course, serum. In them, the high concentration is extremely useful for skin components. You can use them in the morning before applying the day cream and in the evening - the night. And do not forget: no one has canceled your familiar face creams!

2. Most of all from salt water and ultraviolet rays suffers from gentle skin around the eyes. Your ordinary serums and cream do not fit, care for this zone is required special. Buy special creams or gels to care for delicate skin around the eyes.

3. Be sure to make masks. At least a couple of times a week. It is not necessary to purchase expensive care products at all. It is enough to use what is left after cooking lunch or dinner: cucumbers, apples, cottages. The masks based on them will help restore the skin of the face after the holiday.

4. The face figured out, now the time to think about the body. After taking the soul in the morning and in the evening, be sure to indulge yourself with special lotions or creams. Without them, your skin can start peeling. And be sure to use at least once a week body scrub: Then summer tan will stay longer!

5. To crack the curls again, and not hung a lifeless packle, use hair masks. Also, do not forget about the immentable air conditioners that will be care for the day.

6. Home care is, of course, wonderful, without it can not do, but he is most effective in a duet with salon treatments. After all, home mesotherapy or bioranization will not do. It is these two procedures that are able to restore the skin victim from sunlight well. The main thing is to focus on returning from the sea, is moisturizing. But if you think that there will be a pair of sessions of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid (natural skin component that supports water balance) or cocktails based on it, then mistaken. First, first, the skin should be prepared for the perception of all useful elixirs that are introduced inside. Due to the long stay in the sun, its top, the so-called horny, the layer has increased greatly. It is recommended to first make soft peeling glycolic acid - it will help remove dead cells.

Under the influence of ultraviolet, all metabolic processes slow down, our task is to "wake up" the skin, make it work and restore. Mesotherapy in this case is indispensable. This is the second stage. Even a small injection of ordinary needle is a kind of catalyst: blood sticks to the injured place, the cells begin to actively share, collagen and elastin is stimulated. The composition of the cocktail is selected individually. The course is about a month and a half. And prick (once a week) is better shallow to injure the skin. It is still stress for her. Do not strive for an instant result. It is better to achieve it gradually, but the effect will continue much longer. We also recommend combining ultrasound biorevitalization injections. The procedure (also once a week) is performed on a special hydrogel, its composition includes amino acids and all the same hyaluronic acid. This contributes to the removal of toxins and additionally saturates the skin moisture.

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