Katya Lel: "I love when you can rely on men"


The famous Washington Capitam striker is not the first sports star that appears in Kati Lel's rollers. Several years ago, the singer did not play against Pavel Bur, and this alliance provoked a whole wave of rumors. But Katya rumors is not afraid and play love with a famous athlete again.

"We are not just playing, we give the feelings that Nature put on us. I pressed him, I hug him - I hung, as if I was losing the most precious thing in my life. And we will need to create a feeling of such tactile sensuality, so that goosebumps crawled on the skin. We want to convey to the viewer that love is the most important thing in this life, "said Katya Lel.

The main thought was not so easy to convey, because in joint scenes Katya and Alexander, and the case "split": friends smiled and fell on the laughter for a few doubles, although they needed to portray everything as much as possible - to nourished each other, Froy in a millimeter from the alleged kiss. The acting was a serious test, first of all, for Alexander.

On the set of a new video Katya Lel and Alexander Bure laughed a lot.

On the set of a new video Katya Lel and Alexander Bure laughed a lot.

Lilia Charlovskaya

"Log in the image turned out to be the most difficult. I was told that you need to stand and build a serious man. But sometimes it was not easy to do it. I wanted to laugh. Plus - it was necessary to keep Katya on my arms at a certain angle. For me, this is the first full-fledged acting experience. Thank God, not the film: you are filmed 2-3 minutes, and everything is fine, "Alexander told us.

It should be noted that the singer and hockey player met in 2008 in a restaurant where the athlete celebrated victory.

"We exchanged phones, began to communicate, despite the fact that he was constantly in America and comes to Moscow twice a year," Katya told. - And recently, Sasha said in a joke: "You invited Buru in the clip, and I do not have!" After a while I got this song. Then I called Sasha and said: "I am ready to take your offer and lift together in the clip." True, it turned out that he flies in a few days. I had to urgently change all the plans. By the way, yesterday, just in case sent SMS Sasha: "How are you there? I worry". Did you not know what if you forgot? He wrote to me a phrase that immediately reassured me: "Trust me." And that's it. I love when you can rely on men. "

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